The Lunaverse 2,575 members · 203 stories
Comments ( 145 )
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Group Admin

Scarecrow seems to have deleted his "I'm quitting" thread. Fair enough. Still, he did have a few valid points. Notably the continuity lockout thing, which is in fact something I've been worried about.

It's a problem that any universe faces sooner or later. I'd appreciate suggestions to help alleviate it.


I think another problem is that I'm just not online often enough to deal with many problems as they crop up. Part of this is my stupid work schedule, part of this is the fact that I'm just easily distracted, particularly at the moment as I'm working on some non-pony, D&D related stuff. I've considered designating a few people as moderators...specifically, at the risk of calling them out, Fizzy Orange, Emeral Bookwise, GrassAndClouds2, and InsertAuthorHere (if the last is still around).

There's actually good reasoning behind each of them. Emeral was one of the first readers and is quite active on the forum. Grass is also active and is the most prolific Lunaverse writer. Fizzy Orange has, I think, the firmest grasp on what I want the Lunaverse to be like, even if it isn't always quite like it. And lastly, IAH is a great author (one of my top-5 favorite stories on FiMFiction is by him, and I've pretty much head-canonized Keeping Your Hooves on the Ground), and just as importantly is good at letting us know when we're acting like idiots with regard to the canon universe.

I'd appreciate thoughts on that, as well. Especially from Emeral, Grass, Fizzy, and IAH.

Group Contributor

This is tricky, because in some ways the main strength of the Lunaverse can also turn against the ability for new people to get in on it.

An example of this in my mind was what happened with my own "Don't Go Down to the River" story, where in using Sunset Shimmer made me trip over plans that I had no idea were in place at the time, and when I sent a PM about making changes to possibly be made canonical, I never got a response.

I mean, that is kind of the big issue in my mind. Sometimes the brainstorming threads move so bloody fast that decisions get made and you can completely miss it.

So the end result was that I turned back to working on my own fiction universe for a bit, since I have complete control there.

People *want* their stories to be part of the canon, I think. That's part of the appeal of the universe. So when they can't make it in there, it feels like they're locked out and part of the "hanger's on" group.

The best solution for this in my mind is just more open communication. Being told what can be done to fix story ideas and to get the capital "C" mark on their efforts. Perhaps when debates reach a lock on an issue, someone needs to be able to make the call, rather than the whole issue just kind of crawling to a halt.

That's my thoughts at least.

That sound reasonable for me.

2561120 As long as there's no hard reboot like this?

I'm fine

Group Contributor


*twitches and opens up on the Nu52 with an assault rife*

Group Admin




And no "One More Day" either.

But Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe has actually made me sort of come around to the idea of the Superior Spider Man...


Group Admin

I could have sworn I responded to you about that...

Argh. Again, this is why moderators might be a good idea.

2561156 Well don't get too comfortable as everyone's favorite Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is coming back this year!!!

My reaction?

Group Contributor

Hmm, I only take continuity lockout so seriously, not as an attempt to be dismissive of the problem, but the TV Tropes page does make note of this:An intricate series-spanning plot often results in a stronger and more interesting overall show. You may not catch as many fans, but the ones you do get are yours for life.
This is more or less my take on the matter, episodic shows are good, but you can't really tell a good overarching story with them, heck it's hard to even pull overarching character development. Not impossible, but harder and still runs the risk of confusing the reader if they look at things out of order, which is their choice.

Still I can see you are taking this seriously, so i'm obliged to try and offer something of use. There could be seasonal recaps, possible blog posts or forum posts. Though we can't be sure fans will know where to look for them.
Episode title could also be categorized differently, one's that are part of the overarching plot being marked somehow so people know what to look for.
Or even a thread/forum thing that, is similar to the bible, but just covering episodes/seasonal development.
A Wiki could also be of use. Perhaps providing link to the L!verse bible in our story summaries could help as well.

