
Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results

A funny, if a little gross, anecdote for all of y'all · 9:19pm Aug 25th, 2019

So, my mum went into my room to put my sleeping medicine in a syringe thingy (no, I do not inject it into myself, I swallow it in liquid form) because she's going out with her friends. She noticed that I have been collecting empty bottles that once stored my sleeping medicine and suggested we should make an art piece out of the bottles, to which I responded with "or we could use them for the next time we go camping". She asked if they were to be used for drinking if that were the case, to which

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Improvements in guitar playing and finding my sound · 12:52pm Oct 15th, 2019

It took some doing, but I think I've finally arrived at a conclusion in regards of my guitar rig - I've found the sound I've been searching for. (Well, kinda...)

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The Time That I Was Accused of Stealing From Tesco · 5:07pm Jul 1st, 2019

Hola, dear Brethren! Followers of The Rain, I bring to you today a personal anecdote telling of the time I was accused of stealing from my local supermarket!

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My First Time Playing a Gibson Firebird - I've never been more confused by a guitar in my life · 2:44pm Feb 19th, 2020

I played a Firebird today. Not very well, mind you. I...I've never been more confused by a guitar than I have today.

The one I played was beautiful as anything you'd want in a guitar. It was cherry red, where you could see the wood grain, which made it so appealing you could consider it as erotic as your wife or girlfriend wearing lingerie on Valentine's Day. Then I played it, which is where my confusion came in.

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A new addition to the family · 3:24pm Nov 10th, 2019

Last month in October, it was my birthday, and I came home with one of my favourite guitars. There's a new guitar shop directly around the corner from my house, so it's a perfect deal if I need new pedals, cables, straps, leads or cleaning equipment and / or cases, so I ended up going over there with my guitar to see how much I could get for it.

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I walked into a music shop to play music and I walked out feeling like an idiot (an embarrassing story that happened literally just now) · 2:03pm Oct 25th, 2019

Well, all in all, I now feel like a complete idiot.

It's nothing bad, mind you, but I went out in the past half hour or so to the new guitar shop around the corner, a place I've been a couple of times just out of my love and respect of music and the industry, and I wanted to try out some new amps because I'm considering buying one. I tried out a Fender, as per my love for them, and I jammed on both a sunburst Telecaster and a Duo-Sonic for the first time.

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The Rule you follow when you see a cat in the street. · 5:49pm Jan 14th, 2020

If you're like me and you've got a case of The Fluffies, you're naturally unable to not go over and stroke a cat that you see on the path on the same side of the street you're walking on.

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The first time and the last · 10:58am May 13th, 2019

About a year or two ago, I got out of a semi-abusive relationship with a girl that convinced me that she loved me. We got along great, we always hung out and laughed together, and I was happy at last to share my innermost self with someone I cared about.

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Why I Quit Writing - An important video you might be interested to hear + my roots as a writer · 3:08pm Jan 13th, 2020

Context - I start off with an introduction as to how I got started on Fimfiction, the first material I ever wrote, my journey through writing and learning the ropes, persona experiences made through wrongs and rights, the people and contacts I've made and learned a great deal from, my thoughts on creativity...just a lot of different areas. I have a tendency to rant at times, but this is something that I really felt needed to be said.

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Squirrels · 8:56pm Mar 30th, 2021

"I just got off the phone with your family therapist, and I hadn't realized how many issues your family had."
"That's normal, though, right? You look under the hood of any family, and you'll find problems."
"Well that's... true, but when I look under the hood of your family, I find squirrels."
-Conversation I recently had with my therapist.


Last year on Christmas Eve, I landed my dream guitar. Here's the story of how it went down · 4:41pm Dec 18th, 2019

Did I ever tell y'all about the time a year ago, right on Christmas Eve, when I finally got my dream guitar?

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Story Time - the time I painted the outhouse and how it got ruined shortly after · 10:09pm Aug 14th, 2020

Story time! I've pondered telling this story for quite a while now, and I think I'll give it a go and tell it today, simply for the sake of it.

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Last night I had a strange but oddly comedic take on the concept of social distancing... · 4:37pm Jul 1st, 2020

So...I had a beyond weird dream last night related to coronavirus. Not weird as in awful, like it was a scene from a horror film, but in an oddly comedic way.

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The Time I Met Adrian Rawlins (AKA, James Potter) · 2:08pm Nov 6th, 2019

Here's one of my favourite anecdotes from 2015 when I was rehearsing for my very first live stage performance with Adrain Rawlins as the director. The entire show was written and managed by SHE Productions.


(A fun, humorous anecdote) A term I use frequently to describe those whom are most uncouth to be around or are simply a moody twat. This is normal as a routine. · 10:45am Apr 26th, 2018

Okay, so you know how much the world has pretty much developed into a black veil of hopelessness that is sure to be damned at one point or another? Well, it turns out that not only has the system gone to all hell, but some of the people I've seen around town have taken to it, as well!

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Why you shouldn't force anybody to do anything when you have no idea what they're dealing with - real talk about generalised anxiety and mental illness · 3:26pm Oct 5th, 2020

You should always try and be mindful about the feelings of those around you, no matter who they are or where you are.

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Ever since I was told my CS Stratocaster was a fake, I've had my eyes set on this beauty! I want one of these so badly, so I'd thought I'd share the beauty and give you a little story to go with it! · 1:34pm Jul 8th, 2020

There is one thing that I've had my eyes on for a while now. Those who know me well enough know that I'm obsessed with guitars. I enjoy Stratocasters and Mustangs the most. When I discovered what the Fender Custom Shop was, I went nuts over the idea. Unfortunately for inexperienced me, I was like a child on Christmas when I find a guitar on eBay that had a Custom Shop decal on its headstock. That was the first mistake.

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Halloween Special Blog: Ghost Story from my Early Childhood · 2:48pm Oct 26th, 2020

Halloween isn't far off from now, so I figured I'd take this time to tell you a short ghost story. It's from a time long ago when we were living in our second house after some family issues put us in a position we couldn't stay there anymore. It wasn't a willing decision, and we would most certainly still be there to this day if things were different, but we had no choice.

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BTS - The Heart That Forgot How to Feel - it's about time I give you a possibly surprising background on what this story is about, where the idea came from and a real-life influence that sparked its existence (WARNING: Emotional) · 3:25pm Feb 20th, 2020

I was looking through one of my older stories. The Heart That Forgot How to Feel. I want to tell you all about this story, about why I wrote it.

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The Final Season... (No Spoilers here) · 8:18pm Mar 9th, 2019

So, I'm not going to talk about the huge amount of spoilers in the trailers...

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results