
Viewing 281 - 300 of 1,471 results

Quill's Thoughts: One Last Act of Tragedy (Majin Syeekoh) · 7:03pm Jul 11th, 2016

So after an incredibly hectic few months, I'm officially claiming to be back—hopefully for good. Who knows how long that'll last! :twilightblush:

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My Thoughts on "The Crystalling" · 6:17pm Mar 26th, 2016

And so this wretched hiatus finally ends. Here's what I thought about the season 6 premier, The Crystalling.

Spoilers after the break

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*stares* · 7:55pm Mar 30th, 2016

...I had something awesome to say but it has left my mind...


Okay I've finally started to catch up on MLP, saw episodes 17 to 21 of season 7 · 6:48pm Nov 1st, 2017

They were all good and I actually liked a Rarity episode for once. though Rumble's new voice makes him sound like a smuggler or something, it just doesn't fit with his character, I understand his voice needed a change since some time has passed in MLP since we last saw him, but the voice just doesn't fit him. I'll finish the remaining episodes later and make another blog on those once I finish them.

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My Thought's on Horse Play (s8e7) · 4:09pm Apr 28th, 2018

This episode was a blast, not even kidding. Check below for my thoughts!

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In Sickness and in Health · 10:14pm Nov 29th, 2018


Let's talk about... · 7:59pm Nov 16th, 2018

...Displaced fics.

Regarded as the worst thing to ever offend the internet at large after Diaper Fics by most of the writing community, one has to wonder, what is the actual appeal of writing something that—outside of a specific group of people—is going to be universally hated on sight? Quality doesn't matter if people don't give it a chance.

The flaws of Displaced fics are easily pointed out and listed as generalities:
1) Power trip

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Report Wanderer D · 1,345 views · #Displaced #Thoughts #Rants

My Thoughts On 'Matter Of Principals' (s8e14) · 3:33pm Jul 31st, 2018

What's up my friends!

So, I had a wild weekend at Bronycon which I will post about later today, but for now, I want to focus on the new episode that dropped. I got to watch it at the con itself, so it was a blast. For a mildly spoilered review, check below!

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State Of Psychosis, as of January 11th, 2018 · 2:24am Jan 12th, 2018

Another year passed, and me another year older. Hooray! Or not. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, down to business.

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So Ember comes back to the show and visits Ponyville. · 9:22pm Aug 19th, 2017

Just saw this weeks episode. I quite enjoyed took to a second watch to actually see what was bad or good about the episode, but I couldn't help but notice Embers' slight mistake she made in the episode, and I'm not talking about the mild racist stereotypes of not being able to tell a different species apart. She upset the muffin queen. Now I couldn't help but think about what was happening just on the other side of Ponyville while the main

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The Return... Also, Some Thoughts on "Between Dark and Dawn" · 10:15pm Jul 14th, 2019

Hallelujah, I am not on the Kindle!

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Can't Decide · 9:24pm Jul 21st, 2017

So I am brainstorming at work... cause lets be honest in my job I pretty much stand around for hours on end and wait for something to break, or go terribly wrong... and I thought about my Displaced Fan Fic that I had planned.

The original idea was about two siblings, and older sister and younger brother, (The sister being 20 and the brother being roughly 17) dressing up as a Titan and a Hunter from the game Destiny...

It has lost it's luster for me.

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Writing Is Hard, Life Is Harder. · 4:29am Apr 27th, 2018

So real life has been kicking right in the diamond dogs lately, and hard. Facing personal demons and doing my best to come to closer on a lot of deep wounds that have been still left open. For a long time there i couldn't write, or edit, or do much of anything at all thanks to how powerful these wounds were. Truth is though that was my mistake. Writing for me is often times my sword against the demons in my head. If I don't pick up the sword and fight, I'll never win. So a lot of my personal

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The Puzzle of the "Monomyth" · 5:10pm Nov 25th, 2018

I'm in the middle of a discussion with a artist on DeviantArt about MLP:TM. He went through the story and compared it to stories like the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars, in terms of the formula used and the quest concept of one hero surviving trials and saving the day. It rings very true in terms of how the movie was constructed, and the plot elements that were used. But I had to admit to him that the formula didn't work for me.

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Wrath · 10:01pm Jun 28th, 2018

To my dear followers and acquaintances. My fellow people.

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Would you be interested in a chart detailing my thought processes? · 5:38pm Mar 27th, 2017

I could throw one together, and it make for a good way to show just how I write, depending on current circumstances.


Doom Thoughts · 12:14am May 8th, 2020

Okay, so over these past few mad months, I've been keeping myself mostly sane. How, you may ask? Well, by playing the modern take on one of the most recognizable series of gaming.

Yeah, you know what it is. Doom.

There's a reckoning of lead coming. Okay, so yeah. Just really wanted to see what the fuss was about, why certain people I know -thanks Josh- wouldn't shut up about this series. Yep, it was Gaim all over again.

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Been Thinking. · 2:44am Jun 3rd, 2020

I tend to do that alot nowadays.

I get up at four in the morning and start my day, I go to work and find myself back at home.

I wait for the weekend and visit my sister with her family.

This is my pattern and I feel...

Idk, I feel stuck on repeat.

That this is my lot in life, I find myself thinking back to my ex.

We clicked together perfectly, but I tossed it away due to fear.

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Report Forgetful · 298 views · #Sigh #mask #alone #thoughts.

Figuring myself out. · 5:06am Oct 7th, 2020

So this past week I've been trying my hardest to understand my biggest problems as a fic writer. I've learned a few things.

1. My grammar kinda sucks. Although I don't think that matters that much. Wait! What I mean is that nobody (on this site at least) really cares that much about grammer as long as it's extremely readable and there's not too many mistakes back to back to back. Know what I mean? Lol

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Daily Blog #8 · 4:35am Jun 23rd, 2017

Once again, no facts. Those take too much time for me to pull off the top of my head. It was easy at first, but now I have to mentally sort through what I’ve used and what I haven’t.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Welp. I migrated most of everything to a 5 gig laptop hard drive I’ll be temporarily using on my first PC until get an SD to IDE adapter for some nice solid-state performance.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 1,471 results