SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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It was a fake report. I'm afraid I'll actually get notified/emailed by them. Is it real?

Author Interviewer

First, it's 'amnestics'. Second, don't put your whole post in the subject line next time.

And lastly, whatever happens, it's all in good fun. :B

Oh. So it's not real?

Author Interviewer

No, nothing on the site is real. I'm not sure which page you're referring to I looked at the source code for the page, and it gives you that "response in 2-3 days" popup pretty much no matter what you put in the fields. :) Don't worry about it.

Alright, thanks. SCP just kinda makes you feel nervous on even clicking on something. I was even nervous when scrolling down on SCP-001.

Author Interviewer

That's the magic of good writing. :)

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