
Viewing 1 - 20 of 361 results

New Chapter, and Kofi · 8:28pm Jul 15th, 2023

Going to get the Kofi out of the way first, since it's going to be a boring explanation and I know you all want to see the exciting stuff, but I really need to talk about it because I don't feel like I can just slap a "Please buy me a kofi!" on my author's notes without one. I'm not begging for money. But my household could use a little bit of extra cashflow to help with things.

Kofi ->

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Blog 006 : Epiphany On Scene Building · 4:17am Sep 11th, 2021

so...I realized as I was rewrite my shortys for today that...when I imagine a scene in my mind. If I allow it to settle their then begin writing...honestly the word's as far as one text goes...pretty good.

Now the data is minimal but, i am optimistic.

My scene was a pony looking at figures marching, they were lock step.

Then with image in my mind I wrote this.
No editing.
Or finangling.
It took me about fifteen minutes of concious, deliberate writing.

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Here's a stupid joke · 6:54am Jun 14th, 2017

What does Star Trek Generations and France have in common?

They both have a Dunkirk in them.


Seriously I have been fighting some kind of flu so I may be a bit loopy.

Still planning on working on the story just that I can't focus on it completely until my sister's family goes on Friday afternoon at like 1.

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Report Peridork · 240 views · #Haha #also meh

Update on that last update on that last update · 8:43am Nov 24th, 2020

I've thought of some great ideas of where to take The New StalLi-ion, which means that I am officially splitting the story I'm currently writing plans for off of that story. This will give me a bit more freedom with certain things on the new story, along with allowing me to rewrite and continue The New StalLi-ion in such a way that it does not deviate too far from its original plans.

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69 Followers!!! · 3:11am May 29th, 2016

First of all, thanks. You are all really awesome, and I probably wouldn't be able to have adapted my writing talents as much as I have without all of your support and guidance. You guys are really awesome, and I will never be able to thank you enough!

Second.. *sneerk* 69... heh... I have 69 followers :rainbowlaugh:

Brohoof /)


It's actually cool today what · 3:04pm Oct 6th, 2015

It actually feels like autumn today, just like it has for the past two days. :rainbowderp: That is an unusual occurrence where I live. Usually, it doesn't get cooler until late October/early November. A lot of the time, our Halloweens are quite humid.


My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic's Videos · 1:20am Aug 16th, 2015

Season Five should have more episodes in my opinion.Also Season three should have more episodes.they all should have at-least 26 episodes.


New Story: Evening Star · 1:02pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Hey everybody! I'm super excited to announce the release of a new weekly story!

Check it out, let me know what you think. I'm really looking forward to this one.


Help me pick a character · 3:02am Sep 16th, 2017

Decisions are hard, so I'm outsourcing them.

Vote in the Google Form

Also spoilers for Balancing Act in there.


Everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is an idiot · 10:16pm Jun 10th, 2018

Lemme rephrase that: everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is a massive fucking idiot, and I am sick to death of having to be exposed to them.

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I FEEL FUCKING GREAT! · 12:43am Jan 28th, 2017

Greater than Frosted Flakes, as a matter of fact. Asside from now having zits on the part my ex loved most, I feel awesome for managing to get through this week without drinking or passing out from exhaustion! My mom and I made more progress on my Leia costume. A few days ago, we bought braiding hair to make the giant buns. While I was at school, she traced the pattern and washed the fabric. (Pro tip: if you're making your own, get a pattern for Jesus costumes and modify

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North and South Chapter Five · 3:38am Jan 23rd, 2023

More battles, today, huzzah.

We begin near Alexandria, where Luna, Twilight, and Trixie, are about to fight Hampton's Legion, one of the best equipped rebel armies right now. (Also present, the state militia) Honestly I'm just lucky that the AotS was just a bit out of reinforcement range, or I'd have legitimately been outnumbered, and this fight would probably have ended differently.

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Bad Habits · 10:51pm Dec 26th, 2016

Short version:
I have been writing overviews of stories instead of actual stories. This will change. I also may or may not be postponing FoE:JK until a later date.

Long version:
So, for the past few months, I have planned out several stories start to finish. However, I have done next to no actual writing. I was hoping that planning out the stories would give me more motivation to complete them, but it has instead only made it easier to shift from one story to the next.

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Report Jigsaw · 408 views · #i #am #a #horrible #person #also #screw #tags

One Affront to the English Language. One Already Quite Frustrated Author. This is Estee Vs. Reckless! · 6:43pm Jul 16th, 2019

Revenge time for me, more entertainment for you sadomasochists fine folks. It's Estee's turn to suffer through the worst book that I owned, before OET.

How bad is it? Can it possibly be as bad as Mr. Kaplan's mess? And the real question: just whose fault is it?

Go forth and find out for yourself.


Soon · 7:32pm Sep 5th, 2022

Like, not even soon™. Just regular soon.

After a year, chapter 12 is finally ready. The only thing I'm waiting on now is the chapter art.

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Hey, Argyle/Alphabittle got featured! · 5:59am Sep 13th, 2022

Is it because the interaction is skewed by the anti-gay downvoters? Maybe! But I'll take it!! :rainbowlaugh: Thank you everyone who liked or commented! :heart: It's 'only' the SFW version of featured, but like I said, I was giving up on this story doing well! So this is very nice for me!



I am nothing if not a trend-whore · 10:48pm Dec 14th, 2020

The following is a bunch of self-indulent responses to a list of questions designed to fluff my own ego. This is Jake's fault (and by extension a few others), and I'm doing it because I am apparently a complete clown about focusing on what matters.

Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?

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Me playing Subway Surfers: · 11:34pm Aug 29th, 2021


So, Trump won... · 8:19am Nov 9th, 2016

And people are pissed.

Then there's me who's more worried about fictional mutant turtles surviving a fight between a mutant Boar, Rhino and Robot army.

Please, no more killing rat dad, writers. My heart cannot take it.


Losing enthusiasm: Enth-lose-iasm · 1:51am Jan 4th, 2017


Remember when I said my stories would get updates by the end of the month back in OCTOBER?

And then pushed them back to November...


Happy New Year.

Okay, so you all deserve SOME sort of update. I've made some slow progress on Homeric Epic, while trying to wrap my head around how to rewrite How I Remembered, while also trying to kickstart other ideas sloshing around in my thinking soup.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 361 results