
Viewing 281 - 300 of 533 results

Featured again · 8:08am Feb 17th, 2019

it occurs to me now though that it shows up for me because i have the mature toggle off, but i ain't complainin'

featured again: 2/17/19. should i put a second feature date in the description, or is one enough? i still don't know certain things about how to author here.


Ever since I was told my CS Stratocaster was a fake, I've had my eyes set on this beauty! I want one of these so badly, so I'd thought I'd share the beauty and give you a little story to go with it! · 1:34pm Jul 8th, 2020

There is one thing that I've had my eyes on for a while now. Those who know me well enough know that I'm obsessed with guitars. I enjoy Stratocasters and Mustangs the most. When I discovered what the Fender Custom Shop was, I went nuts over the idea. Unfortunately for inexperienced me, I was like a child on Christmas when I find a guitar on eBay that had a Custom Shop decal on its headstock. That was the first mistake.

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Harmonious Destiny - Chapter 15 Update · 2:16pm Mar 14th, 2022

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been so focused on getting ranked up in game and starting up end again that I haven’t made a ton of progress. I also am doing a bit of reworking for this chapter since the original outline for it doesn’t feel like it meshes with where the story is currently. Nothing too major I don’t think but it will take just a little longer for it to be done.

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I wrote this early this morning - if you've ever wanted to hear what type of person FireRain is and what's in his head · 7:21pm Apr 6th, 2021

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this very, very early this morning. For some reason, that's mostly when I become philosophical and thoughtful. I wanted to share this with you, see if it will clear anything up about me or give you an insight into the jumbled mess that's my mind.


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Hey, Argyle/Alphabittle got featured! · 5:59am Sep 13th, 2022

Is it because the interaction is skewed by the anti-gay downvoters? Maybe! But I'll take it!! :rainbowlaugh: Thank you everyone who liked or commented! :heart: It's 'only' the SFW version of featured, but like I said, I was giving up on this story doing well! So this is very nice for me!



Decades of Equestria · 12:36am Sep 8th, 2015

So for the past few months a friend and I have been planning a rather lengthy story series. It is a mix of completely original characters and ideas mixed with some community favorites. It follows the story of a mare, Spotlight (yes she is the one I have plastered all over my profile) and her contribution to Equestira's history.

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G1 Transformers game · 11:46am Jul 11th, 2015

I just need to know one thing...


Serious! Give us a friggin release date, dammit! :flutterrage:

Most appealing is the old school G1 look. A game that returns me to my childhood... :pinkiegasp:



to be lazy or not be lazy · 2:46am May 11th, 2017

one of these days ill actually get back to writing

just probably not today

or this week

actually this month is bad for me

next year sounds good



Aspects of the show that I want explored. · 10:39pm Apr 8th, 2016

As much as I love this show of ours, there are plenty of plot elements that this show has that I would like explored in greater detail. I've been exploring some of them in my own fanfics, but its just not the same as seeing it in all its canon glory. Here's some of the things that I want explored, hopefully in this season.

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There is too much clop... · 8:54pm Jun 12th, 2017 be angry at on this site.

I am exhausted from the rage to the point I need a nap. How am I supposed to get worked up into a fine lather that I can then rinse by writing stress reducing erotica...if it just flash boils me down to nothing without even getting past the description?

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What are your headcanons for me? · 12:34am Oct 9th, 2015

Based on what you may know about me, what do you headcanon me to be like?
For those who don't know, a headcanon is an idea that isn't confirmed but isnt contradictiory to the facts of something, or canon


Time Enough For Love: SNEAK PREVIEW (and request) · 1:58am Jun 7th, 2019

31,665 words! Twenty-one editing tasks left on my checklist -- most small, some new scenes to write -- almost all of which are infilling to flesh out the heart of the story.

And as a teaser for all of you who have been waiting so, so patiently as this story flowers out into a full novella, I'd like to share with you the 250 words I just wrote! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

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I'm Calling Dibs on Silverstream! · 10:32pm Mar 24th, 2018

I never thought I'd actually be the first person to ever write a canon character, but here I am. My longest oneshot to date, Daydream Warrior, is heading to your computers right now, starring Silverstream in her debut FiMFiction appearance. Even though I actually liked Ocellus a little bit more in the actual premiere, I can't help but be a little honored to be the first to write Silverstream. She really is an interesting character.

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Editors Wanted · 9:16am Dec 11th, 2015

It would seem that I might be in need of new / additional editors. If you're interested, shoot me a message.


Some gaming... · 7:28pm Jun 27th, 2018

I have been playing some games recently, those games being one of the main reasons for me not to write anything. However, the most recent game is almost over and I am hoping to be able to concentrate on writing after that. I still have a couple of games waiting in line, but I seriously need to take a break before playing them. I tend to use a lot of time on every single game I play. I'm not just rushing through them and I want to get most of the trophies too. I have to say, those games

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I need advice. · 10:46pm Dec 23rd, 2016

I have need of advice, dear readers.

I have three stories in my head, and I wnat your opinion on them, as in which one do you want to see most?

A Story about interlaced with Japanese myth, about the Mane 6 heading to the island of Deshima (Basically Pony-populated Shogunate Japan) to settle a land dispute, which quickly escalates into a war of the spirits, ninjas trained by a god of storms, and maybe even romance....

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Random musings about time, space, and black hole evaporation · 9:15pm May 14th, 2021

First of all, watch this if you haven't already.

So basically, according to our current models, the universe will expand forever, all the stars will eventually die, and black holes will be the only noticeable things left. But of course, even black holes are not eternal; over time, they evaporate, and finally disappear in a burst of radiation. The last black holes can be expected to evaporate somewhere shy of a googol years from now.

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WANTED: An Experienced Editor Willing to do a 100,000 Word Fic · 1:18am Mar 10th, 2021

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Normally, I don’t ask for something like this. Normally I don’t reach out to you, my fellow readers, to do something this... monumental. However, given the unique circumstances concerning this story - I must make an exception.

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I decided what color I want to dye my hair · 7:04pm Jul 4th, 2016

I'm thinking of various shades of red, orange, and yellow. I may be shy and insecure on the outside but I'm a fiery bitch on the inside... Or is it the other way around? Oh well. Here's a less trashy song brought to you by Thomas Jefferson.


The Rambling Has Arrived · 3:21am May 25th, 2019

Well, EFNW 2019 was a thing that I did. Even better, my wife came along with me to see what my excitement was all about. While on vacation, I spent a little of each day typing up my thoughts about the event. Why would I do that? This is important for me because this has only been my second con ever and I want to write about it. So, how did it go?

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 533 results