OctaScratch 1,616 members · 585 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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To be entirely honest I'm not even sure it was on this site I read it so long ago. All I remember was Octavia bringing Vinyl to her show and lyra was with bon bon. I remember a very specific scene when all four were in a room and Lyra was making fun of Vinyls magic colour because it was glowing with Octavia's colour or something. I can't find this fic. Pls help. Rip.

5661899 why did you rip at the end?

I believe you are looking for Allegrezza

It has that scene

Yeah, like Gamer stated, that sounds like a scene from Allegrezza.

I will third that that sounds identical to the Allegrezza scene.

And I will fourth that that is from Allegrezza! A fantastic fic!

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