Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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did the group die?

Idk probably. But I'm still here.

Well, hello there. I see you read my post in HAS.

But yeah, the forum here is pretty dead.

Yes I read it, but this has been dead for 2 years I did not expect it being one of the first groups. well everything ends I guess

There was more of a point to this group back when the site was crawling with misanthropes.

We actually had things to talk about back then.

But given there was a grand total of two posts in this group's forum last year, it's a safe bet to say there's not much left to say these days.

7620791 It's the 'Humans aren't bastards' group. It was already dead on creation. Perhaps one day humans will stop being bastards and this group shall arise from the dead.

I have relevant stories planned for the future, including one I have on hiatus, but that is far off.

Guess not we’re still here

Considering the last two years, it’s very difficult to think humans aren’t bastards.

no, everything is the same as in nature .... but instead of the strongest is the one with more intelligence on the planet and everything in it is towards no human is a bastard until proven otherwise or are you?

I am here

Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.

Reporting for duty

*distant eldritch chanting*

Death before retreat! yo.

Sploop a doop doop

As a genuine point of advice: It's much easier if you don't buy into the lies that the media and government spew.

The people who rise to the top tend to be bastards. That's always been true.

But here's another thing that's always been true: 99% of people are good.

The people around you are just like you. They're not bastards. They're just trying to make a living in this world run by clowns.

The human brain has a natural impulse to focus on the negatives, and you've gotta fight that impulse as hard as possible. It's a much easier fight if you try not to take in unnecessary negativity.

To that end, I've found it's best to avoid mainstream news and social media. Memes and conversations with other people are more than enough to stay informed. Just make sure to stay skeptical of literally everything you hear. Don't completely believe anything until you've looked into the subject personally; regardless of where you hear it from.

Try not to spend too much time online in general. It's best to take regular breaks. You don't even necessarily have to go outside and touch grass. You could play a video game, watch a movie, or partake in some other hobby.

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