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Daily Blog #8 · 4:35am Jun 23rd, 2017

Once again, no facts. Those take too much time for me to pull off the top of my head. It was easy at first, but now I have to mentally sort through what I’ve used and what I haven’t.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Welp. I migrated most of everything to a 5 gig laptop hard drive I’ll be temporarily using on my first PC until get an SD to IDE adapter for some nice solid-state performance.

Windows XP takes an agonizingly long time to install if you only have 64 mb of ram. Too bad a 256 mb kit of 72-pin EDO ram costs like, $40.

Another annoying point is that the P5 era still used the aformentioned 72-pin SIMM modules, but due to the increased data bus width, you have to use matched pairs in order to let the system boot at all. This makes it even more annoying, as I’d have to buy not just one, but two 128 mb SIMMs even though from what I can see in Task Manager, 128 mb + the existing 32 mb from my 64 mb kit should be plenty enough for Windows XP and an old version of Chrome.

Yes, Chrome was once very lightweight. Now look at what the little memory hog has become. (It only maxed at 10 mb when I used it, but then it crashed ‘cause that 10 mb came from the swapfile. WinXP already ate up the 64 mb of actual RAM.)

Comments ( 3 )

UH.....im lost :rainbowderp:

Hey, onions became facts today.

I find it hard to follow your tech talk. You're like Mozart trying to perform to a tree frog when it comes to me.

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