Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
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I watched Crusaders Of The Lost Mark recently and thought Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara would make a cute couple. It's a crack ship and its not on the list of what can't be in this group so do you agree or agree to disagree?

Any ship can sail if you do the words writing good. I still can recall the gripping love story between Madame le Flour and Fernando the drinking straw. Or the one where everyone was dirigibles. The point is, go nuts, have fun, just don’t, y’know, write shitty.

6956029 Why not? I feel like it's been a startlingly underappreciated ship even though I think it would be fun to explore it. I especially wanna know what Spoiled Rich would think of her daughter having a suitor like Pipsqueak.

Her mother would likely be worse than him. They might both hate the idea.

6956183 Eh, I don't think Diamond Tiara would hate it. After all, she could've gotten him kicked out of office, but she didn't.

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