SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
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Personally, I have to say 2317, it gives me the creeps everytime I read it, especially those four lines:

Special Containment Procedures: Irrelevant.

Anyways, what are yours favorite SCPs? Are they Keter, Safe, Euclid, or outside of the rating spectrum? Are they humanoid, not creepy at all or are they scaring the everloving shit out of people and/or XK-causing?

4439391 I would have the SCP-096, the 'Shy Guy' is my favourite out of all of them.

It's plain creepy.

SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).

My favorite scp is scp-009 red ice and i also have scp-009 red ice as one of my mlp:fim OC.

SCP-096, aka Shy Guy, aka Anti-173. He's literally the statue's opposite.

Author Interviewer

096 is a good one. I've always said 507, the guy who gets sucked into alternate dimensions. Rediscovered that article recently, along with the greatly-expanded log file. :) (Even though the article needs a severe revamp.)

Okay yeah that one is... Scary.
Probably the one that I can think of being my favorite as of right now is SCP-579 due to its level of... Fucking creepiness. Especially with these two separate lines...

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]


In the event of an unsuccessful Action 10-Israfil-B, no further action will be necessary. [DATA EXPUNGED]

Edit: Plus what the fuck could have happened here?!

Event 2: SCP-579 is inadvertently removed from its point of origin. [DATA EXPUNGED]
Event 8: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]

Edit 2: Also the fact that after three previous attempts to return it to it's point of origin...

Event 30: Attempted to return SCP-579 to point of origin. Attempt failed, resulting in the loss of Point of Origin. [DATA EXPUNGED]

4439499 One thing I don't like about 507, is that he asked to become a member of the Site personnel after one of the trips, and it was denied, while Iris and Able were allowed to become personnel.

4439391 Everyone keeps talking about dangerous or scary SCPs, but I'm going to go with SCP-999.

Author Interviewer

Able and Iris have usable (if not controllable) powers that help them fite gud. 507 could potentially be whisked off into the unknown in the middle of a delicate operation/fight/anything at all really, which makes him a liability.


nightmares for weeks
still can't look at comedy/tragedy masks

4439391 I don't remember the number, but the bone hive is one of my faves. Wish I could find the article again.

4439499 oh god

Retrieval: Subject found in its quarters, balled up with its hands over its ears.

Subject once again arrived in the forest habitat from 9E2-66V-7HG5. The flora seemed to have remembered subject’s last visit, though, and they reacted by “screaming” for its entire four-day shift.

Request: A hug. Approved.

first time SCP has ever made me feel

He didn't ask to be a member of the MTF, though, he asked to be a member of on-site personnel. In an alternate dimension he actually became a Level-3 Researcher.

Author Interviewer

buddy you been readin' the wrong skips then :B

4442265 439 is it

4442464 oh, the roman soldier stuck in the helmet made me feel as well
can you give me some feely, not scary SCPs? I had a nightmare about the smiling man last night but that's beside the point

Best non-scary are 914, 999 and 294 in my opinion.

4442875 unfortunately, I am aware of them all and have read their articles multiple times. Thanks anyway, though!

Ever read SCP-000-J? It's pretty funny, along with most of the other -Js.
This one takes the prize, though.

4442914 I read them a while ago, but I'll give it another shot since I don't exactly remember.

SCP-076-2 is the SCP I hate the most due to it being a MAry Sue. Of course I know it's supposed to be one in order to say "if your SCP is like ABLE "smack" go back and rewrite this pitiful excuse for an item". I just Mary Sues that's all.

Author Interviewer

Man, I'm so not the person to ask. D:

Like, there's the bowl of soup, but that one never struck me hard.

Smoozee and the Mewts turned out to be plagiarized.

Like, I dunno, unless you like bugs falling in love, there's a couple of those recently. I forget all the good stuff and can't numbers anyway.

4443386 It's quite alright
Reading SCPs is not safe for me because I'm neurotic as fuck and the scientific nature of the articles trick me into thinking they're real and I am a wimp when it comes to being scared, anyway

4441075 Is it bad that I don't find SCP-035 to be intimidating in the slightest?

4442914 Clearly, SCP-999-J is funnier. :moustache:

My favorite SCP has gotta be 079. He's just so cool. 168 is pretty damn funny though. Find it here.

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