Group Contributor


More moderators might be a good idea, but the question then becomes by which standards we make those decisions. How much the candidate has written themselves? Their presence on the forums? Sheer availability?

Tis not a bad idea, but I think we'd just have to be careful on how we handled it.

No worries on the response thing though. Things happen. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I don't know. I think we need some moderation here...but what we also need a bit more open discussion. At points it feels like we have a bunch of big names throwing their weight around and keeping anyone new from joining in.

I would love to join as a moderator, although my schedule is rather limited as well right now (two-hour round trip commutes will do that).

Sorry I'm not more helpful right now. Today's been a very long day.


Which makes Superior Spider-Man...

Group Admin

I'm still sorry, though...

2561197 And I'm okay with that :ajsmug:


Lev the Lurker
Group Contributor

Okay, so let me make sure I understand this: a lot of people who read the Lunaverse want to add stories to it, which is kinda who the whole thing started, and there's a handful of authors who got in early/write fast and well that have become de factor core writers. New readers who want to add to the verse then come up with ideas which they think are cool, but when they propose/write them, they're often told that it doesn't fit into the core writer's canon, and then get upset because their stories are labeled fanfic, which they see as a bad outcome. A good example of this being Scarecrow, who was prolific in the amount of story ideas but couldn't seem to create one that would be accepted into canon, and thus he left. That about sum it up? (I missed the original quit thread, btw)

Group Contributor


This feels like a false equivalencly to me. Having continuity and plot does not automatically lock out new fans, nor new people who want to get in on writing for a universe. Especially since the continuity is listed out on the front page of the group in terms of the episodes.

The problem is that decisions get made sometimes and people just don't know about it. The problem is that Emerald Bookwise and I can argue about dinosaurs for pages, and then the whole thing just grinds to a halt because neither one of us will back down, but no actual decision on whether the idea will be canon or not is made.

People are trying to get in, but it feels like there's no room sometimes and there's no direction on *how* to get in.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2561120 I do my best :twilightblush: Whenever I work on fanfics, matching the tone of the original, while making full use of the lack of technical restriction and other outside influence that limits the scope of the original, is my top priority. Unless I'm going for something crazy...or naughty :raritywink:

I'm glad you think I get your goal, and I think I spend more time around here than you do so I'm perfectly willing to help in any way you see fit.

As for continuity lockout, maybe a 'clip show' might be useful to highlight some of the important events of the first season. Maybe framed as the L6 telling a journalist or book writer about their adventures. It might also be a good reference material for significant canon events.

2561143 That's unfortunate. This is something I wouldn't mind helping out with, since, like I mentionned, I'm around alot. I also have a pretty good memory for all those crazy stuff we pull out.

I also think that, unless some words are written down, all the plans we make in the Brainstorming Threads are just plans and not set in stone yet. There's always room for change if the idea is good enough and the writing compelling. éoff course the idea still has to match the tone.

Group Contributor


This feels like a false equivalencly to me. Having continuity and plot does not automatically lock out new fans, nor new people who want to get in on writing for a universe. Especially since the continuity is listed out on the front page of the group in terms of the episodes.

Ah sorry, if I seemed out of place there. The idea of continuity lockout has been brought up by another member before and his take on it, to me, seemed to be that the larger plot or 'arcs' were the issue. I didn't agree, but TV Tropes seemed to have a similar idea, so I was going of that.

Hmm you do raise a number of good points though, on the discussion lockout, maybe we should impose a sort of limit on BR threads and singular idea discussions?

Like each BR thread can only go up to ten pages before we make a new on. And when two people disagree for more than say six back and forth posts, both have to stop for an hour, come back fresh and lay all their cards on the table and RDD or someone makes a call, or at least gives direction to the debate?

