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So after some consideration, I've decided to write a story involving Octavia interacting with another character through the means that mainly focus on a single conversation. It's basically a back-and-forth, describing their lives and giving advice to the other. While the other character is more easier at giving a motivation with their strengths and weaknesses, Octavia is a little bit more challenging, so I'm hoping some Octavia fans could give me some insight on what you get from her.

For me, she's classy with an upkept schedule. Like her cello, she has a presence, but not one that takes the lead. She keeps her stress in check through sarcastic means from time to time, but motivation is something she struggles in as she's usually stuck with the classics and nothing fresh or new (Vinyl pretty much fills in for that part). Up for a challenge, yet lacks any form of a muse to be more experimental in her work.

Not really sure what you're asking here. You want character traits that describe Octavia? You've already listed a few. You want to give her a motivation? That depends on the story, though.

If you're looking for overall motivation or outlook on life, one thing that's worked for me is to portray Octavia as being the 'technically proficient' character. She has a firm grasp on the fundamentals of any craft she tries her hoof at, which makes a nice contrast for Vinyl. For example, when writing the two, I'll specify that Vinyl doesn't know how to read notes, while Octavia does, and Vinyl's learning from her. Octavia knows the different names of a rhythm, how melodies work and why they work. In other areas, if she were to learn how to draw, for example, Octavia is the type who starts by learning how to draw boxes and perspective lines and horizons, where most other characters would start by sketching things they like. She's the type who, when presented with something brand new, will look for the oldest instruction manual on the topic first, and only resort to the more modern 'X for Dummies' style instructions last.

As a result of this, Octavia has a different view on how ponies struggle to get things done. In her mind, there's a right way to do things and a wrong way, but she is gentle in bringing that across. She's had enough experience with outright snobs and strict teachers to know that a gentle touch in the right direction is usually best. She's a rational problem solver in that regard. Her overall motivation, then, is to help ponies 'get it right' the first time and enjoy the process, depending on what she's helping with. On the flip side, some ponies are just stubborn, and that Canterlot background does give her enough restraint to just let a pony fail if they can't see reason.


Not really sure what you're asking here. You want character traits that describe Octavia? You've already listed a few.

Honestly, I don't even know what I'm asking for half the time.

Octavia is a new character for me to try and dig into. I want to try and discover something that can work in contrast to the other character I'm working with, but also share a similar understanding of the other as they begin to see the flaws they have in themselves (something like the episode, 'The End in Friend').

The other character is riddled with flaws (slacker, unkept, and reckless), but is inspired by a girl to be artistic and makes him well-rounded with no real specialties on anything particular (such as playing the cello). He tries to win this girl's affection, but his suave style is friction to the girl and pretty much anyone he has contact with. I can easily see Octavia addressing those flaws and teaching the guy how to talk to a lady with the necessary charm to win her heart.

The story can't be all about this other character (it seriously can't, considering the fanbase's distaste for this character :twilightoops:), so having him surprise Octavia with some lessons that she could really use would turn this into a leveled playing field for the both of them. The only thing I have going for this character's surprises is that he has a muse (his love interest) and is expressive (his slothful ways). Octavia might find inspiration through someone's work like Beethoven, but her prep look tells me that she isn't as committed as he was at being expressive in the performing arts, so she might be surprised when the other character tells her that Beethoven often stood naked in front of his apartment window. It would be nice if I could get some ideas of what inspires her or makes her want to stand out from other performers she associates with.

In the end, one character explores art while the other maintains art. I guess I'm asking for ideas that can help push Octavia forward into contributing for her artform, things that might help her be more than the background pony that she tends to be in the show.

How would I describe her? Grey.


How would I describe her? Grey.

Don't have to be so foggy about it. You could've also told me that she's a girl.

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