Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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Instead of bringing back dinosaurs, ponies resurrect Humans with the same outcome (humans break out and start causing havoc and eating the ponies).

Whatcha think?

Thats... not how humans work.

6677210 I'm pretty sure ancient man ate horses :unsuresweetie:

6677216 and I'm pretty sure this is the Humans AREN'T Bastards group. I think you're looking for the Humans ARE Bastards group.

more like eating pones out

That's....kinda dumb.

6677218 How does this make them bastards? The ponies are the ones keeping them in captivity.

I hate to tell you this, but this is very stupid because humans just are sapient animals (and, yes, humans are animals, but you don't have to tell me they aren't), not mindless non-sapient eating machines.

FWI, not all dinosaurs eat people, and carnivores only hunt when they're hungry, that's it. Jurassic Park and the rest of the sequels avoided that cliche (speaking of the Indominus Rex and Indoraptor).

6677249 I dunno... maybe the part where they eat other sapient creatures for absolutely no reason? Yeah, they just got resurrected, but the fact remains that these people wouldn't just look at the ponies and immediately think: 'Time to chow down.' Especially since ponies are also intelligent, and have been shown on the show to be able to domesticate and train animals. Thinking that they wouldn't do the same here, and in the process realize how intelligent humans are, is really dumb.

Thinking that humans would just start randomly attacking and eating another sapient race for no discernible reason is even dumber, and would certainly qualify them as bastards in my book.


not mindless non-sapient eating machines

Well duh, that's not what I'm implying. That was literally just a quick thought, you would definitely flesh that out. Maybe the ponies are only feeding them a vegan or otherwise pony diet and upon release the humans eat the ponies. Or better yet, as they're sapient they don't like captivity and upon escaping decide to kill their captors.

The main idea is the same thing that the books and movie tried to get across: you can't control nature.


I dunno... maybe the part where they eat other sapient creatures for absolutely no reason? Yeah, they just got resurrected, but the fact remains that these people wouldn't just look at the ponies and immediately think: 'Time to chow down.' Especially since ponies are also intelligent, and have been shown on the show to be able to domesticate and train animals. Thinking that they wouldn't do the same here, and in the process realize how intelligent humans are, is really dumb.

Thinking that humans would just start randomly attacking and eating another sapient race for no discernible reason is even dumber, and would certainly qualify them as bastards in my book.

--Night Breeze

6677264 Actually, pretty much everything aside from stuff like stone and dirt on the planet can count as a sentient being, as animals can communicate with sound, pheromones, and even body language to talk to each other. Heck, there are parasites known to cause other animals to think differently. We just don't recognize it, because what we define as sentient is what we can see in other creatures right off the bat.

Don't believe me? Look to racism, and people being generalized for speaking another language. And search up how ants run their lives.

6677202 I sense a Attack on Titan approach with this story.

Though perhaps a place labeled "Humans Aren't Bastards" wouldn't have been the best place to post this idea. Try another place fella. And maybe be a little more descriptive, as you left the group thinking that humans would be the mindless killing machines in Attack on Titan.

The T-Rex seems kind of like a bastard to me. So would I be, if my immediate reaction to being resurrected would be to devour and consume everything in sight. Unless they're six inches high, I doubt that'd be possible, anyway. I, and most other humans, would die of a heart attack before they even got to our mouths if that was the case.

...Also, I think you mistook the 'humans aren't bastards' group for the 'humans are superior' group.

I know this is probably not what you were going for but I feel like this would make a hilarious comedy/ thriller mock horror or just a good suspense in general. Like the ponies cant understand human speech and vice versa. So the ponies keep the humans in cages, nice cages, but cages none the less. Once there is enough of them the humans ban together to organize an escape. The ponies know humans eat meat so they are of course terrified of what the wild humans will do. The humans for their part have recognized the ponies as sentient creatures and of course have no plans to eat them unless in the most desperate of situations (even good people will do what it takes to survive sometimes.) The ponies trying t track and catch the humans leads to a conflict between the two this is where you could make it suspenseful or funny by way overplaying the drama. You could have Daring Doo playing as a Muldoo like character from Jurassic park, and of course you would have to use the iconic "Clever girl" phrase.

( "Fucking Genius!!!" )> :raritystarry:

I love how most of the people here are taking you seriously and trying to explain why this is a stupid idea - I'm pretty sure that's the POINT, y'all.:rainbowlaugh:

Though some hunt for pure sport and or fun

6677873. That's not the same as eating another sapient for no reason. And yes, I used sapient, not sentiant. Something that's just sentiant and not sapient is fair game in my book.

6677792 Mostly, yeah. A pseudo dark comedy at best as 6677773 described it. Probably shoulda been more descriptive from the get go but I was bored and tired.

On a more serious note, I don't think that the dinosaurs were ever the bastards in Jurrasic Park. If anything, the humans were the bastards of that movie (and especially the books) and thus the ponies would be the bastards of the story, not the humans.

In any case, it wasn't really meant to be 100% serious, so meh. Mixed reactions are mixed.

6678260 ...On retrospect, I should've realized this when the poster's avatar has a trollface on it.

can not be? a situtucion where human die on them and in a enforce to get them boack they use the park for gain money to the proyect
like this will be afunny story on a crazy zoo went the atraction are in acord with the ponies of the zoo mmm
for that poin I like butttt go much out the original parady of JP:twilightsheepish:

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