Group Admin


They wasted almost two years worth of comics, made a bunch of crap about Peter dying forever, and proceeded to spit on everything that made him a hero, turning him into the saddest sack of crap in the entire universe...all for a story that will mean absolutely nothing. We had to endure watching someone who, just a story or two before this, had attempted to commit planetary genocide because he wanted the world to die with him, call out Peter Parker because he doesn't snap the Green Goblin's neck. Or, for that matter, Peter Parker suddenly becoming such an asshole that he's willing to prevent Doc Ock from saving a child's life - a child that, I remind you, Doctor Octopus injured in the first place.

Superior Spider-Man sucked worse than most of Marvel and DC's output these days. I've said it before and I'll say it again: when the comics about pastel miniature horses are better written than anything the "mainstream" is producing, the world has truly turned upside-down.

Is this where I laugh at the lunaverse's attempt at self-strangulation only for it to get treatment and enroll in a program to fix itself?

Group Admin


I don't know. I think we need some moderation here...but what we also need a bit more open discussion. At points it feels like we have a bunch of big names throwing their weight around and keeping anyone new from joining in.

I agree, but that's a two-way street. I do try to get to everyone I can, but I have only so much time myself, and the reason why people like Emeral, Grass, vazak, RK, etc., get most of my responses, is because they post the most.

It's not intentional.

I would love to join as a moderator, although my schedule is rather limited as well right now (two-hour round trip commutes will do that).

If you're up to it, I'd like it. I have an idea to create a sort of Quorum of Canon wherein myself and all the moderators (which I'm shooting for 4) would decide what is and isn't canon, rather than keeping everything under my sole control. It'd take away some of the control I tyrannically gave myself a month or so back, but I think it would also make us more dynamic as a group.

Also it would make for a good vetting arena to prevent things like, for example, horrible demonization of those dastardly canon characters.

Group Admin


Also it would make for a good vetting arena to prevent things like, for example, horrible demonization of those dastardly canon characters.

...Actually, I was meaning to get back to you about that. I think Applejack was...

Um, why's that cannon pointed at my face?

Group Admin

Yes. Also something about bat ponies.

Good, solid point. Which is another reason for a Quorum of Canon; one of the things being listed could be ongoing "wish list" of stories or "discouraged ideas."

2561248 I said I was okay with it, not that I liked it in the least. I didn't have much choice but to accept it since it was going to be around for a bit, even I knew that.
I feel the same way. I'm actually reading Superior Spider-Man because, I just have to see where they are taking this train wreck. Also I'm reading it so no one can come back at me with

"Hey, you haven't read it so you don't know if it's good!"

I've been reading and I will give this series a COUPLE of props.

1: Seeing what Otto Octavius is like on a day to day basis, how he thinks, acts, etc. It's actually very interesting since Ock is one of my favorite Spider-Man villains.

2: Otto's girlfriend. She's actually very interesting, nice, and all around likable. I like the fact she's a little person as well since I've had some really good friends who were little people and I always think they're drastically underplayed in media or used too much for laughs. Anna Maria Marconi is not just used for laughs. There's an actual romance with them and when Peter ever comes back I would want to see that continued.

If they wanted to have Otto transfer his mind into Peter's body........... Why not use a clone? I mean, Otto is pretty damn smart. He could have stolen the Jackal's notes on how to properly clone someone, made the clone, then pulled the same mind thing he did with Peter. Difference being it's not Peter dying in Ock's body, it's Peter dying in his own. A cloned body sure, but at least it wouldn't be in the body of a villain.
And due to Otto being a new body, without the damage that the radiation that fused his tentacles to his body causing him the brain damage which is WHY he was a supervillain in the first place, he begins to legitimately regret what he's done and uses Peter's memories to be a "superior" Spider-Man for the purpose of doing it to help people and not just to say he can do it better than Peter.
You see, there is literally NO reason why Otto would still act like a supervillain in Peter's body. He literally does almost everything a supervillain would do, but does it for the good side of things. That's the big hook

"Superhero acting like supervillain, but is still a superhero"

However if Dan Slott knew ANYTHING about Doctor Octopus he would know that the driving force, the ONLY reason Otto Octavius is a supervillain, is due to brain damage. Otto has had moments before where he's able to think clearly and rationally and has expressed SINCERE regret and wanted to go back to being a scientist so he could help people. However he always ended up going back to being a villain because of the brain damage.

