OctaScratch 1,615 members · 585 stories
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Share any headcanon stuff you might have about Vinyl and/or Octavia. I really like Vinyl's red eyes in fanon, but I've sadly seen less fanart of it ever since her real eye color was shown. So I like to imagine that her eyes actually are red, but she wears purple/magenta {Whatever the color name of her canon eye color is} contacts since her eyes are sensitive to light without them {Kind of like albino's}. I know contacts don't work that way, but this is a setting with multi-colored ponies learning about friendship that is also a literal weapon. I think some differences between RL and Equestria are acceptable.:twilightblush:

I also like to think that Vinyl actually likes all kinds of music besides dubstep. Some of which she's open and public about {Heavy Metal and Rock music}, others not so much.

4521209 Vinyl and Octavia create Symphonic Metal songs together.

Vinyl Scratch is a wild party animal workaholic alcoholic whose hangovers make her regularly miss Octavia's performances, which puts a strain on their relationship.

I have a couple different versions of these two depending on the story, but one thing fairly constant is Vinyl is classically trained. I've got one where both Vinyl and Octavia end up in jail for the night and Octavia makes some offhand comment about Vinyl not being able to tell the difference between two classical music pieces and Vinyl drunkenly gives a couple critiques on them.

Also I still hold that her eyes are red.

I mainly got this from My Roommate Is A Vampire {Which I enjoyed up until a certain point}, but I like to imagine that Vinyl's parents are Hoity Toity and Photo Finish, mainly because those 3 characters would make a very interesting family combination. Kind of random, but funny.

4521350 Er . . . right.

I mentioned earlier that my version of Vinyl likes all kinds of music, some of which she wants to keep a secret from the public. The stuff she likes that she doesn't want anyone to know about include 80's style love songs, pop songs, and other stuff. Imagine what would happen if Octavia caught Vinyl singing along to this song.:rainbowlaugh:


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