Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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Group Admin
Invictus #1 · Feb 16th, 2014 · · 23 ·

Lately, I've noticed a lot of re-post threads... the same subject getting put up over and over anew, many of them having to do with religion or politics or completely random subjects that quickly devolve into either short-lived randomness or flame wars,

After discussing things with the other mods, we decided we wanted things to be a little more... focused. So, we want to institute some changes:

1) The addition of permanent "Social" and "Politics" threads. All discussions having to do with those subjects will only be allowed on those threads. New threads created with the express purpose of discussing those things will be deleted.

2) New threads should be about things related specifically to the discussion of tropes, stories, or subjects having to do with the "Humans are the real monsters" trope (or the avoidance thereof)... or, alternatively, real-life examples of people being good to each other (because I still want this group to primarily be a place where people go to clean their palette of recently encountered misanthropy).

That being said... we didn't want to just tyrannically institute such a big change without polling for member opinion. So, this is everyone's chance to tell me what you all think of the idea. We will not institute new rules that no one wants.

Give me your two cents below... in a couple of days, I'll count up the yays and nays and act accordingly.

I agree with both ideas. It would cut down on the severe level of spamming which I've seen here.

2869716 I think this thread should be pinned or whatever its called so that everyone can see it.

Meh. I'm not on the forums much, but those suggestions sound reasonable. Yay? :yay::unsuresweetie:

I think a social/politic thread would be great. The only thing I could see against it would be actual new news on certain events might get ignored. Just by my standing, I tend to forget about long ongoing threads unless someone replies to me.

Granted, if you're getting your news from a ponyfic site, there's not much hope left for you, but still.

Smiles #6 · Feb 16th, 2014 · · 1 ·


Sounds boring. :applejackunsure:

Flame wars on every thread is what defines this group. Without it, may as well just be a clone of HiE. :trollestia:

Misanthropy is not that big of a deal nowadays. Unless you go deliberately poke your hands into places that they don't belong and get bitten, misanthropy is actually kinda rare.

Thing about permanent social and politics thread is that there can also be different topics regarding to social life or politics. To bunch them all up in two big threads would be like bunching up videogamers of platformers, racing games, and shooters to play street fighter together and have fun. That, and people are more likely to click on an interesting thread topic instead of a bump of a stickied thread.

Comment posted by Friend deleted Feb 16th, 2014


You get a giant yay from me. I've literally been seeing the same things popping up around the forum. Threads that show mainly the bad of humanity and then there's all the rest of the ones that don't even have to do with fimfiction or even the show. What exactly did everyone sign up for in this site if they aren't going to discuss the show? Apparently, just flame wars...

Nice work actually doing something though.

2869716 I'm for the idea. It needs tweaking, but the core of the idea is sound.

2869716 alright, sounds good.

I support the spirit behind both of these measures. Although, I'm worried that simultaneous, but unrelated, discussions happening in the same thread might make them hard to follow.

I propose an alternative solution that would crack down on thread derailments that lead to flamewars as well as the, "But what does this have to do with HAB?" commentary from backseat moderators who don't seem to have actually read the group rules as they stand now.

2869716, definitely.

Also, make a "we are not a blog" rule. I've had to delete a few topics that were little more than self-congratulatory milestones.

Meh, sounds alright I guess.

I dont care either way. Personally I tend to ignore things i dont like.

That being said, regardless of the outcome, i'm sure i'll have my fun arguing over pointless shit one way or another.

I agree with all points.

I like the idea of a single thread for only politics, but the problem is that it will get so glutted and long and disorganized that it will become an absolute mess and eventually be abandoned all together (which might not be a bad thing, actually). So, if it can be better worked out and detailed, I'm leaning to saying yes.

As for the second, I kind of want to say no; however, the obvious, idiotic, and absolutely pointless threads that are made simply to exist should be deleted. Other things simply for socialization are fine with me; I think it helps bring the group together (so long as they aren't specifically made to flame war). I don't mind talking about controversial topics, so long as it's done in a manner that respects all sides and opinions. A single social thread will go the way of the politics one, becoming disorganized and bloated. So, in respects to the second idea, I have to go towards no.

But I would like these to be elaborated more so as to better understand some parts; I just want to fully understand what I'm voting for.

Group Contributor

2869716 I vote yes on both counts.

Group Admin

I vote yes to both as well.

Group Admin

Voting yes on both counts.


2. New threads should be about things related specifically to the discussion of tropes, stories, or subjects having to do with the "Humans are the real monsters" trope (or the avoidance thereof)... or, alternatively, real-life examples of people being good to each other

But where are the ponies? Would this rule mean that we can't talk about Earth to Equestria first contact scenarios? Or the types of government, economy, or social customs that might exist in Equestria?

When I ask a question, HiE gives a higher volume of answers, but HaB gives better quality answers with better back-and-forth discussions.

Group Admin


First contact scenarios would fall under the "discussing tropes/stories" exemption. As would any other post asking for the evaluation of a story/idea.

As far as I'm concerned, world-building threads are also 100% welcome.

I guess I can accept that. Although, as I say that, my inner 'I-fear-change' muscle is starting to cramp up.

Yes please. It would definitely make me stop just flat-out ignoring the group if I know I'm not just walking into another political argument.

Group Admin

As discussed Vic, I vote yes on both counts. This really needs to be done. Bad.

I left this group a while back because of the constant political garbage and shitposting. If this rule change passes, I'll probably stick around for a while.

please do. I vote yes on all of them.

Yes, on both accounts.


I, too, am in favor of this change.

I certainly want to cut down on the spamming, and more than half those topic seem to be focused against what the group was made for. So I'll vote yes to both of them!

works for me.

2869716 Honestly I'm alright with some form of that whole 'separate the politics' thing, but separating out the random posts? I love random (but not repeat) threads. Sooo, maybe something to ban repeat threads instead?

I'll vote no because there are so many yes'

Nay. People should discuss what they want to discuss. Censorship is never a good thing.

Group Admin

2925672 It's not censorship dude. Under the new rules, it just gathers all of the spamming of world news and social stuff into separate threads so people don't get spammed with new topics they don't care about. We're only talking about deleting threads if they are posted in the wrong place, or if they are repeats of other threads.

So it's not censorship, it's reorganization.

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but whatever happened to this idea? Is it still getting implemented?

Yeah...this should have been implemented...

Agreed to both.


This group is where I get ALL my news. I never go to any actual news sites.:fluttercry:

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