
Viewing 281 - 300 of 391 results

Gilda chapter update · 5:12pm Oct 29th, 2020

As seems to be the case so often for my writings, the new bonus chapter I'm attempting to do has expanded beyond the bounds of a single chapter, and may end up being as many as three before all is said and done. It's not possible for me to finish it all by the weekend, but since a release was promised on Halloween, you'll still get it in the form of a 5k word chapter that will serve as the intro to the Gilda action, 3rd person but told from her perspective.

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Next Midnight Rising chapter (re-)releases tonight · 3:05pm Dec 4th, 2020

My knee is improving and creative energies recovering, enabling me to write again. And thus, having received enthusiastic prereader approval (thanks, AJA!), the next updated Midnight Rising chapter is going live late this afternoon before I head for the gym to get swole--about 5pm US Eastern.

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I'm not saying the update is done... · 4:46pm Jul 4th, 2018

But it might just need to be edited.


Clop batteries running low... and that means it's about time to work on C&C again · 8:15pm Jul 25th, 2022

Though I’d hoped to have it draft complete by the previous weekend, the final ascension chapter of Harmonic Resonance is coming quite slowly, for the reason stated in the title. I’m only 5k words into it even after a week-plus, and I rather suspect that’s going to end up being less than half the size of what’s probably going to end up being a 12k-word chapter.

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The cobblestones are brown, but our shirts are black. · 8:27pm Feb 1st, 2023

"The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting."

Adán: Personally, I think, you're just overreacting.


President's Day Midnight Rising update... · 9:42pm Feb 20th, 2023

The nice thing about working for a bank is bank holidays, of which President’s Day is one. So I’m off today, and I figured I’d give folks an overdue update on the new chapter of Midnight Rising.

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I'm back... tanned, rested and jetlagged · 3:11pm Jul 5th, 2022

Getting up for work this morning was a bit rough, even three days after my return from Vegas and the three-hour time difference from there to here.

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Work on Nightmare Night resumes... · 8:01pm Oct 24th, 2022

After a full year away. Sorry, folks, but so many other things had my attention and priority before this. The ending of the story has to wait for Midnight Rising to be finished in order to properly set up the climax, but there’s room for at least one and possibly two more intermediate chapters in the meantime.

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Civil Protection Radio Chatter - Spark of the Uprising · 2:17am Jul 26th, 2018


Harmonic Resonance in prereads; Midnight Rising on deck · 1:40pm Feb 6th, 2022

The new Harmonic Resonance chapter is a big one as befits our Human Element of Generosity, coming in at a healthy 10.5k words. It will be released as soon as prereads are in, and I have the approval of the commissioner on it. In all honesty, this one gave me some trouble as I tried something different in this chapter than the previous ones, seeking a suitable ascension for the lovely Miss Rarity. But it seems to have turned out pretty well. You be

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Nightmare Night chapter 32 launches this weekend. · 5:59pm Sep 25th, 2020

I should have it draft completed for review by AJA tonight. Most likely it will launch Saturday morning, but no later than Sunday morning. Looks like it'll come in a bit under 8000 words. No teaser, sorry, only because this is one of those chapters that I really don't want to to give anything away so readers get it full force. You already know who wins this, but as they say, the fun is getting there! And it's time to check back in with Starlight, to see how she's holding up under constant

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Feathered Hearts Chapter 24 released; Chapter 25 nearly ready... · 4:38pm Feb 14th, 2022

And here’s Gilda’s reaction to reading the part 25 chapter draft:

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Being a Better Writer: Escalation · 9:13pm Mar 30th, 2020

Welcome back readers! I trust you had an enjoyable weekend? For many of you given current conditions I imagine it wasn’t too different from the actual week.

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Update on AJA, Feathered Hearts and Midnight Rising · 9:35pm February 9th

Let’s start with some good news. AJ_Aficionado is now a week-plus removed from his procedure, which basically kinks his lower esophagus like a spiral sink trap right above the stomach to prevent acid backwash. He reports he has some minor reflux after surgery, which is said to be normal and should disappear with time along with the post-operative pain. He went home at least briefly, but is staying with family for at least as long as he needs to remain on a liquid diet.

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A Mea Culpa on Midnight Rising... · 4:28pm Oct 10th, 2023

Hello, folks. To borrow the iconic phrase from The Hangover:

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Scene Analysis #20: Apelinq vs Scourge—Transformers: Rise of the Beasts · 5:50pm February 24th

Scene Rating Scale:

9/9: Flawless! Outstanding scene!
8/9: Great scene! Totally Rewatchable!
7/9: Pretty good. Not as perfect as I expected though.
6/9: Decent. Doesn’t ruin the movie/episode.
5/9: Mid.

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Work resuming on Midnight Rising, but... · 3:21pm April 2nd

It seems I have another issue to address.

I have to admit, I’m regretting doing the griffon arc right now. :ajsleepy: For as much fun as it was for me to write, it should have been a side story given how much of a distraction it turned into. And even those who liked it continue to complain about even the revamped ending, wanting the dragons to have won.

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Mind changed on removing the griffon arc from Midnight Rising + teaser · 1:48pm April 5th

After receiving pleas from multiple readers to keep the Enter the Griffon chapters in place, I have decided to do so and go with my original plan, which was to simply offer new readers the chance to skip over them when they come and then write the current chapter to catch anybody who does skip

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January 11 Update - Nightmare Night · 7:40pm Jan 11th, 2023

The next chapter of Nightmare Night is well underway and currently coming at a slow to moderate clip. I've got 6100 words down so far and as these are the story's climactic chapters, there's a good chance that this will double that length before all is said and done. I think now that the entirity of the Sunset/Twilight duel will be done in one chapter as opposed to two, though.

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Disney's Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess · 5:46pm Dec 17th, 2019

Disney's Star Was Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess. The test audiences hated it and according to the Sweden's movie rating board, this movie is awful and nonsensical . And also Daisy Ridley made sure that the movie is going to be a flop by putting her foot in her mouth by insulting a large chunk of the American population.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 391 results