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Let's say, instead of a rainbow beam, the Elements of Harmony gave the Luna 6 Sentai/Power Rangers powers. What color do you think each of the Luna 6 would be? I think they would be this.

Trixie: Red
Lyra: Blue
Raindrops: Black
Carrot Top: Green
Cheerilee: Pink
Ditzy: Yellow

What do you think their gimmick should be? Mythological Creatures? Trains? Solar bodies?

Group Admin

Well, celestial bodies is my personal choice, specifically constellations. Trixie gets the Ursa, of course...

And suddenly I have in my head the image of a big head of Luna inside a container

:trollestia: Aaahhh!! After a thousand years I'm free

Celestia escaped, it's time to call the Pony Rangers!


Even so, I think something similar was in the MLP Loops

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Tricky to say. My first instinct would be to ignore sentai color tradition and just match their suit colors to their elemental gems.

Raindrops (orange) -- Lyra (red) -- Trixie (magenta) -- Carrot Top (violet) -- Cheerilee (blue) -- Ditzy (green)

As for their mecha/zords, I'd theme each vehicle after their cutie marks (or at least something loosely associated) and have the combined form be a giant robo-alicorn.


Trixie being something other than red could even work in so far as being the unknown sixth element, shed likewise be functionally the six ranger. Weirdly that would make Lyra "leader", but sentia occasionally plays loose with that concept anyway, so it wouldn't be unheard of for her to be at the center of any formation even if on a technicality Cheerilee was leader. If it had to force them into more traditional colors.

Raindrops (yellow) -- Lyra (red) -- Carrot Top (black w/ purple for her energy glow) -- Cheerilee (blue) -- Ditzy (pink)

Trixie might then be the white/silver ranger.


Hmm. Gonna offer a slight comment on the color scheme. Usually in Power Rangers the color theme went:

Red is the perfect one,
Black is the brooding bad boy,
Green’s the clown,
and Yellow [or Pink] is… the girl.

And Blue is Scottish.

With that in mind, I'd swap Lyra and Carrot Top's colors. As for theme ... mythical creatures is a bit awkward seeing as most of those creatures actually exist in MLP. I just imagine it going:

Raindrops: Haha! I'm the Minotaur Ranger!
Minotaur: ... Excuse me? I find this offensive!

Celestial bodies could work ... but that risks turning this into a straight up Sailor Scout expy. Using constellations is iffy since Ursas are real creatures. Plus, who'd want to be the Cancer Ranger? At best, it turns into a crabs joke. At worst ... The rest of the constellations are weird too. A fish? A bull? Some scales? Twin humans? Some Greek dudes? Unless you indicate other worlds in Equestria's solar system--which we've never been given any indication of--there's only so many stellar bodies you could name before it starts getting a bit abstract.

Trixie: I'm the Moon Ranger!
Cheerilee: I'm the Nebula Ranger!
Raindrops: I'm the Blackhole Ranger...wait, why am I the blackhole? Those suck!
Lyra: Muahaha! I'm the ... Gas Giant Ranger? HEY!
Carrot Top: I'm the Galaxy Ranger!
Trixie: Wait a minute, a Galaxy is bigger than a star! I should be the Galaxy Ranger!
Derpy: I'm the ... what's left? Star Ranger? No ... those are just far away suns. Hrm. I'm the ... Quasar Ranger? Anyone know what those are?
Trixie: You're the Asteroid Ranger. Those are always crashing into things.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Red isn't always the leader, he's just always the main character, so Trixie is Red.

Ditzy is a motherly figure and there is no better color than Pink for the role.

Raindrops is the stoic one. That role is either given to Blue or Black. That said there has been a few broody Green and also strong Yellows in the past.

Cheerilee is the humorous one, and that's usually a role given to Green. She's also something of a second in command or active leader, depending on how much Trixie wants to take charge, and has a shady past, meaning she could fill in as Black or Blue as well. Or even White.

Carrot Top is associated with nature and plants, a natural pick for that is Green. She's also the girly one, so she could easily fit in as Yellow.

Lyra is a tough one. She could fit many different color archetypes. She could a smart Blue, a youthful energetic Green, or an unusual color like White. Hmm

Putting all this together I think a good setup would be

Red Trixie
Blue Raindrops
Black Cheerilee
Green Lyra
Yellow Carrot Top
Pink Ditzy


Red is the perfect one,
Black is the brooding bad boy,
Green’s the clown,
and Yellow [or Pink] is… the girl.

