OctaScratch 1,615 members · 585 stories
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So I've noticed a huge influx of fanfics about Vinyl Scratch not talking/not being able to talk ever since Slice Of Life. Her fanon personality has pretty much been killed off now since there's practically no fanfics about her, and it pisses me off. Like, I don't even get the appeal of making her a mute, "She expresses herself through music"? Oooh, how original. It's not like that's never been done with a music based character before.*Sarcasm* What I loved about fanfics featuring the musical duo was the witty banter between them, the conflicting personality's, the hilarious moments and the "Odd Friendship"/"Opposites Attract" thing {Which one it is depends on whether the fanfic is a shipping story or not}, and making Vinyl into a mute completely destroys that. It's just like what happened to Deadpool in X-Men Origins, except worse because it's somehow becoming popular.

I'm very sorry if I sound like a jerk, but I'm really upset about this. I feel like I'll never see Fanon Vinyl again now, and it's making be mad and sad at the same time. I don't know what to do about this.

Personally, I haven't noticed a huge influx of those fics. Though it might also be because I don't really read a boatload of fan-fiction at a time anymore.

It's kinda natural. When something new happens, you see a deluge of fanfiction response to it. Don't worry, I am 100% positive you will see more of your preferred interpretation of Vinyl show up again. I'm certainly not planning on changing my interp of Vinyl my current project. :p

Try to be fair to the mute/quiet Vinyl fics though. Even if it isn't your preferred interp, some people do like and there are fun/interesting things that can be done with it. You don't have to like it! Just don't dismiss it out of hand.

4560543 I know. There actually is a Mute Vinyl fic I like and have in my faves. But in that story her lack of a voice isn't permenant, she still has the same fanon personality i know and love, and her muteness is used for dramatic effect at one point.

I actually do have an idea where Vinyl use to be mute, but she recently gained her voice, thus her newfound speaking ability is why she's a hammy loudmouth party animal like fanon use to portray her as. I would be somewhat okay with fics depicting her as mute if they didn't completely overshadow the more chatty and hilarious fanon version. I have anger issues I need to work on when it comes to stuff like this. I will keep what you said in mind though. Thanks.

I don't much like it either. I recognize that stories are being written as a response to the episode, but I myself much preferred Vinyl as she was before. That is how I have portrayed her in the past, and that is how I am going to portray her in the future.

It's not like all of those old stories are going anywhere. At the same time it's not (necessarily) like the "Mute" Vinyl stories are taking away from the "voiced" Vinyl stories. The Mute stories are happening because it's a new interesting idea that people felt inspired to write about. If it wasn't for the episode they might not have written any Vinyl story (mute or otherwise). Give it some time for the 100th episode to fade a bit and then see where Vinyl is in the fandom.

4560922 How does that work with hooves?

As we discussed in the other thread and concluded there that it wouldn't change much and just a phase click, it is something I noticed, there are a few good ones among it tbh. Its annoying for sure to some degree but as Andrewrogue said it happens everytime something happens in the show (dr whooves anyone).

Besides they already said in that interview at SDCC that she doesn't like talking, not that she can't talk. So even if you want to write canon Vinyl you can let her talk (perhaps only in presence of Octy).

You do know there were some 'Mute' flics before Slice of Life, right? I found some of those pretty good, and a few were in the OctaScratch collab that I enjoyed.
Then there are also things like Trust Me which I'm enjoying, even if Vinyl isn't at her most boisterous.
Thing is, people will write what they enjoy to write, or what people want to see, so 'Vocal' Vinyl fics will continue to come out, you just have to be patient


I'm not going to downvote you, but I am going to express some displeasure.

Right now, the only character's with any type of disability canonically at the moment are Scootaloo [deformed wings] and Derpy/Muffins.

