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Group Admin

Alright everyone, it's 2016 and registration has closed!

34 35 people have signed up, and we are just about ready to get underway with our prompt collab special. For all of the rules on participating, please see our last thread for all of the details, but basically the job of each writer is to write a 500-1000 (1500 absolute maximum) word continuation of the previous person's entry.

Once finished, post your entry here on this forum. Encouragement, comments, and discussion on each person's entry are also welcomed here. :pinkiesmile:

Just to remind everyone, the prompt for this game is:

Twilight and Rainbow Dash travel to Baltimare for the annual Daring Do Convention (DoCon). What follows is a chaotic mess as Dash and Twilight encounter rare memorabilia, grumpy editors, and fans of varying degrees of insanity.

Cover art has still yet to be acquired.


Prompt Collab - Compiled Chapters

The List of Authors, in order of go, their tentative start dates, and links to their entries as they come:
1. KrazyTheFox (Jan. 4-6)
2. Incredible Blunderbolt (Jan. 7-9)
3. Snowstream (Jan. 10-12)
4. bats (Jan. 13-15)
5. Kamikakushi Auramane (Jan. 16-18)
6. ZOMG (Jan. 19-21)
7. VengeanceOfFlames (Jan. 22-24)
8. Sweater Weather BizzarroScoots (Jan. 25-27)
9. Jake R (Jan. 28-30)
10. Skeeter The Lurker (Jan. 31-Feb.2)
11. Stormgnome (Feb. 3-5)
12. Fiend from the Darkness (Feb. 6-8)
13. CalmNQuiet (Feb. 9-11)
14. UTF (Feb. 12-14)
15. SonicRainbowNova (Feb. 15-17)
16. Formerly Committed (Feb. 18-20)
17. Quill Scratch (Feb. 21-23)
18. The Abyss (Feb. 24-26)
19. Jondor (Feb. 27-29)
20. thedarkkitty (Mar. 1-3)
21. ElementsOfVariousStuff Drunken Logic (Mar. 4-6)
22. Tchernobog (Mar. 7-9)
23. Grand_Moff_Pony (Mar. 10-12)
24. Kodeake (Mar. 13-15)
25. journcy (Mar. 16-18)
26. Ceffyl Dwr (Mar. 19-21)
27. Timaeus (Mar. 22-24)
28. Bradel (Mar. 25-27)
29. Ahpex (Mar. 28-30)
30. The DJ Rainbow Dash (Mar. 31-Apr. 2)
31. Minds Eye (Apr. 3-5)
32. Subsolar Drift (Apr. 6-8)
33. Blueninetails (Apr. 9-11)
34. pinkie_pie240 (Apr. 12-14)
35. Vertorm (Apr. 15-17)

A calendar or something of the like will be added here before Monday.


Alright then, Krazy, you're up! To give everybody a chance to recover from their holiday festivities, the game will officially start on Monday, January 4th and Krazy will have three days to complete his entry so that Blundy can start the second chapter on January 7th.

Note: the last three writers will be responsible for wrapping everything up. Blue will start the wrap up, pinkie_pie will continue it, and then the last entry shall be posted by Vertorm.

4956655 Where is this story going to be posted?

Group Admin


Most likely under my account since I'm doing the bulk of the organizing here, but there is technically a TwiDash Collab user we could theoretically post this on.

You know I didn't realize just how long this little project would end up taking.... almost four months....

Still faster than I can write anything on my own.

Group Admin


I prefer to think of it as something to look forward to consistently over the next three-and-a-half months. Every three days or so, new snippets of something TwiDash.

Sounds like a bargain to me :twilightsmile:


Shush you. I have 5K written....


Just... you know... for a different Twidash.


People keep asking me, "Blundy, when will you write Trust 2?" and I tell them: "Hush, my child. I have 5k written—"

They cheer, but I do not, for I haven't finished speaking yet.

