
Viewing 201 - 220 of 431 results

Saturday Morning New Part Time! · 5:39pm Jan 2nd, 2016

Yep, it's going to be one of those parts. Prepare for feels and possibly some light nearing the end of this nightmare that is Coco's Act II life.

Hope you enjoy. If you'll excuse me, I may not have any balance sheets to create this time, but I will be on a plane heading to Canada.

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COMMENTARY: "The Next Two Years" by Denise Coffey (read: my mom) · 10:59pm Nov 12th, 2016

Thoughts on a week to remember

( ) - This is my mom's first post on her new WordPress page, Next. I recommend you follow it on a regular basis.

It’s said that the darkest hour is just before dawn. I believe we’re now there. And as odd as it may sound, I believe there is more reason to hope now then there has been in years.

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Well, What should I do now? · 4:56am Mar 22nd, 2017

I'll keep this simple and straightforward. I have a big project I'm still working on, and I've got future things in mind (including doing a reading of one of my stories because why not), but I'm not sure what to write now. What would you like me to do next? (I'll be adding another recipe in a few days, so no need to ask me more about that, heh) The options are:

-Romance (with or without sex)
-Horror (you've seen I can kinda do this from my most recent story)

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Art: I made a legit Gemsona? What is this madness? · 9:22pm May 24th, 2017

I realized recently I didn't have an actual Gemsona, so I decided to make one. I was also stupid and only realized after drawing her that I made her my birthstone...yeah.

Before anyone says anything, yes; I know Opal is already a canon fusion. I follow the headcanon that fusion gems can be non-fusion gems, and vice versa. Plus, I'm pretty sure they're two different types of Opal.

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Coming Up · 11:03am Dec 7th, 2017

It's the end of the semester, which is a busy time for lecturers like me. Hence my absence.

I'll bet she has a hotness score on Rate My Professor.

I'm working on three projects:

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An Update On The Next Chapter · 4:00am Apr 2nd, 2020


The Team:
As Waxy Gallant

As Downy Quill.
I am aware of the irony.

As Appollo One (aka Single Craft)

As Resolute Shield

As Smiling Service

As Steelsy

Kizuna Tallis
As Autumn Breeze

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We Will Meet Again · 9:54am Oct 14th, 2019

Well... that's that then.

So it is.

...So... what do you think?


Were we... were we any good?


Not exactly.


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Superhero's Continued: Chapter 4 Author's Notes · 1:16am Aug 23rd, 2015

So, yes, definitely far more than just two weeks. I’m very sorry; I wish I could say I had a busy schedule, but the truth is I was just lazy, and could justify my laziness by watching excellent television shows like Steven Universe (And reading fanfiction about Steven Universe, and watching theory videos about Steven Universe, and completing the Steven Universe iOS RPG…)

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[POLL] Interested in seeing what Earth will be like in the year 2232? · 1:36pm Jun 8th, 2017

With Bound By Stars nearing an end, it is time to think of the next story. Whilst Diary of Pvt. Nimble Whistle of the Royal Equestrian Guard is certainly a story I want to continue, I would like to explore more of the future that Bound By Stars is set in. My question to you, dear reader, is this:

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Less is More · 5:07am Jan 3rd, 2016

So after some review, I've deleted two chapter outlines and... the main villain.

I know, I know. What story would be complete without a villain? The answer is: this one.

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Team/Crew Spectrum Regarding: What Comes Next? · 2:35am Apr 11th, 2021

TheIdiot: Hello, everyone! TheIdiot here once more to give an update on matters. And there’s so much to go over, it isn’t just me this time.

To start, there’s Doctor Fluffy – say hi, Doc.

Doctor Fluffy: (Doc says something)

TheIdiot: Well, that was something. As for why here’s here, I’ll let him break the news since it’s his business to do so. Whenever you’re ready, Doc.

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Hello There! · 3:06pm Feb 21st, 2021

Just a quick blog post about upcoming chapter of 'The Anomaly in a Mare's World'

I was planning to have the next chapter finished today, but I'll have to travel with my family for a few days.

So next chapter will be finished next week.

I thank you all for the time you spend reading my story. I think RGRE can be a very interesting setting aside from the joke or over the top mare-power stories.

I'm also surprised nobody has done a proper crossover between canon-show and RGRE before.


mlp g5 movie · 12:16pm Sep 19th, 2020

according to a equestria daily recent article a rep from hasbro reported that another mlp movie will be released some time this month next year that in said report the movie takes place in equestria and is suppose to bridge the gap between g4 and g5 so as this article goes g5 takes place in the same universe as friendship is magic after an undisclosed amount of time has past it also seems that the g5 series will either begin before or after the movie is released in sept-oct 2021


Finally, Some Good News! · 5:21pm Oct 7th, 2019

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to start posting stuff. At least 1 thing, every week, until I’m out of work to present.

No more procrastinating. No more waiting.

I hope to see you all in the comment section.


An Update on Progress · 8:18pm Nov 14th, 2015

There wasn't any!

Well, no, that's an exaggeration. There was progress, but the next chapter isn't ready to go. It's yet to be finished, and yet to be edited, and the long and short of it is that I'm not sure when it will be done and now I'm scared of making a hard-and-fast deadline because I might not make it.

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Writing Plans! · 12:50am Oct 12th, 2016

A lot of things have been happening to my body and brain, and so far it has mostly been ordeals without a clear resolution (low response means we had to try a new anesthetic that hurts like fire going in, might be changing electrode placement which could lead to memory loss, the vein the anesthetic went in when I woke up during the procedure is hardened and itchy now, and so on). But I'm in good medical hooves, and expect that things will turn around eventually.

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EL Chapter 14 + One year anniversary · 1:50am Feb 8th, 2016

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the huge wait for chapter 14. I had a lot of horrible stuff to deal with in a very short span of time, and since it's still going on, I'm finding it very hard to find time to write. As such, I'm reluctantly jumping back to monthly schedules, since the alternative would be a six month hiatus and no one wants that.

Also, Enchanted Library is one year old this month!

Isn't that terrifying?

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Very special surprise coming up next time in Wild Access · 4:59pm Mar 5th, 2017

Ee-Yup, for the next chapter of Wild Access, I've got a very special surprise for you all. Not telling you what it is, but I will give you a hint.

"Dinosaur Might, Ready To Fight!"


New Story Incoming! · 2:09pm Mar 12th, 2017

Hey everyone! The next story in the "Snuggles" Series will be out on Monday, so keep an eye out!


New Minific Tonight · 7:50pm Oct 5th, 2017

Completing the TSJ chapter is going to take another day due to medical issues and PONY MOVIE TONIGHT! :yay:

But after the movie, I'll post a new (old) minific I've cleaned up. :twilightsmile:

Viewing 201 - 220 of 431 results