AppleDash 3,013 members · 1,068 stories
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Group Admin

Credit to Tchernobutt for making this do-dad.

Howdy everyone, your friendly neighbourhood story sorter here with a couple of quick notes for my fellow admins/contributors and for all of you beautiful plebeian group members out there on the subject of sorting stories.

To make a long story short, I was finishing cleaning up the Submissions folder and I noticed that several of the ~20 stories in there were already in the group in some capacity. While not a huge concern, I would still like to ask that, if you are an admin or contributor with the power to add stories to the rest of the group's folders, please remove that story from the Submissions folder if it is in there. If you are a contributor without the power to remove stories, then I would very much appreciate it if you could PM me or one of the other admins with the power to do so. It would help make my job easier and I would love you all the more for it! :twilightsmile:

Now, why am I posting this here when I could track down all of the admins/contribs individually and tell them privately?

Because I have also noticed that some stories have been added to the Submissions folder by writers/readers when the story in question is already in the group. To all of you out there, please do check to see if a story is already in the group before you add it. I do generally read every story that is in the Submissions folder to make sure it is sorted properly, and it is a bit of a pain when I spend an hour reading something only to find I didn't need to (even though I may have enjoyed the story).

EDIT: I was incorrect with my original posting about what regular members could and couldn't see. I appreciate everyone's diligence in making sure all AppleDash-related stories end up here, but please try and check to make sure a story isn't already in the group before adding! You can also check the story's groups sidebar to see which groups it's already in.

Last thing I'll mention is that since I'm "in charge" or "responsible" for the Submissions folder, if anyone has any questions or issues with the placement or lack thereof of any story, don't hesitate to contact me. There're a lot of stories that filter through here, and I'm bound to miss something every now and then.

Happy reading everyone!


A story that is already in the group will have a green check mark next to the folder it's in on the group addition page.

Except that normal members won't be able to see that green check mark, because they don't have permissions to add stories to that folder!

Group Admin

Another trick is that the group will be listed in that story's groups sidebar. (Authors can turn that off, but most don't, so if you follow that it'll be fairly accurate.)

Group Admin


Oh, really? I was unaware of this.

My mistake, then, and my apologies to everyone.

But still, I would be very much appreciative if you could check to see if a story is already in the group before adding it. People are pretty diligent about adding stories here.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for pointing out my error! I'll edit my original post.

Group Contributor

4728631 I generally add my stories to submissions the day they're published, so I don't know how quick people would have to be to put them in the folders before then.

I'll keep an eye out, though.

Group Contributor

This person here is the real hero of the group. Wading through the submission folder and sorting it. I salute you. :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

A big salute to Timaeus, the man willing to do the things that others cannot.

Group Admin


I made that header pic for a goddamn reason. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Funny thing is, you're frequent enough that normally someone (*cough*Tchernobog*cough*) reads and adds your story to the appropriate folder within a few hours after posting. But then that someone (*cough*) sometimes forgets to remove it from the submissions folder. But hey, I like your style and your fics. Reading them is always a plus.



Group Contributor

4728827 Well, there's no accounting for Tchernobog user error.

Also, :heart:


Well, there's no accounting for Tchernobog user error.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Group Contributor

4728888 Quite. Although I daresay 'Tcherno likes Appledash' might make for a close second.

4728915 No, see, that one ranks with "water is wet" :P

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