
Viewing 181 - 200 of 772 results

Story update: My Idiot · 1:21pm Dec 30th, 2015

So now that I can safely say I've more than set the scene for this story, I actually have to think about what I'm gonna do next.

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Not dead. Just... really, really exhausted. (Also, an announcement.) · 9:18am Jan 22nd, 2017

It's no secret that last year was particularly rough on everyone. Myself included. We lost so much and gained so little in comparison that by the time it was over, I had never been so relieved to see a clock hit midnight in my life.

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>Dead · 5:43am Sep 15th, 2020

Henlo frens,

I have been having a rough friccin time recently- med school, working 12 hour days and such. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to nab a little bit of time to write in the future.

But anyway that's why there's been a dearth of content. How are you guys?


Dead Silver Free Today Only! · 9:33pm Oct 31st, 2019

Happy Halloween!

While I work on getting Jungle read for pre-ordering, you should all be aware that today is October 31st! Otherwise known as Halloween! You know, the fun spooky holiday where people dress up in costume and go around shrieking at spooks and looking for candy.

Yup. Hard to miss! Hope you’ve got candy for those ghouls coming by your door! And aren’t tired of hearing Thriller yet!

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Delays. · 3:52pm Apr 24th, 2017

I'm so sorry for the delays... but holy shit. Doing this, school, and YouTube is kinda messing with everything... there will be more TTD but I just need time. So again, I'm sorry for the wait.

YT channel here:


Sneaking back into writing · 3:36am Apr 16th, 2017

*peaks at first few chapters* What the fuck was I writing here?

Anyway, I'm kinda back ... at least in spirit. I've been working over Fire that Chills in my head. Unfortunately, as I've figured out how I want the world to work now, I have to go back in time like 3 years and fill in all my shitty, unplanned plot holes.

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Told you I wasn't dead... · 3:34am Oct 7th, 2022

So there we have it, a new chapter posted after almost a year away.

Man, it feels good to be back.

But I just uploaded a new chapter for Trials, and while I enjoyed my foray into original fiction and will write more, I do love my Sunset and want to at the very least finish out this story. I do so hope that you all forgive me for being absent for so long.

In other news, Splatoon 3 is pretty awesome, even if Team Grub took third place in the recent splatfest.

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How Ghost Disappeared And What Happened Afterwards · 6:57am May 10th, 2018

You may have noticed that I've sort of been... missing. Missing might be the word. Being even worse at answering chat messages, e-mails, phone calls, carrier pigeons, and the odd note stuck to my front door with a jeweled damascene dagger (you know who you are).

Let me explain.

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Report GhostOfHeraclitus · 1,158 views · #that #is #not #dead #which #can #eternal #lie

Random Ramblings CCCLXXXVIII · 5:45am Dec 25th, 2019

Well, I'm back. Kinda. In the spirit of the season, have some Babymetal. Lead singer Su's birthday was December 20th

No past the jump this time. Just, I hope everyone has as wonderful a holiday as possible! Peace out.


Cooking With Miles: Steak with Mushroom Cream Sauce · 10:58pm Jan 26th, 2023

I got a bunch of recipes from my sister for Xmas, and I got around to trying the first one out tonight:

Steak (eye of round, one of the cheaper cuts), carrots, yukon gold potatoes, and definitely the star of the dish is the mushroom cream sauce with scallion whites, garlic, beef stock concentrate, and sour cream. I'm definitely making more of that, even if I run out of steak.

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Newsies #34: 28 Weeks Later · 7:48am Oct 30th, 2020

It has been quite a while since I made one of these, and some of you might have been wondering if I'd buggered off into the wild blue yonder, never to return. No, no, I've been here all along, you see! However . . . I've been struggling with a lot of stuff, I mean . . . This year has been pretty freakin' whacked, all things considered, as is, what with riots, and plague and now the potentiality of a certain orange a:yay:hole getting back into the White House . . . . It's been pretty

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Still alive, doing a thing for yall and more. · 5:40am Dec 23rd, 2023

Wild ride hasn't it been? It's been a year since Corruption started and now here we are.

Soooo where have I been? I've been here but not... i know i left book 2 kinda in limbo but i felt that I could do so much more and better and i looked at corruption is magic and felt that it wasn't taken as serious as I would have liked with how popular it got. like the views on it are nuts.

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Bud Spencer is dead! · 5:38am Jun 28th, 2016

He died at the age of 86.

I don't know how well known he is around the world, but his and Terence Hill's movies are some of my all time nostalgic favourites.

For those of you who don't know him, he was an Italian actor, who was best known for his roles alongside Terence Hill, where he mostly played a tough guy with a liking of money, but who has a good heart (sometimes).

May you Rest in Peace, you magnificent son of a bitch.


300, Back from BC. · 4:41pm Aug 6th, 2019

Fine. I will admit I am not terrible, but I'm not great either. There; I will no longer say I am terrible as we agreed. But You aren't getting much!

Yes Dead Tree hit 300, I'm still taking suggestions for Memory Orbs; Chapter 37, 38, and 39 will have new memories with the winners of the contest in it.

I am however, going to say this: Volume 2 orders are starting! Link:

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Report Fiaura · 282 views · #Fallout #Book #Dead Tree #Bronycon

I'm sure I'm alive, but why? Part 2: Electric Bungalow · 4:30am Jun 19th, 2022

I live.
I do not know.
Impossible to discern.
Will I return to the this site and the fandom of the Poni?
That is uncertain.
What is the overland flight speed of an unladen swallow?


African or European?

All I know for certain, all that can be known for certain, is that
I continue to wash myself with a rag on a stick.


Update; stuff happened. · 8:34pm Mar 25th, 2019

Okay, these things don't come out often enough. Hey guys, update time:

Where to start? Hmm… well, I have a job now. Hurray, hurrah! I can start earning money! But… I have less time to write. I still will, but don't expect no timetable. Chapters come out when they're ready.

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Secrets of Legion · 10:11pm Apr 20th, 2021

Alright everyone we're taking a short break from Dead by Midnight to learn exactly what it is that happened to the CMC that led to their descent into Killer-dom as the savage Legion. I'm going to be posting two chapters a week on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Hope you all enjoy reading their story.




I give up... · 5:55pm Jul 26th, 2019

I had enough, after thinking it over for a long time I decided to stop writing here. I tried, I really did to draw attention to my only two of which is incomplete and will forever will be. It's unfortunate for me as I loved this fandom, but now that feeling devolved and I can only look at it in bitterness as my stories become forgotten and just another bump in the road.

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My best story · 11:53pm Feb 25th, 2019

It’s a little weird to admit this because of how long and how good of a reception Featherfall has gotten, but if I were to say what I think my best story is? It would one hundred percent be Adagio’s Lament.


Strap Yourselves in! · 3:24pm Apr 29th, 2019

So chapter 31 is done, 32 is actually already in progress with final edits and 33 is on page 9/?? for being written. By the end of next week I fully intend to have released everything up through 35.

This is gonna hit yall rapid fire and repeatedly with new stuff.

I suggest this is your chance to get caught up on the story and hopefully we'll be finish with the Battle of the Roof and Corners' ultimate fate.

Yes she has a final fate.


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Report Fiaura · 255 views · #Fallout #Story #New #Dead Tree
Viewing 181 - 200 of 772 results