"—for a RariDash Christmas special," I say.

The crowd is silent, motionless in the darkness. One of them stands up, his eyes filled with fear and betrayal. His forehead is creased as his brow furrows and tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He wipes them away with his cloak. "Burn the traitor," he whispers.

My heart sinks. "But I'm writing!" I shout as the lights go out. An invisible hand grabs my shoulder and holds me in place. A sharp pain tears through my chest. The reflection of the blade, cast of the dying glow of the still-warm stage lights is barely visible against abyss.

There is silence. I feel weak, and fall to my knees. The voice, now behind me, whispers, cold and dead: "Not what we want."

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Christmas special


I never said it'd be out on time for Christmas. :derpytongue2:

Nor did I say which Christmas it's being written for.

Group Contributor

Every time Blundy writes, he kills someone. At least this time it was himself and not Dash.

Alright, the final bit of the story, huh? I can handle that. More responsibility than I was expecting, but whatever, I look forward to it ... In three and a half months.

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Why do you think Blundy is before bats? After Blundy kills Dashie bats can have her ... Come Back

Group Admin


I think you mean that I'd have her start to come back, and then three years pass and you're sad.

Errr.... Did you forget me dude? :rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

Thank you for pointing that out! Timaeus is asleep right now, but he will no doubt fix the schedule tomorrow morning. I just wanted to reply here to let you know that it is being addressed.

:pinkiehappy: Oh hay yes! You know with pinkie ending it'll just be super!

:twilightsheepish: Pinkie, you're second to last so...

:pinkiesad2: Aww!!! What?? Hmph

:twilightoops: You could do an awesome... Almost ending?

:pinkiehappy: Yippee!!!

Lol Look forward to my turn!! In several months. :rainbowlaugh:

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Actually, me and Tim talked about you last night. Despite you "saying" you were joining, you never actually went and signed up.

I'm sure when Tim gets around he'll do the Canadian thing and throw you in somewhere.

Group Admin


And I have!

Yeah, I thought it was weird when I went through the responses and didn't see your name. I figured something came up and you wanted/needed to drop from entering.

So now you're going right before Minds Eye towards the end!

Group Admin





Once finished, post your entry here on this forum.

The other thread said that too:

When you have finished your entry, please post it as a comment in this thread with the total word count listed below.

So... which one?

Group Admin


Well... I'm a big dumb-dumb. Post your entries here on this thread. I'll go edit the previous one to fix that.

Thanks for catching that!

Aaaaannd here we go! Have fun!

This clocks in at 1075 words, according to Google Docs.

"...And this demonstrates that not only did Rosetta Stone have strong feelings for Daring Do early in the series, she also tried to act upon these feelings almost from the start. This brings us to the second book in which Rosetta appeared, Daring Do and the Turner of Tides, where—"

A loud scream tore through the auditorium, silencing the panelist. Heads turned to the door and ponies murmured their confusion.

"Twi, what's going on?"

Twilight shrugged. "I don't know, Rainbow. This wasn't part of the schedule..."

More shouts echoed in from the hallway and Twilight shot Rainbow a deeply concerned look. "We should probably check that out."

Rainbow Dash extended a wing behind Twilight's back and nudged Fluttershy's shoulder. "Yo, Fluttershy. We're gonna go see what's up. Keep our seats, okay?"

Before Rainbow Dash and Twilight could start toward the doors, they flew open, revealing a familiar blue creature.

"That's Ahuizotl! What's he doing here?"

"Ponies!" declared Ahuizotl, "You are all now my captives until Daring Do turns herself in." He took notice of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle, and narrowed his eyes. "You three again!? After them!"

"Guess that answers that question. Let's get him!" Rainbow Dash took off and flew at Ahuizotl, yelling behind her, "Fluttershy! Go left!"

Ahuizotl's henchmen flooded in through the doors and cut off Rainbow and Twilight. Several fell to some well placed shots from Twilight.