Group Contributor


If you're up to it, I'd like it. I have an idea to create a sort of Quorum of Canon wherein myself and all the moderators (which I'm shooting for 4) would decide what is and isn't canon, rather than keeping everything under my sole control. It'd take away some of the control I tyrannically gave myself a month or so back, but I think it would also make us more dynamic as a group.

That sounds... kind of risky and kind of like a big awkward moment, or blow up waiting to happen. Your call though, but you may want to hold the authority to shut down any discussion that gets out of hand. Though personally, I feel just your control works, given how separated everyone is by time and geography and work. Though a nominal canon status could be interesting, sort of like a moderator sponsoring someone;'s story?

Group Admin

Uh...when I said I liked Superior Spider Man, I had forgotten all that. I just liked Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe, which had him as kind of an ass but still acting basically like a hero. A sarcastic hero, but a hero nonetheless.

Plus there was a great scene where Spider Ock and [random scientist] are building a contraption for reasons, and...

Scientist: [working on device, not looking at Spider Ock] You know, we've actually met before.
Spider Ock: [Also working] Oh?
Scientist: [still working] Yeah. Your enemy Doctor Octopus kidnapped me so that I could build a spaceship and he could destroy the world or something.
Spider Ock: [Looks up, stares at scientist]
Scientist: [still working] But I sabotaged it and it exploded on the launch pad. The best part is, Doctor Octopus thought that he'd made a mistake somewhere!
Spider Ock: ...Thank. You.

Group Contributor


Quorum of Canon huh? That's not a bad idea, really. Kind of a Roman Senate of what ideas will and will not be made cannon.

Just so long as we can avoid any stabbings....:rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

2561311 2561301
Yeah, stabbings should be kept to an absolute minimum. It's just an idea I'm floating.

Group Admin


I have no idea who Longshot is, I have never been a fan of the X-Men outside of the 90s FOX show, and the title reminds me of one of my least favorite comics of all time, The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, aka when Garth Ennis showed up and screwed him up forever.

(Although, does Longshot save the entire Marvel Universe this time? All of it? Not just New York, but every planet, star system, etc? Because Punisher Kills only had him kill off the New York characters and didn't, say, have him gun down Galactus or anything. Which he could do since Ennis was writing him and anyone with superpowers and isn't Kryptonian is at best a total loser and, at worst, a child-raping psychopath who only because a hero so he can have more children to rape while eating their brains. Unless they're Catholic, where they'll also be stepping on puppies' skulls during all that and downing enough beer to drown half the United States every half hour.)

(I hate Garth Ennis so much.)

Re: Continuity Lockout, I feel that as long as one reads Longest Night, Longest Day first, the rest will seem, for the most part, relatively comprehensible. But that's just one brony's opinion.

Group Contributor


It has merit, I think.

Like I said before. I think that the current issue is the lack of direction and knowing what you can do. A strong "yay or nay" can go a long way towards fixing that. I do think that we would need to couple it with advice on what one can do to make their own efforts work, in some manner.

If people are excited about ways they can be part of the universe, I think that we should be looking for ways to get them in, rather than lock them out.

Of course that is my RPG GM mindset talking, so take that for what it is. :scootangel:

Lev the Lurker
Group Contributor

Mker, just wanted to make sure I had a close enough grasp before commenting, cause yeah... haven't been around much lately xD

First off, I'm always in favor of a council thing, as long as the councilors all know that they're supposed to have differing opinions and can disagree amicably. It helps balance out decision making, makes sure that there's multiple authority figures with a range of views that people with possible complaints can go to who they feel will understand them, and quite frankly more views make discussions better. It has the possibility to develop into drama if factions form within the council, but the key to that is picking the right people while also having one person who acts like a pirate captain: absolute commander in times of battle, but obligated to listen to the crew during discussions and willing to be outvoted for the good of the group. So yeah, go for it.

