The Lunaverse 2,574 members · 203 stories
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Group Admin

Stealing this idea from Fizzy. It's been a few months since the last one, but I think we should have another one. And given the importance of the subject matter, I think we want a few extra days of lead-in.

For those who don't remember the rules: I post a theme, and you have to write a story set in the Lunaverse about that theme. As long as the story is approved by the FiMfiction mods then it fits this little event.

The deadline for this particular event is October 31st; however, in order to beat the glut of stories in general likely to be submitted on that day, you should probably try and submit your stories starting on October 21st.

Try to have fun, and don't worry about consequences of the story. We particularly welcome new members and aspiring authors to use this opportunity as a no-pressure test-run in the 'verse!

And the theme of the October writing event? Nightmare Night, of course!

(For sake of ease we can just keep calling it Nightmare Night in the Lunaverse even though there was never a Nightmare Moon)

Happy writing!

Group Admin

My own story, incidentally, will have my own explanation for why it's called Nightmare Night still. But you can feel free to ignore it or provide one of your own. It is, after all, non-canon.

Group Contributor

...oh you magnificent bastard.....

......Must have Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara in matchig costumes. Or at leats costumes that go together.

Might go for this one! Thanks for bringing these back! :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

Awesome, I really want to write a story for Nightmare Night. Hmm, now which character should scare the crap out of... :rainbowwild:

'Tis the Night when the black stallion cloaked in white walks the earth once again. Every year on All Hallows Eve, HE treads the realm of the living, spinning tales of woe, horror, and pain beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. That night holds delicious morsels, raw fear ripe for the taking. 31 days, 31 tales, each to spin a new aspect of the terror mortals can stoop to see or become. HE feeds on the fears HIS tales induce, and like the falling moon or dying dusk, HE vanishes when the month is over, HIS fearful succor attained.

Until next year, when fear is ripe for the plucking...

I Thought I Was Toast
Group Contributor

Darn it... I really want to do this one, but I'm not sure I'll have the time... And if I do have the time that means it'll be taking away from the time I should be spending writing all my episode ideas... Gosh darn... Why does college make me feel so busy even when I have one of the lightest workloads compared to my friends?

1813644 Are you asking which character should scare the horse apples out of RD? If so, than Raindrops is a good one.

Group Contributor

Perhaps. I was thinking maybe Trixie screwing everyone around with pranks then they all scheme to get her back or something.

Group Contributor

As a newer member to the group, I am totally in on this. The Lunaverse is what got me into creatively writing again and is made of both win *and* awesome.

I'm thinking a trip down to Neigh Orleans for some zombies and voodoo and cajun Trixie (who is the best Trixie).

Laissez le bon temps rouler mes amies! :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

I wonder what Nightmare Night is like in Canterlot Castle...

Fancy Pants: "Left Luna, what are you doing?"
Left Luna: "I'm dressing up as an adorable page and going around asking for candy!"
Fancy Pants: "And Right Luna?"
Right Luna: "I'm dressing up as a fearsome monster and going around scaring the nobles that are mean to the common ponies!"
Fancy Pants: "Okay... and, um, Center Luna?"
Center Luna: "I lost the bet. I'm the one that's in meetings with Wallflower and Blueblood all night."
Fancy Pants: "Oh, so that's why you're dressed like a sad clown."
Center Luna: "It seemed fitting."

Group Contributor

Awesome I was a tad worried about that. :twilightblush: Can't wait to read it. I might be able to participate, maybe not, i'm rather swamped sadly. Cool set up regardless.

Go ahead. I'm doing the exact same thing for October, but not for the Lunaverse. Go ahead and use it if you want. Anyone can if they want.

Group Contributor

Question about this,

can the story we use for the writing even be a chapter of an already exisitng story that we are currently doing?

Because I am doing a Halloween centric story collection myself and I had an idea of something I could add

Group Admin

As long as it's Lunaverse, yeah, sure.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

I got an idea in mind that I think could be fun hehe...

Also in my story Snails will be disguised as a pony Jean-Henri Fabre. I just need a proper pony-esque name for him HMMM...

Jean-Henson Fabreton?

DT as Red Riding Hood and Scoots as Big Bad Wolf.

Group Contributor

1814444 know, that actually makes sense.....

Group Admin

Well, it's not without precedent, canonizing something from these writing events. But the fic is only just barely going to include any Lunaverse characters; its cast will be 99% OCs. So I'd feel weird canonizing it.

Group Contributor


:trixieshiftright: I approve of this Octoberfest you speak of

Group Admin

You can write an Octoberfest story if you just won't be part of the event.

If I can grab some extra free time, I think I might attempt this.:rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

1814936: "Revenge of the haunted bratwurst!"

Comment posted by nightelf37 deleted Sep 24th, 2013
Talon and Thorn
Group Contributor

Drat, I had all my time planned and now this comes along and I just have so many ideas.

I had planned a dark Cheerilee story based on the Tell Tale heart (It might still come out as its done) but now I have a story based on the Buffy the Vampire slayer story with the cursed costumes that turn you into them.

It'll probably a collection of short stories based on each of the mane 6 rather than anything looking into why its happening in any depth (Rarity borrowing a book from Twilight, random discordian, wave of wild magic?) so far my minds gone to super hero's so I have

Princess Plantinum (Raindrops) being saved from a pack of Diamond Dogs (Randon Ponyvillians) by Spiderstallion (Snails) and Captain Equestria (Snips).


