
Viewing 301 - 320 of 674 results

99 Fimfic watchers · 11:34am Oct 13th, 2016

Do you have some time to spare?
Then I'll tell you, just sit right there,
Of 99 Fimfic watchers,
And all the joy that comes from there.
99 Fimfic watchers,
Such a number, such a dare
And just how did it all start?
Well sit right there, if you've time to spare...

99 DeviantArt submissions,
Cause of many nocturnal emissions,
People told me, "We want more!",
And I complied, it was no chore
Popularity grew and grew,
As I shared my fics with you,
Never guessing it would lead

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Derp Analysis · 2:45pm Feb 28th, 2016

Well, it's safe to say that my first use of the auto-approve system went well. :derpytongue2: I certainly wasn't expecting Rerouted to be featured. It was very interesting to see that even before it hit the featured box, it got more votes and views in under 24 hours than One Day I Found a Multiverse in My Pajamas got over the course of a week. I suppose when writing an AU adventure sequel with Best Pony and spacetime shenanigans, it helps if she's actually a pony. Also,

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I'm Leaving The Fandom · 10:31pm Jun 16th, 2016

The title says it all here folks, I'm finally leaving. I've been a part of this fandom since the very beginning and I just can't take the amount of autistic content going around as well as how the "new" side of the show is going. The only real reason I was staying anyways was because of the art and music. That being said here are a list of people that have kept me strong in the fandom up to this point. I highly recommend you take a look at them:
Proenix: vector artist @ Deviant art

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Retiring From Pone Stories · 10:06am Dec 12th, 2017

Hello my friends,
2017 has been one of the worst years of my life, and part of me believes 2018 will be worse. As it stands, I'm too exhausted. I realize I haven't written any stories in a very long time, and for that I apologize, but I was hoping the fire would come back. While I would occasionally get ideas for stories, I never had the time to see them through. Still, I held out hope. I now see that it will not happen, and to be honest, my heart just isn't in pone like it once was.

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Thank you! · 8:18pm Apr 13th, 2016

After having such a hard time adjusting and getting back into writing after Krafty left, I had no faith in what I was writing, but seeing my latest fic go from 30 to 200 in three days made me really happy and also made me want to write more fics. So to those who read it, whether you liked it or not, THANK YOU! Just reading something of mine means a lot and if you did enjoy it, I couldn't be more appreciative of you. Thanks so much and I can't wait for you all to read what's in store next!


FoMEius Fumblemorph, MD · 7:35pm Apr 7th, 2019

This isn't just a follower milestone blog (though while I'm here, thanks to all 1,501 of you,) it's also an announcement. My flight's been booked, my hotel's reserved. I'm going to Everfree Northwest this year. Looking forward to seeing any and all of you who will also be attending. :twilightsmile:


Blood on the Radio · 11:10pm Aug 3rd, 2018

:ajsmug: Hey everyone.

:rainbowhuh: So you may have been wondering, 'Where the fuck is koren with my second part?' and the answer to that is that I've been working a lot lately. (Also, if you listened to this post's song, you may be wondering, what the fuck is this and where can I get more of it, because it's just that awesome.)

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Today is my birthday · 4:00pm Jul 5th, 2018

i was born on 5th of july so today i turn 14 and thanks for 6 fallowers im tryin to work on my grammar so i can submit a story today im heading out so dont exspect me on fimfic alot today :derpytongue2:

Report S_h_a_d_o_w · 310 views · #b-day #14 #thanks #thank you


So chapter 1 is out and I am very upset with myself for the lateness of it, but I mean... it's my first ever large project and I've been sending it to like 4 people at a time to try and make it the best I could.

Chapter 2 is already in the works, I'm going to try and post 2 chapters a month or 3 depending on length and quality. I'll update you all when I have more done and I'll be reading any and all comments that you all leave.

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Thank you!!! And a thing I wanted to show you · 7:23pm Mar 13th, 2022

First of all, thank you all so much for reading and reviewing my story, it means a lot!

Something fun/interesting I wanted to share just ‘cause: I was in my sketchbook, playing around with some character designs, and my brain was like “Hey, check this out.” I sketched it out, and y’all

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Question For Readers · 9:32am Jul 30th, 2021

Hello all, followers or not. I'm wanting to thank all who enjoyed Lost and Fucked for the success of reaching front page for me second time. I'm glad many of you enjoyed the story. I come to you today though to ask a few questions and hoping to get answers. This doesn't have to apply directly to Lost and Fucked but can be anything that I have written in the past as well.

What about the story(ies) do you enjoy? Character choice, wording, scenarios, etc...?

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Improving · 8:55pm Jul 3rd, 2021

A shorter and less wordy update for you all. My father's health is improving. The doctors did their job and not only found a hidden issue he'd been having, but have him fixed up in a way that solves multiple issues he had internally. He's still in hospital, recovering but in stable condition.

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Life Updates, Late Thank Yous, and Other Things · 3:18am Feb 24th, 2019

Hi everybody. I know it's been a while since I've been on, and even longer since I posted anything. I just wanted to give all of you a head's up. I've gotten a new laptop, but I've had some technical issues to struggle through. Actually, I've gotten two laptops because I ended up being unhappy with the first. And on top of technical troubles, I've had a run of general bad luck over the last few weeks with various things going wrong.

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Merry Christmas! · 11:22pm Dec 24th, 2015

I'm just going to take the oppertunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hearthswarming and general well wishes to all.

I can't believe how popular 'Family' has become since I started writing it, I really expected a token interest at best. But with the response and comments/likes as well as the help given by those who assisted with editing and proofreading. It really means alot to me that you put up with my bad grammar :derpytongue2:

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Leading the charge: Editor. · 2:07pm Jul 31st, 2016

Hey everypony! Guess what? I was going to mention this last night, but I completely forgot. But, I now have an editor for Leading the charge! It is going to be edited by the wonderful Lyric the wandering bard! She is one of my closest friends on this site, and has been so kind and helpful to me. Go give her your love everypony! Thank you Lyric:heart:


Thanks for all your feedback, everyone. :) · 11:30am Oct 2nd, 2021

Really appreciate the feedback I got on my new fic. If you haven't read it yet, check the tagged story section. To all my new followers, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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Climbing Out of the Pit · 11:48pm Oct 13th, 2019

I have so much I want to say, but my powers of articulation still haven’t caught up to the range of emotions that have been roiling through me since yesterday evening. It’s not really sadness; not anymore. Even with all the feels that yesterday brought out, I think it was more of a sense of hollow resignation. We knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. Do you know that sensation of anticipation that comes the night before a big trip or vacation? It was that except the emotions were reversed.

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What Am I Even Doing? Important! · 12:26pm Jul 5th, 2016


Almost There, Folks! · 12:10am Aug 31st, 2016

I never would've thought even a year ago that I would've gotten to 198 likes on If You Give a Little Love. Feel free to check the story out if you haven't yet and come back for a surprise when 200 hits! I hope you keep supporting my works and giving me more and more reasons to write. This is truly a dream come true for me!

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Yeah, its approved! ive already thanked Bad dragon and Enclave, the latter of who is probaly tearing their hair out at how many times ive said so, but its up! thanks guys, and dont worry the second chapter was started so ill keep you posted.

Viewing 301 - 320 of 674 results