• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.

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Have story. · 3:27am Aug 1st, 2019

It's a thing I wrote while mostly-asleep last night. It's a garbage fire of semi-connected thoughts, meme references, and scenarios that characters canonically would probably not even touch with a 10-footlong stick.

Nevermind the fact that I didn't even have a coherent plot the entire time I spent writing the thing.

A story written when there is absolutely no drive or motive to write.
TheMajorTechie · 1.1k words  ·  18  3 · 456 views

I really had to shoehorn some kinda story into this mess of ideas, didn't I? :trollestia:

Comments ( 1 )

I really had to shoehorn some kinda story into this mess of ideas, didn't I? :trollestia:

Go home techie, your drunk
No, i dont care if you're already home or not

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