Rainbow Dash dodged a net thrown at her from the other side of the room, rounded a kick on her attacker, and looked around. "...Fluttershy! Twilight, where's Fluttershy?"

Twilight blasted another henchman with her horn. "She was right there!" She scanned the room and pointed toward a back door. "Over there!"

"Ugh. I'll be back for you, Ahuizotl!" Rainbow Dash followed Twilight out of the auditorium and down the hall, bowling over several more henchmen on the way out.

Angered exclamations followed the pair down the halls as they pursued Fluttershy past many tied up ponies sitting against walls—and many more together in the middle of the larger rooms, kept in line by circling henchmen.

Spears clattered against the wall behind them as they turned corner after corner.

Rainbow Dash barely managed to kick a spear away from Twilight mid-flight. "A little distraction would be nice, Twi!"

"On it!" Twilight spun around and unleashed a barrage of magic on the ceiling, collapsing it behind them, catching a few of their pursuers in the falling debris. Pained moans could be heard all the way down the hall.

"Nice one, Twi!" cheered Rainbow.

The two followed the seemingly endless hallways through the convention center until Fluttershy finally stepped inside a nondescript closet tucked away behind a wall.

"This is it," said Twilight, checking to make sure they weren't still being followed.

She swung the door open, Fluttershy yelped, and Twilight shoved Rainbow Dash inside ahead of her, slamming the door behind them. She surveyed the closet and found three other ponies cowering in the back. "Fluttershy! What were you doing?"

"Twilight! I'm so sorry! I just couldn't—" Fluttershy leapt up and nearly strangled Twilight in a hug.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Just… give us some warning next time. We should be safe here for now."

A groan from the floor startled both ponies from their one-sided embrace. Twilight blushed and helped Rainbow to her hooves, sneaking in a nuzzle. "Sorry, Rainbow."

One of the unicorns in the back, dressed in a very accurate Daring Do costume, took a tentative step forward. "Is that... Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow brushed some dust from her chest and struck a pose. "The one and only!"

"Hi, I'm Mint Condition." She reached a hoof out to shake Rainbow's. "Oh, I simply must get your autograph for my copy of Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny. May I?" She almost squealed in delight.

Returning the shake, Rainbow Dash limbered up her writing lips. "Sure! Got a pen?"

Twilight pressed a hoof to her face and levitated Rainbow Dash away from Mint Condition. "Rainbow, we have more important things to do right now."

"Right, sorry," apologized Rainbow Dash, scratching the back of her neck. She mouthed 'later' to Mint Condition and winked when Twilight wasn't looking.

Twilight pointed at Mint Condition. "So you're Mint Condition... I'm Twilight Sparkle, but, uh, you've probably already guessed that. This here's Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and the other two of you are...?"

An earth pony stallion waved. "I'm High Peak. Pleasure to meet ya, princess."

"And I'm See Fore," said the last pony, another earth pony stallion.

Twilight levitated a nearby marker and started drawing check boxes on the wall. "Now that we have introductions out of the way, we need a plan. First things first: we need to know what everypony here is good at and what we're up against. We saw Ahuizotl and a bunch of henchmen rounding up ponies, but not much else before they started chasing after us. Mint Condition, why don't you start us off?"

"Sure! I run my own comic store here in Baltimare. I collect all kinds of memorabilia and sew costumes for ponies. And..." Mint Condition frowned. "I'm afraid I didn't see much. I saw High Peak run into the closet here and I just followed. I think he was about to tell us something he saw before you came in, though."

Twilight rested a reassuring hoof on Mint's shoulder. "That's okay. We'll figure this out. What did you see, High Peak?"

High Peak nodded. "I saw Ahuizotl talking to someone else in the shadows as I ran by one of the open rooms. Didn't know the dude was real. That's so cool." At the looks everypony else was giving him, he cleared his throat. "Uh, right. I like mountaineering and bouldering. Nothing like a good climbing challenge, ya know?"