A lot of my other opinions... well, I can already counter most of them with "But bronies try to be more inclusive and act better than that as a fandom" so not really sure I can offer many personal opinions that'd be useful, but two things that I want to say on the subject:

1. The Lunaverse is a series. Anyone who started with Half-Blood Prince because they heard the series was popular but didn't want to spend the time on the rest of the books is an idiot, and personally one of the appeals of the Lunaverse was the long list of backlogged stories that I could assume were of above-average quality compare to most fanfiction that came with it.

2. You already have a rather large team of collaborative writers who can make work of good quality at a good pace. I don't think that adding more should even be a concern, let alone a goal, because things will just get more and more unfeasible. If readers get inspired with ideas they think are awesome and write their own stories, then that's great, but acting like they're entitled to adding their ideas to someone else's canon, even if that someone else is a group, isn't something that you should feel obliged to enable. Even if this fandom likes to be inclusive, you have to draw the line somewhere. Being canon shouldn't be expected, and being fanfiction shouldn't be taken as an insult.

I Thought I Was Toast
Group Contributor

There is one possible problem to moderators... Except in the case of IAH who is more like the cranky old uncle sitting in the corner who mostly speaks up to remind us of when we're being idiots, most of your proposed moderators fall in the category of experienced L!verse writers. Of course it should be the more experienced members moderating, but another problem we seem to be facing is we accidentally discourage new blood. When I first showed up on the forums I was terrified my ideas wouldn't be accepted considering how much had already been done for the L!verse. Through sheer dumb luck I managed to at least become a minor contributor, but I've seen a couple people try and propose an idea only to flounder and dissappear, drowning under all the comments the more prolific of us make.

That being said, I think moderators are a good idea if done right since it will let us answer any potential proposals or problems quicker, but it might also encourage the idea that feeling of drowning under the more prolific posters. Right now only you truly have the executive veto. Giving moderator status might enhance the feel of having to shout over the more prolific authors opinions. It might simply end up as looking like another barrier to pass to actually become part of the L!verse.

Just something to consider.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2561225 Coming up with a clear process for getting the Canon Stamp of Approval would be good.

2561259 We'd need a chat room or something but it could work (or at least figure out how to get more than one person to receive a PM in here...). We'd need some tie breakers too, for when one member of the Quorum wants to submit a fic. Maybe RK or Vazak could be the sixth member for those cases?

I like the idea of a 'Wish list' thread for ideas that have received the seal of approval in advance but have no precise author yet, as well as the 'discouraged ideas', or at least 'Ideas unfit for canon (but we'll still totally read 'em if you write 'em!)', thread might be useful.

Group Admin

Well, the short version is, the In-Betweener wants to kill Longshot because he knows that there's going to be some major Bad Thing going down and Longshot is somehow responsible. Meanwhile, Mr. Fantastic and Tony Stark have found a cosmic cube, and need to get it someplace safe.

Through various circumstances involving Longshot trying to get a taco, Longshot ends up with the cosmic cube in his hand as the In-Betweener has caught up with him. He tells the In-Betweener to "get lost," and the result is that the entire universe starts kind of falling apart.

That's the first issue, of four.

It's actually very well written. Longshot has become one of my favorite heroes, not for his powers, but for his personality. His powers are luck based, but they specifically only work when he's using them towards good ends, and not selfishly. So he has to act like a superhero, and honest-to-god super hero. And the thing is, he acts that way not just because it's how his powers work, but because he is in fact a genuinely nice guy.

Not that he doesn't have moments of weakness now and then, like being broke and trying to use his good luck to get a free taco 'cause he's hungry. It immediately blew up in his face, but he then immediately set about fixing the problem and admitting that he misused his powers and made a mistake.

Group Contributor


On Point #2, I object largely on this one point.

