
Viewing 221 - 240 of 472 results

Good News for Nightmare Night · 5:18pm Oct 12th, 2019

As I stated in my last update I was working on another short story for the Nightmare Night (🎃Halloween🎃) season, well I can now say that the story is ready for release. When will I release it... admittedly, I'm not too sure when. I'm kind of leaning toward the 22nd of this month. Or maybe the 29th... Like I said, I'm not too sure yet.

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Even More Post-Apocalypse Monster Mare Story Discussion... · 7:51am Nov 13th, 2020

So despite everything else that I should be doing and despite my anxiety, I have been working on this story and have made decent headway with it.

Still don't want to say what the monster mare is for this first story, however I do think you will all like her. She might be a little bit crazy but in the Ashen Wasteland, who isn't? :raritywink:

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Heroes of Bite Apple · 7:21pm Oct 11th, 2022

My story, the Heroes of Bite Apple is finally here.

TThe Heroes of Bite Apple
You're a pegasus stallion, who is now living in the Ashen Wasteland with a monster mare, Runt. After stumbling into the town of Bite Apple, Runt's monstrous identity is exposed and now the two of you must work with the townsfolk from raiders or else.
Robipony · 15k words  ·  53  3 · 549 views

If you want to read a story where you're in a post apocalyptic Equestria with a monster mare accompanying you through the ashen wastes, then this is the story for you. Enjoy.:raritywink:


Post Apocalyptic Monster Mares... · 8:15pm Oct 29th, 2020

Well it's two more days until Halloween and sadly no one answered the question in my previous blog, so here it is:

While I was at work and looking through some of the threads, an idea came to mind and I thought I would just ask and see what you all think.

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Still getting views? · 6:31pm Nov 18th, 2020

Just a tad surprised that Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters is still getting likes despite the final cancellation of the project on July. On one hand, it is nice that people liked it, on the other I am feeling quite indecisive if I should just tighten the proverbial belt and carry on with it, even if I genuinely don't find Yu-Gi-Oh in its current state appealing in the slightest, all the while Umbral Souls, despite the near back-to-back update last month didn't garner so much as a peep.


Where is Everypony - New Chapter - Last update tonight · 11:32pm April 30th

So yes, as stated in my schedule, my newest long running story is getting another chapter. Offline, I have up to three seasons worth already finished. To ensure I don't over work myself with all these multiple long term stories, this one will only be getting five chapters per season with two full month breaks in between.

[Adult story embed hidden]


Tiny Excerpt Time: Twilight's Monster-verse · 10:21am Aug 28th, 2015

Alrighty, it's been awhile too long since I talked about Twilight's Monster and its follow-up. Let's fix that.

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Character Profile: Monster X · 6:51am May 27th, 2017

Artwork © Branded-Rose

Name: Monster X (Xavier Blaze: Legal Name / Praetorian Guard 094: True Name)
Race: Xilian / Kaiju
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2" (Human Form)
Weight: 230 lbs (Human Form)
Date of Birth: 01 / 04 / 1613
Age: "If I actually knew I'd tell you...probably not." (Physically: 23 years old)

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Message #1 · 10:40pm Feb 7th, 2017

Recently my heart was broken by rejection (but not from a girl, okay?)

And well it seems like I've been broken one too many times.

That event lead to something much worse, a breakdown and explosion.

Instead of trying to be nice and holding back any and all mean negative thoughts my inner demon/ monster jerk side of me was released, the one that has felt 10 years of pain, sorrow, agony and despair. 10 years of bad days, so yeah, he has a lot of anger to get out.

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A startling revelation · 7:24am Jan 23rd, 2018

So I was talking with one of my friends, discussing MLP designs as you do. We got onto the topic of Equestria Girls Sunset and Starlight, which led to a major discovery. For me anyway.

Apparently, Sunset Shimmer's eyes are green.

Am I the only one who didn't know this?

If you asked me yesterday what colour her eyes were, I would not have hesitated in saying red.

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2 new stories woohoo · 4:36pm Dec 13th, 2017

Just got done with the first chapters of monster's sacrifice and cycle 2 of the shipping-verse. I am now going to attempt a feet never before made by me, update both stories once a week until they are completed. That's right I will do two updates, one for each story. Some of you will say not really a big deal other writers do so, to them I say "pbbbbbth!" For me it is major as I have not written anything thus since I was in my teens, I am now 37, with 2 jobs, and a girlfriend. So this

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Fic-A-Minute: Biblical Monsters · 10:28pm Jun 9th, 2017

A noteworthy week, but only because I'm sick. Again.

Imma try to sleep it off. Go read about monsters in the biblical sense in the meantime.

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Chapter 5 is out, along with some matters to discuss. · 8:53pm Jan 22nd, 2019

-The reader's might actually feel this way by the end of the blog.

As you can guess by the title, Chapter 5 of Ask Roseate Grimsbane the Witch, is now available for reading. Here is an embedded link:

TAsk Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch
NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.
Robipony · 106k words  ·  93  3 · 2.3k views

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Meg's Monster · 6:20pm Mar 16th, 2023

Remember this blog? I saw that the game, Meg's Monster, finally came out about two weeks ago, and I played and just finished it.

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Report Lucar · 273 views · #Meg's Monster #indie #game #steam #feels

Delays and Resolutions! · 9:39am Dec 29th, 2020

As it stands, I have not posted a new chapter since November.

This bothers me.

Expect a new chapter in the next week or two, for both Book and Blade, as well as Innocent Monster.

No, I haven't forgotten my promise. It's happening.

My goal for the next year is to get at least one chapter for each story per month. Doesn't seem like a lot, but its my goal. If I do get more chapters up, yay!

See you next year!


The Fourth Chapter In the Monster War Saga Is Going to Be... · 8:14pm Jul 28th, 2017

A terrifying one. Well, technically, it is going to be a gory chapter, more like the start of its climax. I've decided to put in two similar scenes from the Lord of the Rings in the chapter, with the black volcano and Ring of Fire scenes--which I won't be telling you more about than just that.

Other than that, for the rest of the Monster War season two, I won't be revealing more about it (I want to surprise you with what I got in store for it).


New patreon teir · 7:55pm Jun 19th, 2021

Hey a fun patreon teir for those who would be able to join where you can actually get a character of your choice, on oc or your own name and be with a girl of your choice in the tier to be able to have a good chance.


New Story Coming! · 6:35pm Oct 8th, 2022

Well, good news, the Heroes of Bite Apple is finished, proofread and ready for release next Tuesday.

Thank you all so much for your support. I hope that you will all enjoy the story when it comes out. I have another quick (hopefully) project that I plan on talking about soon, so stick around for that.

I hope you all have a great day. :scootangel:


Update for next chapters. · 4:14am Oct 17th, 2016

Avengers Assembled- Ready to go!

Tales of the Unforgiven - Ready to go!

Worlds Collide- Section given the once over, ready to be sent to Tarb for editing.

The Land Primeval - Started, few pages so far.

Path of the Unforgiven- File created and named.


Guess who DIDN'T get Monster Hunter Generations for his Birthday! · 4:24pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Viewing 221 - 240 of 472 results