
Viewing 201 - 220 of 709 results

Well that took a long time · 2:01am Jan 13th, 2016

Opened my mail today to see that Diary of the Banished got rejected from The Royal Guard. I expect rejection anymore, yet what surprised me was the fact I got an actual response with some critiques. At this point, I fell ambivalent towards the criticisms. It's through writing that I get a great sense of pleasure and crave this type of interaction to better myself as a writer. It is through critiques that a person can grow themselves. The other side of me feels a bit miffed. I feel miffed

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I can't wait for all of this graduation BS to be over! · 7:54pm May 1st, 2016

For any of you who don't(or don't care) I'm graduating from high school this year.

I guess...

So while everyone else is getting all excited and hyped, I'm just sitting here wondering how fucking retarded do you have to be?

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I Got This in the Mail Today · 3:26am Nov 13th, 2015

It's from Equestria Daily. And it's about The Blue Rose.

Will they post it? Well. . .

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Seriously, fuck displaced fics! · 7:13am Oct 7th, 2015

Fuck them hard with a vengeance!

It's not cross over, go and fuck yourselves.

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Just a guy writing horsewords · 6:05am Oct 31st, 2017

Can I be self-indulgent for a minute?

Uh, guys? I think he means "more than usual..."

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Dear Sony... · 9:15pm Aug 3rd, 2018

What the fuck is this fucking bullshit about fucking needing to be fucking online to play a fucking single-player fucking game? A fucking PS2 game from fucking 2005 doesn't fucking need a fucking Internet connection to fucking play it. And as for your fucking bullshit about fucking verifying a fucking licence, I already fucking paid for the fucking thing on the fucking PS Store so you can fucking fuck right off with that. I shouldn't be fucking locked out of a fucking single-player fucking game

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Explanation about the cliffhanger. · 11:46pm Jul 21st, 2018

Okay, so I have had the worse luck.
Yesterday there was going to be another chapter posted, then my electricity decided to go out thanks to a random wave of thunderstorms that have hit my area in the last few days (I hate bipolar summer weather.) and well let's just say the file decided not to autosave. On the plus side, there should be at least three updates in the next few days


Originality · 11:19pm Sep 15th, 2015

Extremely snooty people, probably English majors, have stated that no truly original story has been created since the Ancient Greeks. While I could easily dispute this assertion -- as far as I know, the Greeks didn't do surrealism as we understand it -- I am inclined to agree with the snobs and hipsters, at least in general. In fiction, there exists a finite number of concepts and archetypes from which to draw, and given the world's huge population coupled with such a long span of time, there

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Craving for Slaanesh · 4:46am Jan 13th, 2017

Ever since I've gotten back into Warhammer 40,000 Slaanesh is all I've been able to think about. My Prince Of Pleasures, my Lord Of Excess In All Things... I desire her touch, to hear his/her melodic voice. But most of all, I desire to write about Slaanesh itself. I may start writing down fanfic ideas, not just for here and in Equestria, but in some of my other favorite entertainments as well.


Stereotyping · 1:48pm Oct 24th, 2015

So, being a British person myself I hate being stereotyped through videos and all that stuff. I feel so offended when people assume that we only drink tea and eat crumpets, scones and fish and chips. And some of you people think that we talk posh and have horrible teeth. And if you don't know, we talk differently in different parts of the country. Yes some people decide to talk posh but most of the time it's just slang you pillock!

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It's 'Always' the Best Stories · 8:16pm Feb 13th, 2018

Every now and then, I go through some of the stories in my Tracking library, fearing the worst when I check the progress of the story, and every time I find one Cancelled, it is always one of my personal favourites. Like, recently, the one called The Second Draconequus was cancelled and I was really looking forward to how that was going to play out.

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Been A While · 3:34am Feb 21st, 2019

But obviously I've still been at it. I just finished a fresh round of edits on Dead By Sunset, so if you haven't read that it's a lot cleaner than it was when I was originally posting it.

I'm starting a new job and I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna kick my ass for a while. I start my days at 5am now, but hopefully I can still churn out the usual quality of crack fic goodness you all expect from me.

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Report I-A-M · 268 views · #rant #no topic #checking in

Entry #18- Feeling Foal-ish · 4:37pm Dec 11th, 2016

Almost forgot to update this week, so here it is a day late. :twilightblush:

The Cart Before the Ponies-

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Review: "Ich Steh' Mit Einem Huf Im Grabe" by axxuy · 10:46pm Nov 9th, 2022

Review: Ich Steh' Mit Einem Huf Im Grabe (I Stand with One Hoof in the Grave, the title of a Bach cantata)

by axxuy
May 2021, 1,345 words
Tragic Octa-scratch, but with Vinyl as a background pony

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Report Bad Horse · 328 views · #review #Plato #telos #rant

Fan-Rant Review: PMD DX · 8:50pm Jun 29th, 2020

Okay, so, when I released that last review yesterday, someone messaged me a video of IGN's review of the recent release of PMD DX. Now, what I heard was soul crushing. I swear, game reviewers just don't know how to review games properly. First was SpongeBob, rehydrated, which was declared as "Too Kid Friendly". Seriously, that doesn't make any sense to me. Then, we get IGN, saying "This game has too many dungeons, 6/10". I just hate that review. It's rather short sighted for a review about a

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Report Yellowtail · 137 views · #Fan-Rant-Review

Venting and Fandom issues · 6:46pm Sep 15th, 2021

Just was thinking about how we still have Nazis in this fandom and how we need to get them out, there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, some don't think so but if that is enough for someone to be ok or side with Nazis then they were already one. We need to clean up this fandom and keep the hateful people out, even people who are willing to do any kind of either art or stories on it even for a commission we need to stop contact with them, I think if it happened once they

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Report bronyparty15 · 216 views · #Political #Fandom #rant

Anon Stories · 1:07pm May 7th, 2022

how hard is it to use a proper name?

Is this summary enough of the depth of my thoughts on the matter?

why the sudden resurgence of an underwhelming character [name].

john, Jolie, Jordan, Jack, Jill, Julee, come on...


A rant: Writing is hard · 12:41pm Jul 26th, 2023

Okay so. As promised, I've been writing the story but didn't realize how hard it is until I throw myself into the pool, deep end head first.

Oddly enough, my writing skill has improved significantly, which is great! I even think my story makes sense when I read through them the second time and there's no real solid mistake to be easily seen for the most part.

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Report Dead End · 98 views · #rant #stressed #thisisfine

Nobody will never understand me · 12:32pm Mar 18th, 2019

I always like to think people are different. Every single one of us. We are all unique. But... Are we really? I mean, I definitely am a unique one, but I feel like everybody around me are all the same. They follow the exact same mind pattern and have almost identical life choices. And I share none of them.

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Hope and Interest · 2:06am Sep 29th, 2021

Well, it's been too freakin' long since I updated my story.

I'm sorry.

It's still in the works, just trying to figure out how to make the next scene. All that in the mix. So many things to finish, but I have to finish this one. I have to, I'm pushing myself to finish it!

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 709 results