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What you say is worst, being taken away from your family and friends and live as a slave with your freedom taken. Or being born as a slave, with no family, no friends and no idea what freedom is or what is it like.

True but without ever knowing friends or family you'd feel empty and feel like you have no purpose other than to die in a war you never even asked to be part of.

The clones often made friends with each other. Imagine having the only friends you know mercilessly killed by enemies who you have no grudge against but still forced to fight.

Besides,even without having a family before the war they would still wonder what could've been.

You're going to feel agony one way or another, except you're going to feel more agony when you realize the purpose of your existent as a clone and people treat you like you're trash or a monster.

Just because it wasn't their purpose doesn't mean they wouldn't ponder it.yes most jedi were friendly but in all honesty they were canon fodder.

While most clones gladly fought for the cause others weren't sure and showed doubt. Even when programmed to be loyal.

Hell,cloning was a whole political issue.

True,both are shitty either way.

This is why I prefer Droids, at least the CIS didn't use what is essentially a Slave Army.
Also Droids and be repaired, salvaged, augmented, upgraded, and specialty built for certain purposes.

Yup,less morally conflicting.

It's also cheaper too since a B1 costs only 1,800 credits and a E-5 Blaster Rifle is only 900 so combined a battle ready B1 is only 2,700 credits. Which is rather cheap and that many credits can get you a pretty good blaster for the same or comparable price.

So you could get alot more droids than clones. Since the former is cheaper than the latter.

Im pretty sure almost every Jedi respected the lives of the clones under their command and were very careful not to waste their lives. To say they were cannon fodder is pretty extreme. They had good weapons, high quality training, and medical facilities and units for the purpose of healing their injuries. Cannon fodder are unarmed, poorly trained saps who exist for the enemy to waster their ammo on.
Not to mention, if the clones were all programmed to hold absolute loyalty to the republic, would they even bother questioning it? Most clones were born with the personality and belief system that would have made them sign up anyway.

The former of the two options is much, much worse. That person had their free will taken away, the clones couldn't even understand the concept, so why would they even care?

While i admit calling them cannon fodder was extreme. There was a traitor clone in the clone wars. His name was slick. He literally rebeled because he felt like he and his clone brothers were slaves.

Just because they are clones doesn't mean they don't understand free will. It was unavoidable that someone like slick would betray the jedi. Because he felt like the clones always do the dirty work and they were no better than slaves.

Some were fiercely loyal like Clone commander Rex. To the point where he removed his chip so he wouldn't shoot a Jedi. At the same time there are clones who dislike this life and want freedom.

It takes years to Train a batch of Clones. It takes hours to manufacture a few battalions of Droids and their guns. You could have a Droid Army with comparable numbers to the Red Army from WWII and dispatch it quickly. And another thing, the Droids in the CIS are made dumb because it's cheaper to use something with less programming than it is to have programmers updating and reworking it. And while I'm on the topic, Droids seem to act like regular people would at times like some of them seem as though they are trying to hide the fact that they're going through some trauma of some kind for unknown reasons.

Huh,thats interesting.

They also seem to make jokes like how one would if they were a Doctor or someone stationed near the frontlines at a MASH. They act like people and they're just another combatant to the Clones. Also several of the Droids seem to be on the very cusp of becoming full fledged AI, but due to a rebellion years ago in the Galaxy they can't be AI so they need to be wiped like a Hard Drive. But that makes the Clone Wars even worse when you consider that, plus there's those Droids in The Last Battle who are by far AIs at this point.

True,so in the end both sides are being abused without wanting to.

It kinda shows the futility of it all. Needless Wars like the Clone Wars accomplish nothing except opening the door to Tyrants and suffering. And in the end, I suppose try even forgot what they were even fighting for.

Yup. It deedn't even have much of an effect afterwards. Since Droids and Clones were discontinued.

Slicks reaction to those feelings was to join up with the other side (which we as the omnipotent audience KNOW is evil, and even Slick could probably
have seen that they did some pretty bad shit) and committed actions that led to more of his "brothers" dying. Somewhat contradictory, I'll free my enslaved brothers by giving away tactical information so that large numbers of them are killed or captured. The Republic and the Jedi may have had some questionable morals regarding the clones, but the CIS was straight up fucked (even though we as the audience are the only ones who know how deep it is)

I guess the only real winners of the Clone Wars were the Clones who Deserted and the Droids who were repaired and made to work doing things like Farming.

I will admit you have a point there.

If he truly wanted his brothers to be free he wouldn't have done what he did. So youre right. the whole thing is contradictory.

He was kind of an example of extremism, albeit a kids shows version. Hating something so much that defying it at any cost is all that matters, even if it goes against or harms the thing you claim to be protecting and failing to see the possible moral grey area of "if we dont have this army we are all fucked". its a sentiment you could realistically see coming out of a situation like that, and I did like that episode.

I do agree somewhat with your original point though, the moral implications of a clone army are somewhat....dodgy.

Its good to meet people like you. Because we can have a civilized conversations about our point of views on stuff like this.

most other people just start insulting when they meet someone who doesnt agree with them

I really try hard to understand why people feel the way they do about things and i’ve Become quite good at being polite about it on the internet. Too many people are “sure” they’re right and think anyone who disagrees is an idiot. If you want to understand, you gotta calm down. Thanks for the compliment.

The former. With the latter, it's easier to appreciate freedom when you get it.

Have you by any chance seen the video that I posted on here?

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