Fluttershy 2,928 members · 4,026 stories
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I have never once felt sorry for Fluttershy. Her brother is the only character in the show I feel sorry for, considering how poorly everyone treats him. I mean, was it really that hard for Zephyr to punch Fluttershy in the face and tell her "fuck off and treat me with more respect, you fucking bitch, or I'll feed you your own wings!" or something like that. It's what I would do if someone like Fluttershy treated me like that.

7767093 You didn't pay attention to this episode at all, did you? Fluttershy was the only one doing anything to help him because he was too lazy to get off his ass and do anything with his life. Given how he was mooching off his parents and then Fluttershy and kept sexually harassing Rainbow Dash not only in this episode but also in "Sparkle's Seven", I didn't feel sorry for this asshole one bit.

As 7767113 points out, Zephyr was not a nice pony. He was also leeching off his parents and doing nothing productive with his life. Sometimes a person needs a metaphorical kick up the arse to get their lives in order.

That thumb ratio isn't going to look very pretty within the near future.

While I'm all up for Zephyr as he could use a few more episodes to flesh out his character, the worst I recall that the characters of the show have done to him was Rainbow Dash zapping him with a storm cloud, all the other 'punches' were results from him avoiding work.

I think you might be blending canon with the way the fanbase tends to respond towards him.



Excuse me... what :rainbowderp:? Zephyr was mistreated... how exactly?

When we met him, Zephyr was a representation of entitled, manipulative people from real life who follow the 'world will provide' motto and refuse to contribute their fair share... Not only was he a freeloader but also a freeloader with disruptive tendencies who liked to bend the world around him to his 'vision' without consideration for others. A perfect example was when he was 'remodeling' his father's shed/attic/whatever and literally throwing away a precious collection of clouds because 'he needed space.'

Regardless of all his flaws, Fluttershy was willing to take him in and let him stay. All she asked for in return was that he gets a job and contributes - a 100% normal request that should go without saying. Heck, she even got him not one but multiple jobs! And he messed up each one without even trying :facehoof:!

What exactly did Fluttershy do here to deserve a punch in the face? And no, throwing him out does not count because any normal person living with someone like Zephyr would throw him out, too, eventually! Nobody wants to live with an entitled asshole.

Deep #6 · Nov 18th, 2022 · · 8 ·


Ignore the haters. I'm with you on this.

I'd actually be interested in a story by you where Zephyr punches Fluttershy in the face like that and punishes her.



Watch it, or I'm gonna write it :rainbowdetermined2: But you can be sure that in my version, Fluttershy will punch him back... HARD :rainbowlaugh:

Also, the counter of people who didn't get your sarcasm: 2 :ajsmug:

Isn't like sarcasm hard to get across in text? Tbh i just thought this was a troll. Like bait post.




You do realize how ridiculous that sounds right?

Zephyr was mistreated poorly by everyone? Fluttershy deserves a punch in the face for that? He deserved to be treated with more respect?

Okay, it'd be one thing if Zephyr actually put in the effort not to be such a moocher and treat his sister and parents like his caretakers. As well as not only getting a job but also keeping it instead of losing it the very next day. For nearly the entire episode, Zephyr has proven to be entitled, greedy, ungrateful, and an uncaring bum that had zero problems taking advantage of Fluttershy and their Mom and Dad. I'd be at least somewhat more sympathetic towards him if Zephyr's character was dived into more as to why he is the way he is, and why he gives up on things so easily. Even so, whatever issues he does have, it was made almost painfully obvious that he needed a reality check and that he would get nowhere if he continued like this. I do not in any way see how Fluttershy is to blame for his entitlement at all.

In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, "That's the wrong answer you stupid idiot!"

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