
Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,570 results

Hitler invented Daleks? · 9:47am Mar 25th, 2017

Reading about the late Mr. Dorr and the subject of his FBI file as a kid being a potential spy because he wrote to aircraft makers asking for glossy photos of new experimental planes, as any nerdy future aviation nut would.
Then saw a reference to a book he wrote much later in his life in the comments. Not saying it is one but that shape and those apertures on the shell???

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Report Boulder · 301 views · #Dr Whooves #time travel

The first wave of my new story "Ruin" is out now · 6:41am Dec 29th, 2017

Here's the story page.

It's a different kind of project with intentionally shorter chapters, so I'll be writing and releasing them in "waves."

The next wave will be out sometime soon.

I was listening to this a lot as I writing it. I think it sets an appropriate atmosphere. Or not. Up to you.

Thanks and enjoy!

Report Undermine · 269 views · #new story #update #time

Anniversary · 9:23am Jul 10th, 2022



Ash gets what he deserves · 3:03pm Nov 26th, 2020

Messing with Marceline's memories has painful consequences.


3 Month Anniversary! · 5:45am Jan 24th, 2022

Hiya Folks!

So, I'm back with it this month, and boy does this feel good!
I - as you probably have noticed - have taken a break ever since the publish of Snuggles Are For Everypony! I haven't uploaded any proper stories, chapters, updates or so on since. Mainly cause I wanted a bit of a fresh start with February as January's been a heck of a lot already. Like a lot, a lot. But moving on from that, next month I've got a few plans for things I want to get out, but before that!

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Small Author’s Update · 6:40pm Oct 12th, 2020

Currently going on a trip! I will have free time to write but right now I’m a bit busy trying to get to my family.

There might not be any new chapters or stories for a couple of days but we’ll see, I do like to write a lot in my free time afterall, and an airplane ride sounds like a bunch of free time


Big Time Rush is back! · 4:38pm Nov 25th, 2022

The popular boy band from the Nickelodeon hit show, Big Time Rush, is back with all new songs. Check these songs out and listen to them.


Writing Time · 9:26pm Jul 26th, 2021

Won't be able to write two stories at once this week as a new job shift time is separating the two apart. I'll write them one at a time this week ^^


Out of time · 5:58pm Sep 5th, 2021

Well, I knew this date was coming for a while and it has finally arrived. I want to start by stating that I do not like leaving things unfinished, every story I started I have every intention of finishing. That said, my time is going to be severely restricted for, at minimum, the next two months and I do not know how much time I will have even after that. I've loved being on this site, and will do going forward, but I fear updates are going to slow down further as the Army's going to suck up

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1 Month Anniversary! · 12:17pm Nov 24th, 2021


Its been now officially a month since I joined FIMfic! I'm not one for celebrating small things such as a month anniversaries but I felt it might be fun for future me to look back at this and see how far I went after this.

A record shall we say?

Ignore this nest part, its for personal reference
I-if you-you want t-to, th-that is:fluttershysad:

Stories at the moment:

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Break time. · 7:38am Nov 9th, 2023

Hi, just wanted to let you know I will not be active on discord until December 1st. Which means I will not open or check discord, or reply to any messages here either. Lotta things been goin on, (good and somewhat bad-ish) and lotta things and events planned for November, so do not expect an answer until then. I figured that a much needed break from projects was needed. Thank you for your support. And as always, stay gorgeous friends 🐺 I’ll only be available thru text messages. I’ll start on

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Hazy Days of Spring · 7:36am Sep 9th, 2021

Chapter 36 posted in The Runaway Bodyguard. Starlight gets a taste of being in a street gang. Next: Starlight does her job for the first time.


Four Ponies · 10:57pm Aug 28th, 2015

My latest tale, Four Ponies & A Time Machine, has received some much appreciated praise. Also, it has 4 upvotes and only 2 downvotes. (I guess that's good, but I hope the two dislikers read past the now rewritten and republished prologue). Also: EXPECT A SHORT LITTLE PREQUEL.

Shudderbones update: might do an Equestria Girls story. But I've hit a writer's block with Shudderbones. His story's just been told. There's not much else I can do with him.


Still Alive · 5:14pm Jul 27th, 2021

Hey Guys!

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive! XD

Still writing, and still preparing chapters, planning, and writing new stories. I have a lot cooking, but my time is limited lately. Hopefully I'll get some more time soon, but I wanted to make sure you did not think I've forgotten my stories or chapters.

Anyway guys, I see you soon.

Sorry for the wait!


The Times, They Are A-Changeling · 8:52pm Aug 30th, 2016

Good, this one, if a tad predictable. A blend of fine characterisation and solid plotting made the episode more than tolerable. On the other hand, it was a little generic, which rather limits what I can say about it.

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Site Post » S6E16 - The Times They Are A Changeling · 3:20pm Aug 20th, 2016

Changelings dindu nuffin'. They a good boy. They just needed love for dem programs.


Moving with my family to Hawaii! · 8:50am Jun 27th, 2016

I am so excited about being able to visit Hawaii for the first time! And with my family too! Oh so many things I'm very much excited about! My family will only stay in Hawaii for two weeks to see my father's family reunion. I've seen my mother's side and now I get to see his case.

Even though it's only two weeks, I want to make this visit worth my time! I know I said this already but am I hyped for this! Hawaii here I come! :pinkiehappy:


THREE YEARS · 10:59pm Sep 27th, 2016

Wow... I mean... woooow.... I mean, oh my gosh!!
It's been.... three years. Three years to this VERY day is when I first logged onto Fim! Sweet and maybe a bit too innocent and so so shy. I scrolled through a few stories, no knowing what all the signs meant exactly, heh.
Three amazing, maybe sometimes hard, years on Fim.... all the people I've met and the stories I saw and inspiration and support I've been given... my life would not be the same if I wasn't here.

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Hey all! · 2:23am Nov 30th, 2016

Hello! It's been a good long while since I've posted here, lest any of you seen any activity from me. To put it as you may know, I am in the military. And on top of that - submarines. Not much time to do things when you go out for months at a time without any sort of internet connection. So, how have ya'll been? Any questions about anything or want to strike up a conversation?


Season 5 Final · 6:33pm Nov 28th, 2015

Well looks like the villains all got there victories... Though it was Erased out of existence. Or is it? :pinkiecrazy:

Well to be fair I had thought they where going too Retcon something with time travel or at the very least show us a timeline of events for the last five seasons.

Oh well what do anyone else think?

Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,570 results