Bat Stallion (Heavy Roller) and Robin (Scootaloo) stopping the plans of Catmare (Cheerilee) and Poison Ivy (Carrot Top)

Other vague ideas

Twixie dressing as her grandfather and ending up like Zatanna with Pokey as a Rabbit vs Twilight as a wicked witch .

Lyra and Bon Bon having something like Orphius's journey into the underworld

Pinkie and Blueblood as each other?

Not sure about Ditzy and Dinky, Lion and lion taimer?


Twixie dressing as her grandfather and ending up like Zatanna with Pokey as a Rabbit vs Twilight as a wicked witch .

Not to mess with your story, but assuming you want to keep them in-character before they are changed into their costumes, wouldn't Twilight choose to dress up as Clover the Clever(I think she and M!Twilight had a tiff over who was better, Star Swirled or Clover. Given M!Twilight dressed as Star Swirled for Nightmare Night, wouldn't L!Twilight instead choose Clover?) over a generically wicked witch?

Talon and Thorn
Group Contributor


That's a good point although I'm looking for conflict between characters, humm, I sounds mean but maybe someone still bitter about the ursa thing stole / slashed her original costume although it would seem bad to them make her the villain for that bit of the story.

Maybe Trixie and Twilight could be the sane mare's for the story not being effected for some reason.

It might fit with the costumes created by Rarity using a spell she doesn't fully understand, Trixie didn't buy the costume she used one of her grandfather's and Twilight either ordered in from Canterlot or built it herself to her own specifications.

I've also got the idea that Nightmare night is a new 'tradition' started by Luna based on a suggestion from her other self "The fun shall be doubled in your world as well."

Talon and Thorn
Group Contributor


I did suggestion something like that to Fizzy, rather than have individual stories have them as a collaborative with linking chapters with Luna, corona, Pokey, Trixie introducing each section like the crypt keeper of Elvira.

Group Contributor

1817147 Darn, there goes my irst idea....

Raindrops having to run herd on Snails and friends! Wacky high jinks! Mine!:pinkiecrazy:

I was totally gonna write something that had RDs being roped into chaperoning a bunch of annoying foals (and Snails) for some reason I never explained. Oh well.

Talon and Thorn
Group Contributor


Well if you want to colab on something I'm open to it, I've not even got a solid framing idea (If I have use one at all) all I currently have somewhat straight in my head are the two superhero based sections and their fairly short.

Hell, I've been thinking of trying to join the Lunaverse, this seems as good a time as any. I'm thinking maybe a foal-centric one, telling from some of the eyes of the lil' ones? Oh, and if you don't mind, what exactly is meant to be Alula's personality and such? We haven't seen much of her yet :twilightblush:

All the foals think she's really wise and smart because she's a pegacorn which looks like just like an alicorn but all she wants to do is make pottery sculptures.
Also kind of shy and self-conscious about not being as good as either the pegasi or the unicorn foals at their respective magics since she has to pick which one to work on. At least, that's what I've gleaned over time.

1820188 Alright thanks, do you think she opens up a little more towards some of the other foals specifically? I'm thinking Dinky because she gives everyone toothaches, anyone else?

1820259 She probably would, especially towards Dinky. Maybe Twist, too? Idk, not too sure on that since I haven't done too much (or any really) writing for the LVerse yet.

1820346 Alright thanks, i'm gonna start throwing around ideas ^^ On that note, anyone who'd be willing to let me bounce stuff off them? Much appreciated.

Group Admin

Well, Magic Tutor makes her seem like she's friends with another foal named Firelock...whom we haven't met yet.

The best way to characterize Alula is probably "Fluttershy,"

Group Contributor


I suggest bouncing Alula off Featherweight as well, since I showed they actually are friends in CHeerilee's Date.

Group Admin

1820734: Aw, now I can see her getting spooked by a boisterous Scootaloo and going home and hiding in one of her big pots.

*lid cracks off the pot and Alula peaks out* "Is it safe now?"
*PInkie bursts in shooting confetti everywhere*
*Alula hides again*

Group Contributor


That or her moment of fear causes a burst of powerful magic from her horn that then results in all the foals kneeling before thier new alicorn queen.

Group Admin

1820889: Luna: ... "wait, we have a foal queen now? I have a bad feeling about this.:
Queen Alula: "My first ruling is, candy for everypony! My second... uh... be nice to others!"
Fancy Pants: "You know, princess, we've been trying to get that 'be nice to others' one passed for years and it keeps getting held up in committee."
Distant courtier: "Being a mean jerkwad is an inalienable right!"
Other courtier: "If I couldn't look down on common ponies, my life would have no meaning!"
Luna: "...Alula can stay."

Talon and Thorn
Group Contributor


That is hilarious, and so true.


Group Contributor

1819595 You could maybe do one with Trixie. Actually, we could divide up the foals, have our stories link.

1822504 That could be cool. I'd totally be willing to do that.

1820734 Thank you very much! I'm also thinking of using Firelock. I was wondering, should she be portrayed as crazy energetic, or have I misinterpreted?

Alright thanks, the help is appreciated. I'm currently running through a drafted opening scene and am working on what the general plot should be. Would anyone be willing to let me throw some plot ideas at them? I have a few but i'm not sure if they would work well or not.

1822504 I would also be into this idea, if you'd be fine with a newbie joining in that is ^^

Well I've never written anything here either so I'm a newbie writer too. Just PM us and we'll alternate passing around ideas.

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