Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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A story idea I had. I've posted more in-depth in other groups, HIE in particular. So im sort of scouting to see how appealing the idea is. Here's a link for the in depth description thus far...

The basic idea is that a portal opens somewhere in Mid-West America, connecting Earth and Equestria. A sort of truce is formed between the two worlds. Around the portal and several acres surrounding the portal is to be a "CITY". A city open to all inhabitants of each world.

On the Earth part of the City is a technological marvel where the world's greatest minds are hard at work studying Equestria ecology and the elusive property of "magic".
On the Equestrian part of the city is a conglomerate of several different species all in the pursuit of the elusive property of "harmony".

Residents of the city are heavily monitored for a variety of "reasons". Humans are only allowed to bring technological artifacts of a certain level on to the Equis side only after intense litigations. Ponies are not allowed to ingage in "high-level" magical activity while on the human side of the city.

Neither species is permitted to leave the confines of the city unless they are a diplomat, politician or have a great position of influence.

The "City" is also declared a military "neutral" zone in both Equestria and Earth. The Earth's UN and Equestria's forces have all, tentatively, agreed that the "city" is to be neutral. However, there is a condition..."THE CITY" is seen as an ambitious experiment by some, a powder keg by others and still others see it as a disaster that could spell the end for both worlds... is decreed that if the CITY should "fail" the portal will be destroyed immediately and all contact between species and worlds will cease immediately.

This is a city of hope...but also a city on the edge. There are so many different kinds of beings interacting and they are all so different from each other...can they all truly live in "HARMONY" or is the City just an idealistic dream?



Early 2010's
~The "first" pony is displaced on Earth
~This leads to the first "human" being displaced on Equestria.
~Events of the show also occur during this time (with slight changes but similar results)

Late 2010's
~The connection between Earth and Equestria is made manifest in a more permanent "Portal"
~This portal leads to the "Skirmish". The first interdimensional conflict between Humanity and Equestrians begins.
~The Skirmish is ended though "unknown" means to the public. However, a truce between the two worlds is born....
~Humans discover they are no longer "alone in the universe". Ponies discover a world where "magic" is nearly non-existant. Both revelations inspire fear and curiosity.
~During this era Humanity enacts a "Zero tollerence policy" no being is allowed to exit or enter the portal upon threat of death.

Early 2020's
~Fierce debates between the several species of Equestria, and the Nations of Earth begin in earnest.
~In a moment that will go down in history The first Human/Pony pact is signed...
~The "Zero Tolerence policy " is lifted on the condition that anybeing that crosses the portal is subject to intence and rigorous monotoring. This process comes to be known as "the great shanking".
~Small communities begin to form around the portal. Abandoned structures are repolished and rennovated.
~Trade between Earth and Equestria begins (both legal and..not so legal). Several exotic and forgin materials are introduced to alien enviornments...with some strange and some devistating effects.
~Diplomatic embassaries are established in the "CITY". It is agreed that the "City" shall remain a neutral zone, and those who disagree are not allowed to participate withen "CITY" walls.

Late 2020's
~Structures and buildings are built incorperating more features of their neighboring worlds.
~The first of a few privloged are allowed to leave the CITY and explore the greater Equis and Earth respectively. Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony are among this group having been instramental in peace talks both During and after the "Skirmish".
~First talks of an open "inter-species" relationship reaches the public...

Early 2030's
~Technological/Magical developments lead to advancements for both worlds on an unpresidentited level.
~Inspite of technological marvels however it is determined that the Earth's climate change is irreversable. The following years would lead to an unpredicented level of flooding and earthquakes.
~Terrorist and radical groups begin to bud. Various religious, political and para-military groups from both worlds are formed with the demise of the CITY as a crux.
~An eliete task force of Equestrian's and Huamns is formed. Thus forming the "CITY Defence force" (CDF).

Late 2030's
~Very slowly, advancements from the "CITY" have begun to leak into the Earth and Equestria proper. It isn't odd in this era to find humans who idolize pony idols. Or Equestrians seeking to explore and learn about a world "Without magic".
~Human and Equestrian hybridizition begins testing phases...
~A new revolutionary science is born from studying Earth's Quantium Mechanics and Equestria's "Magic". A correlation is discovered!!!

Early 2040's
~Radical threat increases upon "Hybridization" tests are made public.
~Rise of the "Dark market" trading of various exotic materials is exasperated spreading beyond the reach of the CITY
~The entire CITY is now threatned of being disvowed, and the portal's destruction is debated heavily.
~Riots and panic break-out in what is known as "the schism". Disillusionment in the CITY begins to rise....

Early 2050's


Please note the Timeline is still underconstruction. This is just a way to sort my idea's for the moment and see where this idea can go. If I play this right...maybe this idea can become it's own little thing...

Also don't take this as gospel. Their are many ideas both on this timeline and off that I might include in the greater story.

My whole motivation for this story is to create a more "realistic" take on the Human and Equestrian "first contact" story genre. Im not saying this is what would happen in "REAL" life just an interpertation....

Genre inspirations include Cyber-punk, Political Thrillers, Alien Invasions, Hard and Soft Sci-fi, Fantasy, Nior, buddy cop, tragedy, and many others.

Thank you for your time :scootangel:

I like the concept, but I can't see any possibility that the US allows the UN - or any other foreign entity, for that matter - one scintilla of control in what happens in the Midwest. If you want some kind of grand project of international cooperation, put the city in the EU or on it's own island. The heartland of a superpower is the opposite of a neutral location.

Your timeline is a little weird, perhaps too long and perhaps too complicated, probably too far into the future to write well, but this does sound like a very interesting foundation for a story. I'm guessing it's going to be something like a human/pony buddy cop, maybe with a plot similar to (but less long and complicated than) Starlight Over Detrot?

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