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Looking for a prereader/idea bouncer for my next major work. (Closed! I've got five already now!) · 7:17am Jun 11th, 2019

Following hot on the heels of Pony-Me's completion, I've begun early planning for Worlds Reset, likely to become my next major work. Grammatically speaking, I believe I should be fine. Just as with Pony-Me, the main kind of help I'm looking for are people who can do some good ol' quality control for the story. Just things like catching the occasional typo that I might've missed on my own, and occasionally helping on steering the plot in one direction or another.

There are no strict requirements or deadlines, just as with Pony-Me. Also like Pony-Me, rather than simply looking for a single prereader, I am looking for at least two, so that if one is unavailable I may still get a second opinion on what has been written. You will be credited in the story's long description, and at the very end of the story in a credits list.

PM me if you're interested, and I'll give you a synopsis of what I've got planned so far. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

Haven't even finished the first one (cause I'm just gonna assume it's a sequel unless specified otherwise) but it sounds interesting.

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