
Viewing 301 - 320 of 903 results

Getting Attention² · 8:15pm Sep 6th, 2015

So, a long time ago, I wrote this silly little humanized fic called Getting Attention, where Trixie messes up a potion and winds up growing giant tits, cause I'm not particularly difficult to amuse. Well, I recently started writing a short spinoff of it — a one-off clop scene showing what happened after the lights went out and I cut away in the original story (sorry, no huge tits, though — this is after Twilight helped her —

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Report Rinnaul · 242 views · #patreon #updates #clop

The first vote's story is up! · 3:48am Aug 25th, 2015

Every month, my Patreon supporters get to vote and decide on a story for me to write that month, and this month's is now out there for you to read (if you dare; it is NSFW).

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Report ocalhoun · 335 views · #patreon #voting #new story

So, I lost my job. · 1:21am Aug 28th, 2015

Yep. My time with Wal-Mart is at an end.

I'd explain, but I don't feel like typing it all up again. Suffice to say I was fired for attendance issues and violating rules I didn't know were even in play.

And not the "never showing up" kind of attendance issues, more the "constantly 15 minutes late" kind.

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Report Rinnaul · 282 views · #patreon #money #job

I want to make my Patreon page not suck · 7:39am Jan 24th, 2016

I'm gonna ask y'all how to help me make it not suck.

So... help plz?

Suggestions I'm looking for: reward tiers, things to reward my patrons with. Incentives (that I can actually do.)


New Month, New Bills! · 6:33pm Dec 5th, 2016

This month is no different from last month. I need 450 again. Through PayPal or patreon it doesn't matter but I need to help out someway. Since writing is my job, I was hoping out of my over a thousand followers that someone would be able to support me on patreon. I only have two patreons, and 50 dollars isn't nearly enough to pay for anything. I also don't want to drain my only two patreons every time I post a story. Some people on here have the same amount of followers I do and are making 300

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Guys! · 7:09pm Dec 14th, 2016

We don't have much time ton reach our goal before Christmas! It takes like a week for the money to show up in my account, so if you guys know anyone who can donate or share this gofundme pls do! we have 100 bucks down we just need the rest in the next few days so please don't be afraid to share it! also if paypal is easier it's always here. hope you guys are having a good week!


Annual Free-For-All Story Idea Voting! Vote Now! · 4:12am Dec 16th, 2016

One of the perks I offer my Patreon supporters is that they get to vote on which story idea I'll write next.

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Report ocalhoun · 902 views · #Patreon #Story Voting #Free

Giving Tuesday! · 5:40pm Nov 29th, 2016

Today is Giving Tuesday apparently, a day where we're supposed to put aside out differences and help someone in need by donating to them. So, help out a charity, give a homeless man a dollar. We all need a little love this holiday season. And if anyone would like to give to me to help support my writing today, that would be great. As a disabled person, it would mean the world of someone helped me out.

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A Somber Tale - Chapter 33 · 8:34pm Sep 27th, 2018

Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

Report Maltrazz · 581 views · #A Somber Tale #Patreon

Petreon reminder for those who sleep at "normal times" · 8:50pm Dec 23rd, 2017


The August Patreon Poll is Officially Over! · 5:32am Sep 1st, 2018

It's past midnight, and the poll is officially closed with all the results casted. There have been thirty votes total for this month, which is a bit less than the previous one. However, it's still quite obvious that a lot of support has been given to all five of my entries. So because of that, I want to once again show my deepest thanks to my five Top-Tier Patrons: NFreak,

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Secret Updates · 7:55pm Jul 14th, 2018

There is one out for Changing Aspirations! For future referance if you want to make sure you get all the secret updates then head over to my Discord so you can keep up to date, or just track every story you are interested in. Also, just Fyi, I'm always up for the addition of secret updates if you want to commission me and pretty soon I will be taking requests for sneaky

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Report Jest · 422 views · #patreon #requests #updates

Well, I cant really believe it's come to this. · 2:44am Sep 17th, 2017

Well guys, I am about to do something which....well, some may chose to hate it, but really, that doesn't matter in the end, for I have my reasons for choosing to do this.

So, no sense beating around the bush anymore, I have created a Patreon page, but before you all go attacking me for it, here are my reasons for making it.

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Incoming Chapter(s)! And Patreon? · 7:36pm Dec 8th, 2017

Hey, readers and followers!

So, I've been hard at work on the newest chapter of Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone, and the chapter I've been working on turned into a huge chapter. I'm currently at 16,000 words, and I still have another big scene to write! It's a bit insane, so I've decided to cut the chapter in half and post each half separately, with a few days between posting the first and second half. By my guess, each part will probably end up being about 8000 - 9000 words long.

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My December Patreon Contest has officially ended! Sequel Announcement · 6:42am Dec 26th, 2018

Unlike my previous Patreon polls, I decided to have this one end just after Christmas as opposed to the very end of the month. But despite the shorter time for votes to be casted, I'm still rather pleased to have gotten 30 total votes for the outcome of this poll! And much to my pleasure, it seemed that every entry had more than one vote casted for it! So to my Top-Tier Patrons who submitted your suggestions, I hope you understand that all of you had entries worth voting

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Report TheVClaw · 378 views · #NSFW #Patreon #Commission #Poll

Patreon! · 6:05pm Nov 6th, 2017

I'm putting a bunch of stuff into the works and going gung-ho for Patreon and those who support my Patreon. Patreons will get to see updates before anyone else and get their names upon the wall of awesome people.


Chapter Five of Growth and Change is written out! · 10:21am Jun 11th, 2018

That's right! After writing out almost 15K words worth of content (I know, I'm shocked at the length too), the upcoming chapter of Growth and Change is completed and currently up on my Patreon page! If you wanna check it out, you can head over to my site and sign up to get a sneak-peek at what happens with Spike and Apple Buck. Any amount donated can get you early access (even a dollar), and you'll also help

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June Patreon Supporter Reward! · 8:52pm Jun 30th, 2018

Of course it is.

If you’re a Patreon supporter, head on over to Patreon, because the June Patreon Reward is up! This month? It’s a look back at Unusual Events: A “Short” Story Collection. What the genesis of the collection was, where the stories came from, how it all came together, and how it looks two-and-a-half years back.

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My first Patreon only story · 1:33am Nov 7th, 2019


Progress Report · 4:45pm Oct 2nd, 2019

The work on 'Guidelines' is coming along nicely, I have a couple of good side stories queued up and a small number of unwritten ones with their plots lined out and in the pipeline to be written.

Most likely I will begin posting Guidelines in the middle of this month. The first posting is tentatively the 16th of October but who knows, I might hit a writing whirlwind and dredge up enough content for an early post.

We'll see.

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 903 results