SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
Comments ( 21 )
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...this sofa? Be serious.

To me it would be scary only if i was in a huge house...alone...with or without lights

4165922 And what if it appeared in a store, with the proprietor having no knowledge of ever acquiring it?

...this goldfish?

Not scary at all, though judging by the fact that it's SCP group, it probably eats people or something.

The creeping chaos! Claw out thine eyes!

...this painting?

4167385 There seems to be something in the barn. :twilightoops:

4167400 The question is does it come to you or do you somehow end up going to it?

...this collection of elephant men statues?

4167402 Whatever it is better meet me half way, damn it! :trixieshiftleft:

4167633 Oh yes very scary, it looks like I'm going to get pink eye just by looking at it. Although I do wonder if it can even be opened at that point of rust and corrosion.

Well, it's not all the door that is meant to be scary.

It's what causes it.

4168025 Oh I'm well aware of Corporal Lawrence.

...this whale?

4168707 That cake is terrifying in the implications.
What happened to the missing slice? What was used to make it and the multiple colors? Was it something that would be expunged? What happens when you look out it? Do you feel the need to complete it like SCP-012 and would use whatever is on hand to do so (in this case your own or somebody else's organs)? Does each layer create a different anomalous affect if eat separately but is inert when eaten together? Could it possibly be alive and/or made of bugs? Does the the disruption of the flora icing pattern cause it to become aggressive?
Lots of possibilities.

Wtf did I just see....that barn....those elephant men...that CAKE!....Has the world gone mad...Again!


and yet you forgot one

go get your dessert fork

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