
Viewing 201 - 220 of 397 results

One-shot plot bunny: yay or nay? · 7:15pm May 24th, 2017

Recently I have gotten a comment on one of my stories, "Her Inner Demons", by KnightMysterio:

The way you wrote it, if Twilight hadn't become Midnight, then a more realistic... and more fatal... revenge scenario would have occurred.

This tidbit has gotten my brain gears suddenly working. I wrote in response:

You know, I just imagined an AU scenario where Sci-Twi just... flips off and does a school shooting in Crystal Prep Academy.



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Since I can't figure out what to write · 9:09pm Oct 8th, 2017

I decided to see what other people might be interested in seeing

so I made this straw poll and made it so you can pick as many as you want, just to see what would interest people the most on the list and if you have your own idea I didn't put here you can always box "other" as well and comment your idea here or under the poll I'll see it regardless,so yeah please vote it would help a lot

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Report Larrydog · 277 views · #poll #voting #Shipping #help #ideas #yaoi

Purchase Wholesale e-Juice Infusions Online and also Make Flavored Beverages · 6:42am Jul 11th, 2015

In the event you don’t have time to visit the supermarket every time and get fruits, then wholesale e juice infusions may function as the best things you can purchase online. If you’re bored of eating uncooked fruits, this may occur occasionally, and then this juice infusion is a thing that you need to use to create juices immediately!

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November Update · 6:06pm Nov 2nd, 2018

November is the Thursday of months. I can't express why, but it is. The penultimate chapter of Closer to the Void has just gone up, and will finish on Monday. After that, I'll start posting The Rising Night, a tale of the Seventh Doctor, which will take us very nicely into December. Other than that, there simply isn't a lot going on this month.

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Reader's choice for Chapter 4 · 11:14pm Jun 16th, 2018

Hey folks, chapter three of Stomach Stallion's nearly finished being written and I'm hoping to have it ready by July 1st.

That said, I'm not sure which chapter idea I should make for the fourth chapter of this story. This is where you come in. I'm going to have a vote and you can choose which of two chapters will be the next I work on.

Will it be:

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Help me pick a character · 3:02am Sep 16th, 2017

Decisions are hard, so I'm outsourcing them.

Vote in the Google Form

Also spoilers for Balancing Act in there.


Development · 6:58am Jun 10th, 2018

I'm sorry for not writing for a while. Life got in the way on a writersblock on top of a lazy spell. I needed something to get me in the mood and BNHA has... kinda helped. I need music that fits the oppressive feel I try to make for the story.

Otherwise, I may be gone for a while. I do want to set things up for my return though.

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Put It To The People March London Tomorrow · 4:59pm Mar 22nd, 2019

If British politics were an Equestria Girls film, we would now be at the scene where the Prime Minister has transformed into a megalomaniac winged demon, and is now hovering above the Palace of Westminster, sending out shots of dark magic while cackling with laughter, yet frustrated with people’s efforts to thwart her evil plans.

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For the first time ever... · 5:51am Feb 14th, 2017

I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.


Good News... but we need more votes · 8:47pm Dec 31st, 2018

We will be discussing the votes for Chapter 4 in my story Ask Roseate Grimsbane, so if that is spoilery for some of you, then please go and read, vote and come back. We will be discussing that section shortly, just a little quick update on Grandmipony.

She is doing much better, after her medication was adjusted. She still feels tired from time to time and my family is looking to find another caretaker to at least keep an eye on her, but other than that she is doing better. :pinkiesad2:

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Vote and Be Good to Each Other (Not a Story Update) · 7:41pm Oct 27th, 2020


Question for my fans · 8:09am Oct 21st, 2020

Hey guys.

I've been wondering on how to make myself grow whether it's by Patreon or here on the site with my stories. And a thought came up about starting my own discord server to allow you guys to shoot the breeze with me or just chill out. So since I am unsure about this whole venture I've set up a poll Here to aid in my decision. Plus I'd love to hear some feed back from you guys on whether or not I should make this a thing.


Mean Three Voting · 11:48pm Feb 22nd, 2023

I've made a vote on the mean 3 because I've been wondering if they could ever be redeemed. I feel like only one or two could have this chance, but I'm curious to see what you guys have to say about it.

Link is right here: Which members do you think are redeemable?


New shit · 1:51pm May 6th, 2023

I'm back. For sure, Even bought shit to write with......just still gonna be a bit slow though. For now, I would like to hold a bit of a pool to let you guys choose a little side project to get back into the swing of things (if anyone still sees my shit after this long). Reply to this post and pick a character you'd like to Spirit to go on a date with. I dont do gay ships though, so any female character. Could be from Spirits story, or just some random character you liked from the show. lemme

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Next Project Vote! DO IT! · 8:13pm January 2nd

You heard me! Vote! Or the Hamburgler is going to burgle your hams. And I know how you like your hams. Do it for me, do it for the fans, and most importantly do it for yourself.

Joke intro out of the way, let’s get to the point. I’ve got three bullets in the chamber, and one has to fire off first. I won’t give the details on the projects, as the names alone will be what sells them. So, which one sounds best to you?

Will You Date Me, Miss Lulamoon?

You Hired Her Three Years Ago?

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Cast Your Votes For My First Fic! · 5:32pm May 22nd, 2022

If you take a look at the latest chapter of my story, “CMC Watch Bedtime Stories”, you will be presented with two options for what video the Cutie Mark Crusaders should react to next. You’ll be asked to cast your vote in the comment section underneath the chapter. Please take the time to watch both videos if you haven’t seen them already before casting your vote. Whether you’re a newcomer or long-time viewer, I want you to weigh in on this so that I can satisfy as many of you as possible. Don’t

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Own story or adaptations? · 8:53pm April 19th

For awhile now I've been trying to decide whether to focus on new stories or adapting the ones from the show with PonderBright in it.

I guess it all depends on my skill level of writing, and what everyone wants to read.
I have little opinion on the direction the story goes as far as this is concerned, so I'm putting it up to a vote.

What do you want to read?

Want to read about how Ponder would respond to situations in the show? <- this one will seem to ' fit ' better.

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[CLOSED] The Nineteenth Century: The Saga of Equestria Voting: Round 2 · 1:22pm Sep 23rd, 2015

Welcome, fellow bronies and pegasisters, to the second voting round for The Nineteenth Century, the first installation in the Saga of Equestria series!

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MLP Forums: Vote For Batbrony! · 5:57am Dec 3rd, 2015

Evening all! I don't usually post blogs like this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. :rainbowdetermined2: We've got a little bit of a group song the Poniverse staff is putting together as part of our MCM charity event, but only 6 people will get to actually sing! What are my thoughts on this, you might ask?

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Nova Digi Log: Face Reveal Vote · 7:29pm Dec 12th, 2015

Yay or Nay? Your choice.

WARNING: the image you see may damage your screen. Have a spare screen at the ready, JIC.:twilightsheepish:

Viewing 201 - 220 of 397 results