"Sounds like Ahuizotl's not working alone. That should be plenty of flank to kick!" Rainbow Dash grinned and rubbed her hooves together. "So what's your deal, See Fore?"

"I study at the Manehattan Institute of Film, as a special effects engineer—pyrotechnics specifically. I saw pretty much the same thing you did before I managed to slip out the back."

Twilight scribbled a few more notes on the wall, murmuring to herself. "Pyrotechnics, rock climbing, costumes... I think we can work with that."

"Great! I have just one question." Rainbow Dash looked around the room and gave everypony her signature smirk. "What would Daring do?"

Group Admin


Starting things off with a definite bang. No time to breathe, no time to think, it's time to dive right into the thick of things!

Thanks for starting us off, Krazy. Now it's time for 4957250 to take the reigns.

One down, thirty-four to go!

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Calling it now. Fluttershy X Adrian.

4965907 I'm sorry, but that last line deserves several smacks with the bad pun stick.... -___-

Group Admin


If I told you that last line was a reference to an AppleDash story, would that make you feel better or worse? :trollestia:

The puns shall last forever!

Maaaaan. You're not supposed to tell them!

Group Admin


I never said which AppleDash story it was. :scootangel:

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Even I know it's the title of the stupid story. :unsuresweetie:


Here we are, at 1069 words.

In the dim light of the closet, Mint Condition's grin could be seen stretching from ear to ear. "I’m on an adventure with the genuine Rainbow Dash . . .” she squealed, dancing in place.

“Don’t swell her head even more,” Twilight groaned as Rainbow puffed out her chest. “Seriously, she wouldn’t stop talking about her part in that book for five months.”

In the back corner of the closet, See Fore snorted. “I guess Yearling nailed her characterization, then.”

“Aw, Mint’s just amazed at my awesomeness, Twilight!” Rainbow said, grinning and patting Twilight’s head. “I mean, she’s about to see me save the day for real! Who wouldn’t be stoked about that?”

Twilight set her jaw. Of course Rainbow would be incapable of taking the situation seriously.This was probably a dream come true for her. “Rainbow!” she snapped, “What about all those ponies that are tied up outside? They need help—real help! From Real guards!

“Relax, Twi,” Rainbow chuckled, waving a hoof. “I’m a Wonderbolt; this is nothing! We’ve whupped Ahuizotl's butt before! It’ll be a piece of cake!”

Bang! Bang! Bang! The door shook violently as hooves pounded on it. “Who is in there?!” a thickly accented voice shouted. “You will come out now!”

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat. They couldn’t have found us already! she thought, listening to the grumbling outside the door and biting her lip. There must have been dozens of doors between here and the panel!

“Aw, yes!” Rainbow pumped her hoof. “This is gonna be so badass! Somepony find me a bat or something!”

“You can use my copy of the Sunday Manehatten Times!” Mint piped up, hurriedly fumbling through her saddlebags.

Rainbow’s eagerness quickly proved infectious. Within moments, See Fore and High Peak had armed themselves with the brooms from the corner. They trained themselves on the door with Rainbow at the head, who was thwapping the newspaper against her hoof repeatedly. Even Fluttershy looked much calmer than she had mere minutes ago.

“Come on in, you stupid henchpony!” Rainbow barked at the door.

Are they crazy? They’re going to get us all killed! Twilight ground her teeth together. Her horn flared, and a light purple aura wrapped itself around the doorknob. “No, Rainbow! This is real! It’s dangerous!


The world turned green, and Twilight shrieked as her head exploded with pain. A flash of hot air flooded her nose with the scent of ozone before flipping her over. She hit the back wall of the closet and crashed into the shelves, sending cleaning supplies everywhere. A split second later, a wall of fur and scrambling hooves smashed into her. She heard a cracking noise come from her mouth, but she still felt like a miniature dragon was trying to claw it’s way out of her skull.

