SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
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What is the most scariest SCP you have faced in SCP Containment Breach or read about on the site? Mine personally is SCP-096. Just because if you look at his face, you can say goodbye to your life. Not to mention he knows exactly where you are. Also that if you view his face via video recording or photograph, he will hunt you down.

936826 I always wondered...

What if you jumped into a rocket and took off into space after you did that...Would would happen then to 96?

173, simply because it makes SCP–682 scared. And 682 is scary.


He will find a way to kill you. He jumped on to a plane as it was in the sky!

936826 Mine is SCP-309, if you touch him he'll flip you inside out so all you muscle, bones, and organs are outside and likewise for your skin. Worst part is your not dead either and you feel ever bit of it.

Not the most dangerous, not the most famous... but something about pumpkin patches, autumn and children chills me to the bone.
SCP-097, of course.


I say we blast someone into space and make them look at the picture. Then we wave goodbye to SCP-096 forever! yay! :yay:

Or Fluttershy if you've played/watched My Little Foundation Containment is Magic.


It was why I used to the Fluttershy emotician *Subtle* :raritywink:

I do love that game. I can't wait for updates.

936906 ... pretty sure you replied to the wrong guy, buddy. :applejackunsure:

on the site (not the game) SCP-087. Why? because we don't know what it wants, why we can hear the child and what happened in Log 4 as H.P lovecraft said: The oldest and strongest kind of emotion is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear, is fear of the unknown.

SCP-087 is full of unknowns

Whoopsy miss read yours as 96, my bad. :twilightsheepish:

But no cigar.

087. That is all.



Alright, more seriously, though, this one's just plain grim. SCP-231

Surprised no one said SCP-106! First one to come to mind! I remember one time I was just getting around SCP-096's den in the generator control room, and I turn around and guess who's slowly rising out of the fucking floor right there!

So either him, SCP-055, SCP-902, or SCP-354.

He beat the crap outta 682.

I don't get it. It's a box.
THAT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. You hear ticking from it.
That's it.

936826 None. Containment breach scares people?

It's a cognition hazard, it drives you to insanity quite literally.
As the document showed, you can barely even type an informative page on it without losing it.

I didn't read the entire page though. So that's kinda my fault. Thanks for summing it up for me.

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