The fact that Hasbro stepped out and said Vinyl doesn't talk is somewhat interesting, and something a friend and I had discussed at length. Frankly I'd somewhat prefer if Hasbro stepped out and admitted that she's also deaf, as many of her shown habits are very similar to those of some deaf people [affinity for vibration of music, lipreading, hiding of eyes behind glasses to hide said lip reading... Reliance on body language of others.]

As much as I love Fandom Vinyl, and I do love Fandom vinyl and the life that Nowhacking has breathed into her though her VA work, I don't feel that canon vinyl invalidates her in any way. But instead, could actually make the fandom version stronger should the fandom rally behind the canon version's limitations.


Well, what you said has been kind of invalidated already, though. They said at SDCC that she can talk, she just chooses not to.

Personally, I haven't seen all that many fics in response to it to be honest (Kind of thankfully, since I was the last person to make a threat on this), though that may be because I mainly stick to what's submitted to this group as OctaScratch, since I prefer a story that has Vinyl to also have Tavi, and I also may not have seen them because I don't often check out the "New Stories" section. Sifting through all the bad fics to find the good is just not my cup of tea.

I'm still disappointed in Twilicorn, and don't get me started on the destruction of the Golden Oaks library. Also, part of me still believes that Vinyl's eyes are red.

Every new piece of canon will always ruin some part of the fanon, be it large or small. In time, the fandom will adapt - it always does.


In all fairness you have to understand that it's probably a really good thing that they made Vinyl mute in canon. Vinyl is one of those characters that has such a solid character accepted by most of the fanbase and generally a universally accepted fanon voice actor (praise be to Nowacking) that if they gave her any voice besides Nowacking's, lots of people would be upset. And, if they let Nowacking voice Vinyl, then she'd never be allowed to do any fan work stuff with Vinyl Scratch ever again.

Also... so?

Fans will still have the fanon interpretation of Vinyl Scratch. I doubt that's going away permanently anytime soon and stories that feature that interpretation of her (i.e. University Days, Syncopation, etc.) will still be popular stories. What's wrong with having her being mute? I get that it rustles your jimmies because you're seeing a decrease in fanon Vinyl, but let's be real here. I very much enjoyed mute Vinyl in Slice of Life and making her mute opens up a lot of new possibilities for how her and Octavia's relationship works. We've seen lots of the fanon Vinyl, is it bad to be given a new way of looking at her so that the stories surrounding her can diversify a bit?

I get that you don't like mute Vinyl, but they in no way did to her what they did to Deadpool in X-Men Origins. Vinyl was still quirky even though she was mute, and they actually jumped the shark with the wub-cart. She was still Vinyl, just without Nowacking voicing her.

You've all made good points. I kind of regret making the thread since it's a melodramatic problem at best and whiny at worst, but it was really bothering me {And it still kind of does}. I do hope that some of you are right and it'll just come to pass over time. I do want to point out that I wouldn't have cared if they didn't get Nowacking to voice Vinyl if she did speak, just as long as the new actress could do a decent job {And quite frankly it's still weird that Derpy got to talk even after all the controversy that it caused before, but not Vinyl}.

4566071 Yeah, for Unicorns, but what about Earth Ponies?

4560449 Lol they probably couldn't get anybody to voice her when it came time to do the episode.

So I just want to say that I'm sorry for making this thread. I was being such a whiny twat. While I still really don't like the whole Mute Vinyl thing {And I doubt I ever will because I still can't see the appeal of it compared to her fanon self}, I shouldn't have went off on a whiny temper tantrum like I ended up doing. I was upset, but that doesn't excuse what happened. Sorry about all of that.

There's still one thing I don't understand. The rumor is that the reason Hasbro didn't let her talk in canon is because they didn't want to piss off fans by having anyone besides Nowacking voice her. Except, they allowed Derpy to talk {Even after the Derpygate shitstorm it caused years ago}, and she wasn't voiced by her fanon actress BaldDumboRat. No one got upset about it at all, so I doubt the same thing would have happened with Vinyl. I'm not mad anymore or anything. Just confused at this point.

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