
Viewing 241 - 260 of 391 results

Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts... · 9:09pm May 24th

The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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Just another manic Monday... · 8:35pm March 11th


Reading Reaction #1 part 8 · 10:43am Aug 27th, 2022

Chapter 22: Magic training

Boulders? Why are there boulders in front of Twilight’s castle?

Should we really be surprised by Twilight’s strange choice in this universe?? :pinkiecrazy:

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C&C release awaiting one more finished preread... · 5:44pm January 8th

It's looking pretty polished by now and coming in not far short of 13k words, though I keep tweaking it here and there. Even once the preread is in, there'll be a one-day delay so I can create the T-rated version of it. I don't like to do that until I'm satisfied the main R-rated/M-rated version is finished, in order to minimize edits or changes that would otherwise have to be done to two versions of text instead of one.

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One final thing... · 7:36pm April 4th

I have been advised by no less an authority than CHS acting Vice-Principal Ms. Cheerilee to use the upcoming Midnight Rising chapter as strictly a recap to relaunch the story, and not get into Lemon Zest until the following chapter, when I can devote a full entry to it without any split in focus. No, really. She did. You’ll see what I mean when the chapter launches, but basically, I’m going to make this kind of an interlude chapter where I catch new or returning readers back up and

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Upcoming Firefly bonus chapter plus new chapter of Call of Duty: Equestrian Warfare · 11:15pm Nov 22nd, 2016


Happy New Year! · 5:38pm Jan 1st, 2017

Been one hell of a month for TLaTU, folks, with five chapters released. Now that we've completed the trial, what's left for the final few story chapters is setting the stage for the eventual sequel, and some simple if surprising funtimes--oh yes, some major and very sexy surprises in store! :pinkiegasp: Be afraid, folks... those of you who read Unleash the Magic know how far I'm willing to go, and there *might* be such a scene to come... :pinkiecrazy:

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Five Star Service and Rise of Firefly · 12:28pm Oct 23rd, 2016

Surprise, folks! I've just released a new Five Star Service chapter for your reading pleasure, showcasing Five Stars' remaining time with John, her first human lover. In it, reference is made to the following scene from my growing war epic Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly. I'm excerpting it here to show exactly what Five Stars was referring to in the opening section when she said she had to

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Review #5 - Tantabus, Mk. II , Aunthood Issues, On the Natural Rise and Fall of Celestial Bodies · 4:00pm Nov 29th, 2016

Today I have three more reviews, they are:

Tantabus, Mk II by Rambling Writer
Aunthood Issues by Rambling Writer
On the Natural Rise and Fall of Celestial Bodies by Georg

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So ... Now What? · 8:53pm Nov 2nd, 2016

First things first: In case you missed it—which I've tried my hardest to prevent—Colony is now available for pre-order and will release on November 11th! It's here, it's ready to be read, and it is awesome.

Which, since Colony has been the end-all-be-all of my last few months, begs the question: What now? After all, Colony is done, it's coming out ... so now what? What's next?

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New Official Destiny: The Collection Trailer and Gamescom Live Reveal Teaser Trailer has Revealed · 8:33pm Aug 15th, 2016

Check out this awesome trailer to all of 5 Destiny adventures from below. :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::yay:


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Good News everyone · 3:41am Jul 2nd, 2016

This monday my College Trimester will be over. So I have started to go back to my stories, get ready to see again the stories of The Great Dictator and LoK: Harmony's Rise to be updated again. And to make it better, I'll post my third story in this site. I hope you like it once it's approved.

Thank you all for reading and here you go with the song tied to the new story:


Two Days! · 7:26pm May 30th, 2018

Well, the anticipation is almost tangible. Two days, folks. Two days until Shadow of an Empire is out!

Which means, naturally, that I'm already working on my next project. Which is, some of you might ask? Especially those who don't really follow along with things?

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66 Likes on Unleash the Magic: Temptations & Transformations... · 7:13pm Dec 3rd, 2020

Or in the case of this story, probably Order 69! :rainbowwild: For reaching this auspicious number, I'd like to offer a quick thank-you for all readers, including new ones that may have come in from my ongoing update of Midnight Rising.

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Chapter 9 is complete and is currently being edited, should be up by Tomorrow. · 6:51am Jan 30th, 2020

So Chapter 9 took me nearly 5 months too do and I apologize for that, Real life and massive writers block got in the way of the writing process for this chapter, but thankfully it is finished and currently being looked at by my Editors and a few other people as we speak. It's not the action packed chapter I wanted it to be, that'll be the next chapter which should hopefully be in a few weeks if all goes well.

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Where things stand with Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts · 4:38pm Oct 3rd, 2021

Well, folks, I’ve been writing a lot over the past week, but I’ve been splitting my attention between the next Midnight Rising chapter and Feathered Hearts. The former was coming frustratingly slowly as I couldn’t seem to find the correct angle for it, while the latter was coming quite quickly. I was working on the next main story chapter and thought it might be ready within days.

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Midnight Rising next... · 4:05pm Sep 20th, 2021

As my surgery pain fades, my libido surges, so it’s time for me to keep a promise and return to the Unleash the Magic series in the leadup to Halloween anniversary of Nightmare Night. And that means, both it and Midnight Rising are going to be worked on almost exclusively over the next several weeks.

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Upcoming writing schedule + looking for a signal boost... · 3:36pm Dec 6th, 2021

I launched Harmonic Resonance yesterday, and I’m honestly stunned by how poorly it did. :rainbowderp: Equestria Girls clopfics usually do well, or so I thought; I truly believed this was a surefire feature. I’m honestly not sure what I did wrong in terms of marketing it, either in the story description or the groups I added it to. If anybody has thoughts, feel free to share them.

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Moving right along... · 7:10pm Sep 29th, 2020

Into writing the next Nightmare Night chapter, which is already 2k words long and growing. it's possible, if unlikely, it'll be ready for release this weekend, but a more likely timeframe would be the middle of next week. As promised, this one will shift scenes back to Canterlot to our converted thestralcorn friends in their assault on the Canterlot Castle Command Center, followed by the intervention of Luna herself. Funtimes are promised, and this should be a four-section chapter, with

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Midnight Rising Chapter 11 launches tomorrow morning... · 5:04pm Sep 25th, 2021

To give my prereaders more time to hit it. In the meantime, you are invited to reread the previous chapter (”10: Pinkified Dragonessess v2”), as I finally went back and made some long-promised changes and enhancements to it. Back during its initial release, commenter MSie95 suggested at the time that the dragon females needed a bit more description and variety:

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 391 results