
Viewing 221 - 240 of 761 results

I’ve been thinking... · 5:21pm Jul 17th, 2019

I don’t know which one of the 2 stories I should do:

  1. Ultimate Elementals 4 Zombies


  2. What’s Happening!?!

You decide which story I should kill myself work my butt off make for you. Vote in the comments


Cozy Glow short story contest #2 · 12:37pm Jun 12th, 2021

Would anyone be interested in participating in another short story writing contest focused on Cozy? Last year's was a smashing success.


COMMISSIONS OPEN AGAIN! · 10:56am Oct 19th, 2015

I have a terrifying shortage of money and a surplus of time, so I'm opening up commissions once more! I will craft you the perfect story to your specifications, clean or cloppy, heartfelt or hot-fetishy, in exchange for money.

Rules are the same as last time: $15 per thousand words, 1k words minimum, we hash out a deadline, and then trade the fic for the $.

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Slight change in plans. · 7:03pm Jul 17th, 2015

I've decided to focus on two different stories now, and both of them happen to star none other than Moondancer. The first one will be a slice of life one-shot with her trying to make a new friend after making amends with Twilight, while the other will be a long AU story where she'll play a supporting role with Twilight Sparkle and a few other ponies. Both stories should arrive this month if all goes well, and I wish you all the best! :twilightsmile:

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New Story Incoming - I Have This Friend · 10:44am Jan 21st, 2016

Going back through my catalog of unfinished stories, I realized that I finished a story more than two months ago, and then neglected to ever ask anyone to edit it for me, and consequently, the story has been sitting unreleased on my hard drive.

I Have This Friend
Romance, Comedy
2,000 words

Twilight asks Celestia for romantic advice.

You know, for a friend.

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Need Help For Next Chapter of A Change In Scenery · 5:31pm Oct 8th, 2016

I need help with the concepts for the next chapter of A Change in Scenery.

Major Spoilers for next chapter:

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A call out to my followers related to a upcoming story I want to write... · 12:15am Jul 20th, 2016

Okay, as at least The Magic of... Music? will be out on hold for a while until I can get a new computer or my current one fixed, I will be writing something else instead to keep my creative spark satisfied. Basically, what I have planned is a story inspired by Jules Vernes "20,000 Leagues" and I need your OCs to help fill out the crew of the ship under the command of one Captain Rainbow Blaze that'll be going under the waves and exploring its secrets all the while out running a dangerous giant

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Report The Bricklayer · 238 views · #need #ocs #for #a #future #story #i #am #writing...

Help! · 11:23pm Dec 23rd, 2015

Quick! I need a name for the villain in The Night Shift! Picture, description and more below!

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...Sigh · 11:00pm Jun 9th, 2017

You ever get one of THOSE stories? You know the one, the one that sticks out like a sore thumb, not seemingly cared about by anyone. It just sits there, and makes you wonder if continuing it is really a good waste of your time. That's how I feel right now. I'm not naming the story, but honestly I've poured hours of work into it, and yet it hasn't even reached 100 views. For a multi chapter story, that's... Really depressing. I know I generally write for fun, but it sorta takes the fun out of

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Report The Bricklayer · 287 views · #Need #to #get #something #off #my #chest

I've been gone for so long. · 8:37pm Jun 9th, 2017

I've basically ignored Fimfiction due to two reasons. 1. I was really burnt out and to lazy to bother with it. And 2. My computer broke so I couldn't do anything, I'm currently writing this on my phone. If anyone reading this know how to fix a boot configuration data error then please help me!


Chapter 18 at the Editors, plus a bonus announcement! · 11:50am Oct 23rd, 2018

Hey everyone!

So after 2 month's worth of quiet from me, I am happy to announce that 18.1 is going to the editors.

Yes, you read that, 18.1!

For reasons that will become clear once the series of chapters are posted, 18 is being broken up into a few different sections. Luckily, I've also been working on completing these sections concurrently, so that I'll be able to post them as soon as the editors are done with them!

How many are there? Well... we'll see!

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Schedule Update, extra editors and a sugesstion (4/2/16) · 1:59pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Hey all, I Just wanted to say that after many months, I finally put up Chapter 5 and i wanted to again apologize for having you guys wait. In addition I also wanted to announce that "Knight of thee Wind Chronicles" broke 400 views, now I know its not a huge success like being featured, or having a huge gap between likes and dislikes, but to me I find my self glad that people are enjoying my story and the ones that took a look but weren't interested but that's okay, means I have leg room to

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Guh · 5:32am Jun 15th, 2017

Stuck in a writing funk. Even when I know where I want something to go, I have some trouble coming up with the words sometimes. Still, I'm continually looking at it and things jump out to me once I bother putting fingers to keys, so not all hope is lost yet. Electricity is being turned off for an indeterminate amount of time soon, though, so I'll spend that time actually writing on real paper to make up for lack of real typing going on.


Chapter will be out today. · 6:25am Dec 15th, 2017

Final "pretty happy with the chapter and set up and said what I wanted to be said in this one" word count: 10,877 words.

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Rawr, editor needed. · 4:47pm Dec 3rd, 2018

So, I've recently heard of a game called Ark: Survival Evolved. It's got a lot of my requirements checked off.

Dinosaurs? Check.

Real-world survival elements? Check.

Epic stuff that I've yet to see in other games? Check.

I'm thinking of making a crossover out of it, but here's the catch.

I literally have only seen Let's plays of it on Youtube, and I have never played the game myself on Xbox or PC. It looks fascinating, and I hope to get it soon, but...

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Sweet Celestia, where have you been!? (Also, I need your advice) · 8:21am Dec 12th, 2016

Geez, it's starting to seem like I only write apologies for delays. Blame it on being overly-Fluttershy, I guess. :fluttershyouch:

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New Story, Time To Vote · 3:08pm Jan 31st, 2019

Yes, I am alive, surprisingly. Though I must say I don't think I've been more stressed and busy than I have been the last couple of years. But anyhow, I've gotten back to writing again, hopefully I can somehow get The Sun's Damage finished. I was also thinking of starting to write a series of stories about a new teacher starting at Canterlot High with an air of magic to her, and a wandering eye on the students.

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A Different Type Of Editor Needed. · 10:53pm Mar 24th, 2016

Hello everyone, I am need of a tiny favour. I am interested in writing some 'clopfics', mature aged fanfictions and was wondering if anyone would be able to be an editor for me. I actually have plotted out three or four already (all in my little notebook), so I should have a chapter or two ready in a few days, perhaps. If you are interested, please message me.


Hi, someone I follow needs help · 3:46am Jul 22nd, 2019

I don't know her that well, but she has two accounts, Mensonge Singer (which represents her darker side) and Script Singer. She is constantly struggling with suicide and suicidal thoughts. As of now, it seems that nothing has helped her to overcome them.

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Have story. · 3:27am Aug 1st, 2019

It's a thing I wrote while mostly-asleep last night. It's a garbage fire of semi-connected thoughts, meme references, and scenarios that characters canonically would probably not even touch with a 10-footlong stick.

Nevermind the fact that I didn't even have a coherent plot the entire time I spent writing the thing.

A story written when there is absolutely no drive or motive to write.
TheMajorTechie · 1.1k words  ·  18  3 · 455 views

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 761 results