Looking for Editors 5,422 members · 3,384 stories
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I'm looking for someone who would be able to help with my story Fallout Equestria: Burdens. An editor of mine had to leave, recently, and now I have a total of 5 Chapters that are currently sitting in limbo on Google Docs. I'm hoping that I can find someone who would be able to provide editing, proofreading, and/or continuity assistance for the story.

The story is up on Fimfic, but as previously mentioned the chapters that are in need of further edits and proofreading are currently on Google Docs; it's something that I do before I put them up on Fimfic. If there's anyone who is interested and is okay with mature material, I can provide the links to the Chapters in private DMS, and I can discuss the contents on Discord--- if that is preferred.

The story, itself, involves things typically involved with a Fallout Equestria story: violence, death; mature labels. It, however, doesn't follow a traditional FoE format--- or at least that's what I am aiming for as I continue developing the story. It's first person, present tense and is a story told from the perspective of a jaded and cynical pony in a land that isn't Equestria.

Lots of cosmic and eldritch weirdness is involved; things that will never thoroughly be explained and at the very best implied. The main character isn't a hero, either--- no savior of the wasteland, and I don't intend for him to be.

I don't know if what I've said is enough, and there might be some things I missed, but if anyone is interested, please feel free to send a message. I'll be glad to discuss the story further, and as always I appreciate the help that can be given. ^w^

Edit: Until help arrives, I'll keep writing. Currently Chapter 9 is around 7.8k words long and still going.
As for how many words are in limbo in general: 40,334 words combined from Chapters 5-8; the Chapters that are out now total to around 36,464 words. That means that in total, an editor can currently expect to read a total of 76,798 words. Honestly the most invested story--- and the only story--- I've ever written.

Are you willing to do a trade?

Sadly, I would not be able to. I've got too much on my plate with other things and I don't think I'd be able to provide much in the way of a trade.

Oh! Is this a paid position? I would be interested. I am a professional editor/ghost writer/proof reader etc. DM me if you are still looking.

If you’d like some help, I can give it a shot ^^

Am already feeling confident; bumping the post ^^

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