
Viewing 2321 - 2340 of 2,639 results

Maybe I shouldn't · 10:08pm Sep 24th, 2021

Where do I go when my path weighs even across both sides? I always think I can observe it closer, deeper and deeper, on the scale of worth and value, there should be a dent that puts one side over the edge. And if not, I scrutinize closer. And if it is still even, I go deeper. The more I observe, the more my surroundings alter and adapt to the lens of my vision.
however, if the scale remains even through the most minute of observations, then I will tip it myself.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Revolving · 10:19pm Apr 10th, 2020

We rise, we fall, a curve in every step.
We rise, once more, each fall another prep.
We fall, so often, and yet each day we move.
We fall, we rise, to persevere through doom.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Bent · 12:00am Feb 8th, 2020

When one is bent,
to feel content,
you might resent,
to pay your rent.

"What good's it for?",
"They need no more".
Then they appear,
at your front door.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


NEW STORY TONIGHT · 12:14am Aug 19th, 2016

After some recent inspiration a new story shall be uploaded some time tonight, expect greatness friends.


Oddness Ahead · 11:27pm Jun 22nd, 2018

These are odd weeks. moving so quickly, yet taken up by nothing.

The world is odd now,
however I see it change,
soon won't be the same.

Hope you are all enjoying your filthy fridays.

There is an event coming, a month long event.


journey to self fullfillment · 10:13pm Sep 4th, 2020

Stuck in a nutshell,
riding on a rut-o-hell,
with a wingless angel and a witless thief,
a journey to surpass the limits of belief.
For what can expect the ones lacking expectations?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~


What An oddly even day · 9:11pm Apr 24th, 2020

What lie does one lead to impress oneself? Does it coincide with one which is desirable to others as well? Or are the two forces in opposition to one another?
How far does cooperation get you, when you spend more than you receive?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Looking for a prereader/idea bouncer for my next major work. (Closed! I've got five already now!) · 7:17am Jun 11th, 2019


New Story is Up! · 1:13pm Jun 7th, 2018

Hello and good morning to all my readers (unless you're in a really different time zone, in which case it would be afternoon or evening... nevermind).

That new story I mentioned before is finally up to read! Only the first chapter so far though, just for a little start. So in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this little summer surprise, and say hello to my new Celestia and Sunset Shimmer fic... Swimming Lessons


New One-Shot Out! · 4:21am Jun 9th, 2017

Like random fics? Like arcades and/or video game references? Want to know how weird my dreams can get from time to time? Then check out Crystal Prep Gets Bulldozed and Replaced With a Chuck E. Cheese's!

I’ve been promising this baby for a while, and what can I say? I’m pretty satisfied with it. Hope all you guys enjoy it too!


Lighter times ahead · 10:05pm Mar 30th, 2018

Today we do not have a new story, but it should be coming up next week~.
And it is fun one~. It has some of the funnest ponies out there.

But that is for later.
For now, you mares enjoy your grass, I am gonna go get high on life.

Have a pleasant Filthy Friday~.


Rolling up once more · 9:01pm Apr 20th, 2018

Glad to have been back and posted a bit more on here lately~.
It comes and goes when I get a chance to write about something relevant for this site, but it is always nice to share.

This week we do not have much of anything new, but there are projects in works. Projects that -- like a lot currently -- have been put on delay until I have handled some personal business.

But we might be seeing a new story here as soon as next week.

Keep your ears peaked and your eyes bulged,

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Pending For Approval! · 4:02pm Jul 20th, 2017

My new story is now finished and waiting for approval. It isn't the long one; that is still a work in progress. It is, however, one that I had a small teaser about, and it is now getting published for all of you to see.

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Release of Fallout Equestria story being delayed. · 3:28pm May 4th, 2019

Fallout Equestria: The Angels of Oasis is going to be held back until late evening Wednesday or early Thursday as a result of unfavorable front page conditions. There are three brand new FoE sidefics sitting in the new box, a strong number 1 story and An Intricate Disguise posted some trend-riding RGRE-HiE clopfic. Posting any new story for the next three days is playing Russian Roulette with a Fat Man.

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Happy Early Sep-Tia-mber · 10:22pm Sep 29th, 2017

Whoo boy, next month is going to be a big one in general.
A new event is starting off, with the next month arriving: Sep-Tia-mber.
While I can't link to the information regarding the event, if you can find Septia on Eka's portal, there is info in the blog.
A few special slots will be up for grabs, limited availability.

Though now that I have said that, hi ponies.
Enjoying a filthy little life? Splendid~.
Keep up the naughty work~.

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Buggo Buggo, Get That Huggo 2: Electric Buggolo · 9:00am Mar 4th, 2020

(Art by szafir87 and t72b).

I heard y'all like buggos from, lets say, some author's previous work. Let's just say, and this comes as a surprise from me too, said author is gonna release another fic featuring said buggo in the morning pacific time.

With love.

~ Not Enough Coffee


Life Update: My ADHD, Writing Progess (Or Lack Thereof), and a New Story · 11:55pm Mar 12th, 2020

Hello, everybody. This is a bit out of the blue, but I've been thinking about making this post the last few days, and now, I finally decided to do it.

This is a life update. You're all probably wondering how progress on my stories is going, and well, for the moment, it isn't. Besides the usual problem of finding time, and finding motivation to write (something I find very hard lately), I've had another big problem: My adult ADHD.

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Dancing with Myself. · 6:37am Sep 1st, 2015

My new story is up and ready to be read!
The story 'Dancing with Myself is tagged to this blog, so just follow the hyperlink straight to it. :pinkiesmile:

It's a quick 3000 word one-shot that was brought about by a question of mine. That being, what would happen to Spike should he live decades longer than his friends and significant other.

It's quite juvenile I admit, but was still really fun to write and I hope y'all enjoy it.
Juvenile in the way is written that is...

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Radio Everypony Ru Interview! Epic new story about to drop! · 1:06am Mar 23rd, 2019

In (formerly Soviet but now independent) Russia, cute pony boops you!
Vera by EnergyFrost

Hey folks,

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Those little moments · 2:37am Dec 5th, 2020

Distractions are what makes up life. Down to its core. Joy, pleasure, sadness, grief. Whatever it is, it is something to do. And the times where we have nothing to do, is the time where we get closest to that fateful, dreadful moment. That which followed us from the beginning. What we are distracting ourselves from.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 2321 - 2340 of 2,639 results