In what you base that? I remember the first season of Power Rangers I see (Mighty Morphin) and Black was not exactly the "Bad boy" it was green for a time until they managed to let him join the team


Check the link. It's an in-tongue self-assessment of the general trend among Ranger teams. It's not an absolute rule but it isn't far off.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I'd say it was more so a joke at that particular season rather an overall trend of the series as a whole. I can't really recall that many brooding blacks, red is hardly always perfect, and pink is really the color that is more so the "girl", especially as some yellows have been boys.


Trust me, the joke was more overall than particular. And if you watch enough History of Power Rangers, you begin to see why the show writers inserted that bit of self-referential humor. And in that particular season, they had no Pink Ranger, hence why they said Yellow was the girl. Heck, even the Power Rangers Wikia analyzes general trends among the colors:

The Red Ranger is a designation given to one of the main characters in every season of Power Rangers. The Red Ranger is usually the leader of the team, although there have been times where rangers of other colors have been leaders. In recent times, Red Rangers have also been given the role of hot-headed rookie. Red Rangers also usually receive the most powerful weapons.

The Yellow Ranger is usually a subordinate member of the team and are usually the teams' morale boosters (with the exception of Taylor, who once was the Wild Force Rangers' leader before Cole's arrival and a rather strong-willed individual) or level-headed in the time of crises. Yellow Rangers are primarily female with a few males.

The Blue Ranger is a title given to a character in every Power Rangers series. While the original Blue Ranger was a serious team member and represented "the smart one", subsequent Blue Rangers have been pushed to the position of "comic relief." Blue Rangers are generally male, however recent seasons have had female Blue Rangers...In Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers in Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers S.P.D., and Power Rangers Samurai the Blue Ranger serves as second in command.

The Green Ranger is a designation given to several characters in Power Rangers. The Green Ranger in a core team is usually a comic relief character. Green Rangers who are Sixth Rangers tend to be serious powerhouse characters.

Those were all direct quotes. As for the particulars of the quote from the show, I'd say that when she said "perfect" she meant that the Reds were usually the serious, driven leadership-types and "brooding" reflected that Black Rangers were a bit more colorful than the norm.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Those trends might be true if we were only counting the Disney era, but over all I'm just not seeing it, especially when it comes Black Rangers. I think there's also a big difference between serios/driven and "perfect". And while the series in question didn't have a pink, yellows in generally aren't usually defined by their "girliness", even when they are the only girl on the team.

Really, green being the clown is the only one I find even remotely valid.

5004298 Hey you forgot the whole Teenagers with Attitude bit.

Group Contributor


I like that idea. Any idea of who would be who? A zodiac theme won't be too bad either.

Zodiac. *giggle* Sorry, I'm recently watching Kamen Rider Fourze.

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I have actually done quite of bit of thought about doing this story as a one shot. This is what I have come up with so far. I had a bit of trouble with Carrot Top. If you have a better suggestion, feel free to make it.

Trixie: Ursa
Lyra: Cygnus
Raindrops: Hercules
Cheerilee: Libra
Ditzy: Sagittarius
Carrot Top: Draco

Corona creates monsters by plucking stars(which are star beasts in the Lunaverse) and transforms them into monsters. So every time a monster is created and destroyed, there is one less star in the sky. I was also thinking about making Bon-Bon one of Corona's minions. Not by choice mind you. She shares the blood of one of Corona's minions in the past and Corona uses that to transform and control her. She still has the secret identity of Bon-Bon, and only Corona knows her true identity.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

5172061 ...Why isn't Lyra the LYRA constellation? :p

And Carrot Top should be Ophiucus, what with its association with medecine. Or she could be Scorpio, because she wanted to ride that gian scorpion in the contest of champion (though I suppose her riding the wyvern is why she's Draco?).

5162648 Funny you mention that... I got a Zodiarts switch recently... And eventually bought a Fourze Driver and four Switch two packs :p

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Lyra is Cygnus because he is both a musician and lies next to the constellation Lyra. Lyra being the Lyra ranger didn't sound right to me.

I was thinking that Carrot Top should be Draco because he was the guardian of the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. A bit of silly play on her relationship with AJ. Scorpio isn't a bad choice though. Ophiucus is a very good answer. I think I will probably go with that one.

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