Being an open, shared universe, is part of the Lunaverse's selling point. It's right there, at the top of the front page. "Largest collaborative universe on", and "all authors welcome" are *right there*.

If getting more contributors isn't something we should be shooting for, then maybe those bits should be taken down?

We either are, or we are not. Open, or an exclusive club. All one thing, or the other. And while not everything *should* be made canon, being made canon is something that should be achievable if you're willing to work for it and make it fit.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin


I've been trying to think up ways to deal with continuity lockout. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

That's actually why I was always quite leery of becoming overly continuity focused in the first place; it's just not very conducive to the concept of a shared-verse setting where the more authors we get the more densely convoluted that continuity becomes as everyone has their own unique ideas of what direction things should go and what themes should be most prominently explored.

Personally I think we were much better off in the earliest days of the setting when continuity existed but was largely referential thing, with each fic being more or less its own standalone piece and continuity only being relevant when specifically invoked within any given fic. Which is not to say we shouldn't still strive for CONSISTENCY between fic, but that's not entirely the same thing as continuity. There can also still be general sense of progression; again, as fics follow-up on and build-off of each other, but the details can still be kept loose and fuzzy allowing each author greater freedom to set their own tone and themes.

Still, we are where we are now, and I'm not sure it's possible to make any choice that would be satisfactory to all parties involved, so there may be nothing to other than make the most of where the course has led us.

As for moderating; in some ways I think Grass, Fizzy, and myself have long acted as such at least in an unofficial capacity, so there is a logical sense to making it official. Admittedly there are many ways it could go wrong, but there are also many ways… if nothing else the official responsibility might force Grass and myself to be more professionally civil with each other on the public forums. :scootangel:


:An intricate series-spanning plot often results in a stronger and more interesting overall show. You may not catch as many fans, but the ones you do get are yours for life.

This is more or less my take on the matter, episodic shows are good, but you can't really tell a good overarching story with them,

There is truth to be had here, but at the same time intricate continuity requires a type of guiding unity that is hard to maintain in a shared-verse where anyone is supposed to be able to contribute. Such continuity could still ~maybe~ but only if the would-be authors put aside their own egos in regards to said canon. That is to say, people need to stop getting offended and loosing interest in an idea just because of canon standing.

A great story is a great story regardless. Are things like Past Sins, Harpflank & Sweets, or even the Lunaverse itself any less meaningful just because the actual show will never (and can never) acknowledge such? Of course not; it might all just be fanfiction, but we are all of us FANS.


We'd need a chat room or something but it could work (or at least figure out how to get more than one person to receive a PM in here...).

The comnents thread of an unpublished fic can sort of act like a private forum, since only those with a link to said thread could view it.

Group Admin

2561352 : I seem to recall Punisher killing off Von Doom, who's from Latveria, and a few other big name international ones as well in that story.

Granted, Punisher sucks in general, but it does try to remain appropriately global in scope.

2561120 :

In terms of continuity: as I mentioned in the dead thread, I think a short bible (one paragraph on the basic setup, one paragraph on a season 1 summary, and a few sentences per L6 member on their personality and their significant events in S1) would help. The current bible thread has a lot of information, which is good for us writers, but not so good for someone who just wants to know why Trixie is a princess's student.

If it would help, I'd be happy to take on some moderator duties.

2561143 : I agree that people want their stuff to be canonical. That's one of the most fun parts. But I do think that authors need to be willing to adjust their ideas to suit the verse (or just accept if something plain won't work with what we want, like mind-bullets or whatnot).

2561259 : I like the idea of a quorum for canonicity as well.

Lev the Lurker
Group Contributor

And bronies as a whole try to be more inclusive. Yeah, I get that, I already knew the counterpoint before I even wrote it, but I felt someone needs to point it out regardless. Maybe it's my background (History degree, MBA student, WoW progression raid leader) but I've found that when you try to make everyone happy, you end up pleasing less people, and end up either getting less done or slipping in quality.

