SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
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Item: SCP-2130

Object Class: Safe Euclid (see incident 2130-1-A)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2130 is to be held inside a 1ft x 1ft x 6in steel container, the inside of which is coated in solid cement. The container is double-locked with two spring loaded, steel bolt locks which can only be opened by at least five (5) pounds of opposing pressure. Springed hinges are mounted to ensure that the container automatically closes unless intentionally held open. This container is to be stored in an airtight, unlit room with walls of cement no less than one (1) foot in thickness on site ██. This site is located two (2) kilometers underground in a heat-controlled environment, and is accessible only through a single elevator, the entrance disguised as [REDACTED].

Two (2) guards outfitted with full-body kevlar armor and specialized carbon fibre SMGs (bullets and casings are also carbon fibre) will be stationed outside SCP-2130's containment chamber at all times. Only under Class-D testing circumstances are any personnel to enter as of ██/██/19██ (see addendum), and guards are rotated bi-daily. Any personnel wishing to enter site ██ must undergo a full pat down and body search for any materials capable of being affected by SCP-2130. No electronic devices are allowed in SCP-2130’s containment room at any time. Personnel with any metal implants or prosthetic devices must consult Dr. █████ for clearance into site ██.

Should SCP-2130 breach containment, the corridor where SCP-2130's containment room is located is to initiate immediate lockdown, and the two (2) one (1) meter thick steel blast doors on either side of the corridor are to be shut and sealed regardless of personnel or items still inside. The access elevator will be disabled automatically upon lockdown and is to remain offline up to twenty-four (24) hours after an all-clear is sent out.

Description: SCP-2130 is a shard of an unknown metal approximately four (4) inches long and two (2) inches wide at the middle, and seems to have been forcefully removed from it's origin. SCP-2130 is covered in unidentifiable engravings all around it, including under and on it's sides. The metal is extremely dense (24.971 g/cm-3), and is completely incapable of conducting electricity. On a molecular level the shard is “incomplete,” suggesting it is a fragment of a larger entity.

Tests have shown that SCP-2130 is capable of 'manipulating' all types of metal in any way except for steel, for unknown reasons (see note). These manipulations include, but are not limited to, changing the density of metal to the point of liquefying or collapsing (See addendum) atomic and molecular patterns and quantities, and overall appearance. Whenever SCP-2130 is making one of these changes, the engravings will glow a strong orange hue, and will emit a small amount of radiation. The radiation has only shown to have effect on the human body when actively holding SCP-2130, and personnel will be quarantined per protocol if poisoned. Analysis of the radiation shows [DATA EXPUNGED]


Note: It is worth mentioning that the changes SCP-2130 is capable of making can be “deflected” by any material it can’t control. An example being when a Class-D prevented a cube of nickel from being affected by erecting a steel plate between it and SCP-2130.

Incident 2130-01-A: [REDACTED]

Addendum 2130: During extensive testing on SCP-2130 on ██/██/19██, researchers observed a 1 (one) kilogram cube of brass suddenly becoming misshapen and increasing in weight by [REDACTED], falling through the table it was placed on and destroying the floor of SCP-2130’s containment area as well as all the structure below as the brass destructively traveled through it. Lockdown initiated. The cube was later determined to have traveled nearly [DATA EXPUNGED] kilometers into the earth, eventually being melted by extreme geothermal heat. Containment procedures have since been revised.

This is what I was afraid of with an SCP of this caliber. Whether or not this was the result of a provocation or a completely random act isn’t something I want to risk again, so I hereby prohibit any further testing with any metals on SCP-2130. - Dr. █████

What'd you guys think?

Ah yes very good indeed. This also makes me think that famous earthquake in California was actually the 2130 you made 4 the fake SCP-wiki but i never heard of anything in the real archives yet...

Author Interviewer

>mixing imperial and metric

>Data expunged for no reason


This is very uninteresting magical item what lets you metalbend. Of course, I can't tell if it does this on its own, while being held, with direction, or what. Why does an 8 square inch piece of metal warrant a 6 cubic foot container and Able-level containment? That test doesn't make any sense, either; a cube of metal getting heavier isn't going to tunnel miles into the earth. It's going to need momentum to go anywhere, and even then, you'd need to increase its mass by something like an order of the Earth itself.

Better than anything I coulda come up with :eeyup:

Haha, thanks, mate! That's certainly an interesting head-canon theory.
I guess that's why you're the mod, huh? Anyways thanks for that feedback, but it's not like there are other ones that have expunged data what make me think that, I at least feel incident in that if I made an "expunged data released" version I actually know what was expunged. I do admit defeat on the other two points though, I'll fix em' up.
Edit: Was your first sentence sarcastic?
Hue, thx m9.

Author Interviewer

No sarcasm.

Single-line expungements are a thing of the past. It's a very unfortunate feature of the wiki that most people start reading it from the beginning, which means they're exposed to a lot of very old articles whose content no longer lives up to current standards. So they get excited enough to try writing their own, naturally assume that's how an SCP should look, and get massively shot down. It can be humiliating.

All you can really do is decide to carry on, and should you do so, start by reading the highest-rated articles (anything over +100 is a good idea) instead of going in numerical order. Note the breadth of ideas and formats in use. Follow the basic template, but don't feel constrained by what others have done, like there's some list of things you have to check off before your article is "correct". You'll probably fail a lot at first, but that's how you get better at things.

And no, I'm not a mod, just some schlub who writes for the wiki. :B

I do think I'll do an "expunged data released" version of this... Seems kinda neat, with the blue text and stuff.

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