SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
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Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-001 poses a great threat to all of humanity at this point. There are currently no means of containing SCP-001. SCP-001 is to be constantly monitored by unmanned submarines fitted with sonar tracking whenever possible, and Foundation vessels are to be dispatched across all of the ████████████████████ when SCP-001 is lost from tracking. Should SCP-001 make any advances towards any heavily populated areas, protocol Comut-9-ZuLU is to be put into immediate effect, [DATA EXPUNGED].

Description: SCP-001 is a massive creature of unknown origin or genus, approximately seven hundred (700) to eight hundred (800) feet tall when standing at full height. Creature vaguely resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex in appearance, though the arms are nearly seven (7) times larger and are capable of effective grappling, and overall size is far greater. Lining the entire back and tail of SCP-001 are [REDACTED]. It is unknown if these structures are parts of SCP-001's spine, or if they serve a purpose. SCP-001's tail is also massive, measuring at approximately three (3) times the size of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. SCP-001 seemed to use this appendage as a powerful weapon during [REDACTED] (See record 001-1-3 for details), where it [DATA EXPUNGED], killing the second creature (SCP-001-1) nearly instantly. SCP-001 can emit a roar measuring nearly ███ (███) decibels.

As well as this, SCP-001 carries a powerful defense to use against formidable foes, like that of █████. SCP-001 will inhale a tremendous about of breath, and the █████ on it's back will glow a distinct cyan hue at the base. After this, SCP-001 will breath out what appears to be blue fire, which can reach effectively up to one hundred (100) yards. This fire has been recorded to exceed temperatures of almost [REDACTED] degrees, and seems to show traces of plasma upon studies of the corpse of █████ (SCP-001-2).

Additional Notes: For reasons widely unknown, SCP-001 appeared to be defending the human race during the attack of [REDACTED] (See document 001-III), however the possibility stands that it was simply natural retaliation against the two █████.

SCP-001 is unaffected by radiation, and seems to use it's properties as a source of nutrition. It is believed that this is how SCP-001 is capable of surviving underwater; by feeding off of what radiation makes it to the crust of the Earth from the core and mantle.

I'm very new to making SCP pages, this is actually my first time, so forgive me if it isn't very good but I tried my best. Like if you think Godzilla makes a good SCP.

I might, I have a few in mind.

True, true. I think you'll actually like mine though, tell me if you want me to post a thread with it.

Crap, I forgot about ya.

I'll get that SCP report out sooner than later.


Designation SCP-001 is already taken.

Yeah, I saw. I was too lazy to change it though.

Here's the one I said I would do a while ago...

Item: SCP-2066

Object Class: Safe Euclid (See Incident 2066-1-A)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2066 is to be held inside a 1ft x 1ft x 6in steel container, the inside of which is coated in solid cement. The container is double-locked with two spring loaded, tungsten bolt locks which can only be opened by at least five (5) pounds of opposing pressure. Springs are to ensure that the container automatically closes unless intentionally held open. This container to be stored in an airtight, ballistic room with walls of cement no less than one (1) foot in thickness on site ██. Two guards with military-grade HAZMAT suits and heavy Kevlar armor will be stationed outside SCP-2066's containment room at all times. Only under Class-D testing circumstances are any personnel to enter.

Should SCP-2066 breach containment, the corridor where SCP-2066's containment room is located is to initiate immediate lock down, and the two one (1) meter thick steel blast doors on either side of the corridor are be shut and sealed even if personnel are still inside.

Description: SCP-2066 is a shard of an unknown metal approximately four (4) inches long and two (2) inches wide at the middle, and seems to have been forcefully removed from it's origin (marks of heavy mining tools around the edges). SCP-2066 is covered in unique engravings all around it, including under and on it's sides where it was mined. The metal is extremely dense (24.971 g/cm-3), and is completely incapable of conducting electricity.

Tests have shown that SCP-2066 is capable of 'manipulating' all types of metal in any way except for steel, for unknown reasons. These manipulations include changing the density of metal to the point of liquifying, the molecule patterns and quantities, and overall weight. Whenever SCP-2066 is making one of these changes, the engravings will glow a powerful orange hue, and will emit a small amount of [DATA EXPUNGED] radiation. The radiation poisoning has only shown to have effect when actively holding SCP-2066, and personnel will be quarantined if poisoned.


Incident 2066-1-A: [REDACTED] (Consult Dr. ██████ for personal report)

SCP-2066 can't just 'manipulate' metal, it can control it.

3296705 SCP-XXX Class:Safe and Euclid depending.
The foundation found this seemingly normal human to become strong beyond measure and extremely murderous if it felt as though it was being held back. It needs it's cell to be more hospitable as he needs to feel like a guest otherwise he will become impossible to contain. He is also allowed to roam for times between [REDACTED]. He believes himself to be spectating the workers rather than being contained.

3296705 not very professional but I'm tired

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