
Viewing 201 - 220 of 472 results

Under the Mistletoe is Here! · 9:21pm Dec 24th, 2019

As I stated in my previous blog, I have released a Christmas themed monster mare story for this Hearth's Warming, behold Under the Mistletoe.

EUnder the Mistletoe
You are a unicorn stallion, making preparations for Hearth's Warming when you literally bump into your old friend, Amble Barb. What sort of fun will you and the chimera pony get into for the holiday?
Robipony · 5.7k words  ·  93  1 · 1.4k views

I hope you all enjoy this story and find it encouraging.

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A Fun Update... · 8:15pm Jan 8th, 2021

So as many of you know, Waiving Wonderer, Wonderous Wasteland has finally come to an end (don't worry, I do plan on having more stories in that timeline in the future as most of you seem to be enjoying it) and it seems at least at this point that the 1st perk to be selected will be Adapted Mechanics. But of course, who knows, that could possibly change, if enough people show up and vote for

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SweetCanvas - Kickstarter · 4:16am Jul 18th, 2022

So, I just happened to find this game on Kickstarter, called Sweet Canvas.

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Four More Days... · 3:22am Oct 28th, 2020

Yep, four more days until Halloween, how fun is that? Well, if you couldn't guess, today the fourth chapter of Don't Lose Your Head came out.

The party is reaching it's conclusion and the mystery is coming to a head... :derpytongue2:

Anyway please come check out the last chapter of this thrilling tale.

TDon't Lose Your Head...
After picking up a cute little outfit for Irisa from Rarity's shop you make your way home to discover that your maid might still have a few untold secrets up her hooves.
Robipony · 24k words  ·  77  4 · 1.3k views

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Sock Sights: Monster Hunter · 10:52am Mar 17th, 2022


Monsters are coming · 11:03am Jul 28th, 2015

Luna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – and find the monsters who would threaten our future. I am one such pony.

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It's Over · 6:42pm Jun 12th, 2018

It's done.

My life is complete.

I need nothing more.

Except maybe the systems to actually play the damn games on. Like seriously though, PS4 and Switch, where are you at boys?

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Feliz Navidad and stuff · 7:10am Dec 25th, 2017

Hello, yes I know it is technically the night of Christmas Eve, but since I plan on spending tomorrow with my family, I decided I would post this now.

So first off happy holidays to all of you. Your emotional support has been very helpful. :pinkiehappy:


On another subject note I had an idea and I thought I would bring it up, and see what you all thought.

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Out with the old... · 4:09pm May 22nd, 2018

...and in with the new.

Hey guys! I'm Wysteria64, but you can call me Wysteria or even just Wyst. Or Terry if you want to annoy me. But I don't think I really need an introduction. It's still the same old me, the guy who likes the FIMfiction blog interface and that's literally the only reason I haven't moved out yet.

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New Fic! (Of Monsters and Mares + One-shotober 2017?) · 5:09pm Oct 11th, 2017

Hey guys, welcome back to another update blog.

So last night, I uploaded a new story by the name of Of Monsters and Mares (tagged above) . It's heavily inspired by a drawing I saw on EqD's Drawfriend... but since I'm lazy, I don't have a link to the picture. So that's all I can tell you at the moment.

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The fairy circle prologue (Idea to work on) · 6:03pm Mar 22nd, 2021

So a prologue in the work for a story tell me what you think

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Ultimate Unity · 5:56pm Aug 26th, 2020

Darth Wrex asked if I can write a story featuring students of Monster High and Ever After High coming together with Twilight and her friends. His wish came true. My latest tale is titled “Music Brings All Together”.


Alcholism, Acid, And Autozams · 4:47am Feb 16th, 2020

Hi anyone who actually reads these things, I'm just giving a quick update on the state of me, my stories, and my plans. In the simplest words possible, I fucked up big. In less simple words, I've revoked The adventures of Autozam and Anon on the basis of me not being able to update it for the next few months, TAAA is my vent story, I'm using it to vent about what the state of my life is and where it is heading and at the moment I'm off of drugs and am keeping my drinking to a minimum. So TAAA

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My current writing projects. · 10:05pm Feb 13th, 2020

First, regarding Fillies and Monsters, I'll be taking a shortish break of about a week or so, I've kinda run out of inspiration... Plus, I need to sort out a few plot holes I've noticed in my overall plan. Also, you might have noticed that I unpublished my other current fic, Spellscribe, my Harry Potter/Fallout Equestria crossover, and that is because I'm planning to redo it, since I decided that my current plan for that fic is highly underdeveloped and I'll need to rework it... One change I

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Still getting views? · 6:31pm Nov 18th, 2020

Just a tad surprised that Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters is still getting likes despite the final cancellation of the project on July. On one hand, it is nice that people liked it, on the other I am feeling quite indecisive if I should just tighten the proverbial belt and carry on with it, even if I genuinely don't find Yu-Gi-Oh in its current state appealing in the slightest, all the while Umbral Souls, despite the near back-to-back update last month didn't garner so much as a peep.


Post Apocalyptic Monster Mares... · 8:15pm Oct 29th, 2020

Well it's two more days until Halloween and sadly no one answered the question in my previous blog, so here it is:

While I was at work and looking through some of the threads, an idea came to mind and I thought I would just ask and see what you all think.

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Heroes of Bite Apple · 7:21pm Oct 11th, 2022

My story, the Heroes of Bite Apple is finally here.

TThe Heroes of Bite Apple
You're a pegasus stallion, who is now living in the Ashen Wasteland with a monster mare, Runt. After stumbling into the town of Bite Apple, Runt's monstrous identity is exposed and now the two of you must work with the townsfolk from raiders or else.
Robipony · 15k words  ·  53  3 · 549 views

If you want to read a story where you're in a post apocalyptic Equestria with a monster mare accompanying you through the ashen wastes, then this is the story for you. Enjoy.:raritywink:


Where is Everypony - New Chapter - Last update tonight · 11:32pm April 30th

So yes, as stated in my schedule, my newest long running story is getting another chapter. Offline, I have up to three seasons worth already finished. To ensure I don't over work myself with all these multiple long term stories, this one will only be getting five chapters per season with two full month breaks in between.

[Adult story embed hidden]


Chapter 3 of Don't Lose Your Head... · 8:17pm Oct 20th, 2020

The mystery is afoot... No... Ahoof? Anyway, as the mystery grows thicker it is up to you to solve it, in...

TDon't Lose Your Head...
After picking up a cute little outfit for Irisa from Rarity's shop you make your way home to discover that your maid might still have a few untold secrets up her hooves.
Robipony · 24k words  ·  77  4 · 1.3k views

Now that chapter 3 is out, it is time for you to interrogate the witnesses and gather clues to what really happened. Who is the one responsible for this mess? :trixieshiftleft:

Now go forth! :flutterrage: And have a good day. :pinkiesmile:


A New Week... Update · 6:29pm Jan 18th, 2021

Well, it's Monday and it is a new week. So I have a couple things I wanted to bring up with this update.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 472 results