Still, inclusiveness is a noble goal, and if that's one of the group's ideals then strive for it. It's a great universe, so you guys have been doing something right. Just realize that it's going to be like rolling a boulder up a hill and make sure you know what you're doing when it starts rolling back down, because it will.

Group Contributor


And I do completely agree with you Grass, on the idea that people need to be willing to adjust their ideas so they fit the universe better. I'm right there and willing to do so in my own work, as I said in that post.

But, again, without knowledge on where to go, people can't do that. And I think that's the issue I'm kind of stabbing at here.

As a random fanboy aside though, Symphony of the Moon and Sun is one of my favourite fanfics ever! :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

Oh, and I like the idea of 'wish lists' and 'discouraged ideas.' I think we have a lot of candidates in both categories. :-)

Group Admin

2561513 : Glad you like it! I had a lot of fun writing that one. :-)

As for knowledge, I think we're pretty open about that kind of thing. People posting in the brainstorming threads do get feedback. It's a question of whether they'll take it into account.

Group Admin

2561459 2561450 2561414 2561352
Okay, so, for the record, are you four onboard with being made moderators?

Group Contributor

Personally, I can't tell 'much' difference between the early days and the later one;s beyond the fact that S2 has more Corona stories. But that's just me.

There is truth to be had here, but at the same time intricate continuity requires a type of guiding unity that is hard to maintain in a shared-verse where anyone is supposed to be able to contribute.

Are things like Past Sins, Harpflank & Sweets, or even the Lunaverse itself any less meaningful just because the actual show will never (and can never) acknowledge such? Of course not; it might all just be fanfiction, but we are all of us FANS.

There's nothing stopping people from contributing, but some people may not get their stories canonized, my first one wasn't (though it was in serious need of more editing so I can't fault that). As you said a fanfic, even of a fanfic is of no less worth than a canon story in terms of quality, so I don't see a reason why we 'can't' focus on continuity as well.

Group Admin

2561532 : I am.

(That said, I gtg sleep now so I likely won't say anything else for the rest of the night.)

Lev the Lurker
Group Contributor

Also, as someone who follows this group to watch the social experiment as much as anything else, I find all this fascinating as hell. Going to be fun to see where it goes from here :pinkiehappy:

2561148 2561156 2561155 Okay, forgot to leave the group. That's embarrassing. :facehoof:

Also, I love the new 52, so y'all can suck it :trixieshiftright:

Also, I still say that we should have a recap anthology when they just talk like this...

Group Contributor


I do agree with that. I have seen some good feedback in the brainstorming thread that I've seen at least. I think more what I refer too on feedback are two things.

1.) Larger questions of cannonicity (totally made up that word!) on proposed issues. A good example here (at the risk of sounding self obsessed), I think, was my idea for the dinosaurs as a sapient race. There was a lot of back and forth on that, but no end decision was made. The question hangs, and then nothing is written on that at all.

2.) When someone wants to make their story cannon, but doesn't get any direction on how to do that.

Hmmm. Come to think of it, that second issue actually gets me thinking. Perhaps some kind of "Story Tune Up" thread? People could post links to their stories of dubious cannonicity and then suggestions could be made on what they could do to bring them into line?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Seems worth a shot, and I'll do my best not to go overly mad with power. :pinkiecrazy:


Personally, I can't tell 'much' difference between the early days and the later one;s beyond the fact that S2 has more Corona stories. But that's just me.

The difference isn't really so much with the fics as it is the way discussions on the boards tend to play out.

As you said a fanfic, even of a fanfic is of no less worth than a canon story in terms of quality, so I don't see a reason why we 'can't' focus on continuity as well.

I'd like it if that were true, but history in this group has never really born it out. Personally, I'm like you in that I write the stories I want to write and just left the decision on whether my stories should be canon or not to RDD. It was always an honor to get that added stamp of approval, but it was never my prime motivation.

Again though, regrettably you and I seem to be in the minority in that respect, and time and time again I've seen people abandon their ideas entirely over the issue of canon.

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