The unmistakable smell of burned hair and singed flesh hung heavily in the air. When Twilight was finally able to open her eyes, she saw several dark figures enter the room. One of them pointed at her and mumbled something garbled and broken. She rubbed her hooves on her ears and winced as they met something wet and sticky.

A cloaked figure swept across the room toward her. Tucked under his dark hood, only his cold, cruel eyes could be seen peering above a half-faced mask. If Twilight wasn’t already groaning from pain, she might have shuddered.

His cold stare, however, was ruined when a darkened silhouette tackled him to the ground. “Hey! Stay away from my friend!” Rainbow roared, her wings raised in defiance as she wound a forehoof back for a swift punch. It never connected.

Another green flash filled the room, and suddenly the cloaked figure was looming over Rainbow, his foreleg wrapped firmly against her wriggling throat. He surveyed the room slowly before turning to the other stallion, a beefy pegasus with a beret. “This one was a former Element of Harmony as well.” His voice was deep and foreboding, but it was the almost casual way that he said it—like he was discussing the weather schedule—that made Twilight’s blood ran cold. “She will do fine for a trial run of the experiment. Leave the other ones here and have Pavor curse the door. Under no circumstances is the alicorn to escape.”

“Woah, woah, woah!” Rainbow grunted, kicking and squirming in the masked stallion’s grip. “I’m not going anywhere without my friends!”

A faint green glow appeared over the stallions forehead, and Twilight noticed for the first time that he was a unicorn. She struggled to roll over and warn Rainbow Dash, but simply trying to move made her head spin.

“You’ll come whether you wish to or not,” the stallion said coldly. The green light grew larger, and Rainbow groaned in discomfort. “And you will come now.” The light flashed.

Rainbow screamed.

Tears filled Twilight’s eyes as she struggled to roll over, but a furry mass laid in her way. She begged her body to comply, but the only thing she managed to muster up was a wave of nausea. Her hoof clawed at the ground for purchase, and found on High Peak’s hip it just as Dash’s voice died down.

Rainbow was visibly shaking now. Her wonderful, happy, devil-may-care grin was gone, replaced with pale cheeks, slicked back ears and wide, teary eyes. A green glow surrounded her hooves and hoisted her into the air upside-down, and Twilight watched, flailing her hoof helplessly as Rainbow floated out the door.

Desperately, Twilight reached out with her magic. Perhaps she could cancel out this masked stallion’s spell just long enough for Rainbow to—”Aaauugh!” Her vision turned green again, and Twilight’s head felt like an apple in a cider press. She gripped it with both her hooves, howling in agony and falling to the ground again.

“A valiant attempt, Twilight Sparkle,” the masked stallion chuckled humorlessly as his horn glowed brighter and brighter with each of Twilight’s screams. “And a vain one, too.” He turned around and followed the pegasus out the door. “But don’t worry, I’ll be back for you soon.”

Click, The door shut, and Twilight was left to curl up in a puddle of her own tears and whimper.

Off to a really interesting start.
Not quite what I thought off when I read the prompt, I suppose one could lump it together in chaotic mess and varying degrees of insanity, but never mind that.

This is going to be so much fun.:pinkiehappy:

Umm... So... No DoCon?

Group Admin


Oh, wow, that was fast!

And I see we have this new mystery super villain. I wonder what our next writers will do with him. :trixieshiftright:

Indeed it was! I was not expecting to see this when I stepped off my last flight today. Very anxious to see where you all take this.


Hey, what can I say? The Bolt's back, baby!:rainbowdetermined2:

Talk about going from zero to sixty. :rainbowdetermined2:

Certainly looks that way, but who's to say, just depends on where this train will eventually take/lead us.

Holy shit.... Well, i'll have my work cut out for me then... Let's get this party on the road.

