Chess Game of the Gods 1,442 members · 87 stories
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Just what it says on the title. Is anyone alive creating around this 'verse anymore?

I've been checking out of curiosity many stories, profiles and posts and it seems that most of the core members aren't being active anymore and I don't see much new blood invested in this verse either.

Things come and go, and I wanted to knew for sure if this group is just now populated by the dying embers of the once active community. I've never been active myself that much is true, but I've been a silent reader for many of the main stories that created this 'verse, and I wanted one last check before departing this group for greener pastures.

I'm here, I mean I'm kind of a new member here and I don't have a story in this group, but I was thinking of one day writing one.

Same, I have been looking for groups to publicize my stories and this one sounded fun.

To use a medical idea, the brain is dead but the body lives on. I know a few people are running with the idea of the Chess game, but they aren't using the story or universe of the group. I think it's safe to say this'll just be a corner of FIMFiction that people come to look at, maybe read every once in a while, but then leave. And that's fine. Things come and go. It's sad, but that's the nature of things.

here a tip for making a crossover with somebody else, make sure they involve you in everything. Or they'll just make up for them selves how your characters will act with out your input. It happened with the last guy I worked with and it made me not want to work on my story anymore. Maybe I'll work on it again latter down the line but for now. I'm taking things easy.

I think 'BlackWing' is still posting, but he hasn't been online since august 21.

I’d say it’s safe to say this group died out a few years ago. It was dependent on the collaboration of its writers to keep the chess game going, but over time they lost interest or had other things to do. So we are left with just a faint memory of what it once was and what it could have been. Other than Black Wing, who is the only person I know of that still writes for the ‘verse.

I was thinking of doing a story once I ain't absolute shut at putting ideas to paper in an acceptable fashion. *cough*teribbledisplacedattempt*cough*

Edit: That being said, maybe a reboot to the CGotG 2.0ish type thing could be a great idea? Just thinkin.....

First of all, sorry for replying so late. Life has a thing to keep one busy for extended periods of time.

Now... Yes, I think that the 'creator' side of the group died years ago too. It's pretty sad to see it unfinished though, but as ShadowsInTheDark puts with the experience he shared with us, collabs usually require a lot of effort and communication and 'Chess game of the Gods' always looked pretty restrictive overall to be in canon, giving opportunity for many non-canon stories to appear. There is also the problem with writing with many people with different characters, perspectives, objectives, etc... but that's nothing new. This happens everywhere.

I think this was just the natural course of things since it doesn't seem (from an spectators perspective at least) that there was a final goal planned or how to get there if there was one. While this group doesn't need to be as decentralized as the Displaced (where as far as I now it's just cosplay galore and crossover whenever), a possible reboot or re-imagination needs to be somewhat flexible with its core story to not scare authors. Let me explain.

Dragon Ball Super, as an example, had the story made by Akira Toriyama, creator of the original series. He put some core events and who should do what in key points, but left the manga creators and the anime creators leeway on how to reach that goal. That's why the manga follows the same story and events, with the same results... but the story in-between doesn't match up with the anime.

So... I think that a collaborative effort to have 'the main storyline" done before the stories come in needs to be done, even if it's just a timeline with "Twilight saves (insert creature) because of (insert cause)" and the like, if a reboot wants to be successful and still be in the same line of the original 'Chess Game of the Gods'. Then the other stories can just branch out from that, and everyone can go at their own pace. Some things can be retconned as necessary when collabs are involved but since they know what the conclusion is going to be they don't need to wait for others if they want to go forward on the timeline. This means that Twilight will always save that random important person on the same timeframe, even if the people involved maybe remember the event differently depending on the story and who is telling it, or maybe the spell or events varied somewhat but the intent and consequences of this event its still being kept intact.

This was done after the fact with the original iteration of the 'verse, I think? (I'm not sure, sorry if I get my facts wrong) and well... even when doing it before any story begins it would be hard since the project needs most of the authors of the hypothetical 'new core stories' to agree on this common story, from beginning to end. It would be a labor of love and hard work, and it will require to invest a lot of time, not counting in implementing all the new lore supplied by all the new seasons of MLP since its inception. I think it's possible to do so, if hard.

Sorry for the long reply. You gave me lots of things to chew on before writing a proper reply.

Yes. Very valid points. I think we should preplan the whole thing too if we do it. Like, what writers are involved, what are our characters going to be, what are their alignments, what gods will they be the pieces for, etc etc. There cannot be a hop-in author except in a very early publish stage. Even then, it would have to be a group desicion to let the late author in, simply because we would have to edit prewritten chapters to include a new character, UNLESS that character is planned into the future chapters OR planned to be a 'shadow' character of sorts. But this would flip the difficulty onto the new author. So yeah. If we do this, we should probably make it a full on group thing. Get to know each other and such. As for writing everything, we could even treat it like a pre worlded game of DnD with some extra lore. I would pprobably be more the idea wall for y'all to bounce your idea balls off of. That is, if I don't get my writing skills up right. But it would help immensely if we all helped each other. Thus, group thing! I certainly wouldn't mind.

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