Group Contributor

You can't have a Daring Do convention and not have something exciting happen from the get-go. That's like, illegal or something. :rainbowdetermined2:

...and nothing else came to mind.

Twilight didn’t know how long she lay there, wallowing in misery and panic, her mind torturing her with increasingly horrible (and ridiculous) ideas of what the misterious hodded stallion could want with Rainbow Dash. She only broke out of her stupor when she felt a prodding against her side. slowly, so as not to reinvite the nausea which had accompanied her earlier attempts at movement, she turned her head. The source of the prodding turned out to be the fuzzy mass which had earlier impeded her movement, which in itself turned out to be See Fore, who had now managed to stand up and was prodding her side and frantically talking. Twilight raised her consciousness the rest of the way out of the gaping valley of despair and self pity and reminded herself that she had to find a way to save her friend and stop whatever it was the mysterious villain group had planned. Mental rallying cry complete, she turned her attention to See Fore and his desperate rambling.
“Oh thank Celestia you’re alright… you are alright, right, your majesty? Please, please be alright, i don’t know what to do, please be alright, you’re our only hope!”
“Yes, i am alright, just a bit dizzy.” she managed to say, which seemed to calm him down somewhat. “How is everypony?” Twilight tried to look around, but the motion made her head swim again and she couldn’t make out much more than colored blurs in the dimly lit cabinet. One beige colored blur seemed to be lying in the corner making quiet retching sounds, and a pink and yellow blur was lying by the door, sobbing quietly.
“Fluttershy seems to be fine physically, but she won’t stop crying. Mint is beimg sick, and she doesn’t react to anything i say or do.” the last blur said in High Peaks voice.
Twilight fought through the nausea and the pain to assess the situation, now recognizing the symptoms she and the only other magic user in the room were exhibiting.
“Yes, that is a common reaction when a unicorn experiences magical feedback for the first time. But that doesn’t make any sense… one only experiences feedback if a spell one is castong goes catastrophically wrong, and we were both hit at the same time…” her face paled even more as the implications of her realization hit her. “That stallion has found a way to induce magical feedback in other unicorns!”
She could now clearly see the two stallions’ confused faces. “That’s… bad, right?” Twilight resisted the urge to facehoof, but only because she was didn’t want to provoke her receding headache. A lot of magical experimentation had hardened her against the aftermath of feedback, so she was already picking herself off the floor as she boiled the magical theory down for the non-magical ponies.
“Basically, he can force any unicorn’s spells targeted at him to fail on the caster, with results as you just witnessed in Mint and me.”
That they understood. Their faces fell.
“That means the guard will be just as helpless. Oh Celestia, he could take on the guard!”
Twilight felt bad for smashing their hopes like that, so she instantly supplied them with a sliver of hope. “There are some unicorns who know countermeasures to feedback, my brother being one of them, and i’m pretty sure most heavy duty combat casters can protect themselves with a bit of preparation. We just have to warn them.” Even Fluttershy picked herself up at that. “An they’ll save Rainbow Dash.” Then her face fell again. “But they’ve cursed the door. We can’t get out” Twilight nodded, very aware of the fact that she was still in no condition, magically speaking, to undo any kind of wards, let alone a powerful curse. Looking over her companions, she noticed her checkboxes on the wall, her gaze falling on the box marked “introductions”. Inspiration struck, and she started inspecting the contents of the cleaning cupboard more closely, a plan beginning to form in her head. “We can’t go through the door, so we have to go through the walls… well, as Jamie Hayneman said: When in doubt… See Fore!"

Here it is, clocking in at just under 700 words. Not as big a contribution as my predecessors, but hopefully decent enough

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

I hope they use See Fore and ram him through the wall.

Off to one hell of a start eh, Flashy and with a hell of a bang to start things off...
What a twist! :twistnerd:

4975255 puns are the most important form of social interaction in the world. Kind of like tea, so you should never refuse a pun, it's impolite and that's how wars start. :rainbowwild:

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