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BronyCon 2019! Please come by and say hello! · 12:41am Jul 29th, 2019

I guess everyone's doing these things...

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Report Pascoite · 267 views · #bronycon #writing

Grammar and Loathing in Las Blog · 1:34am Feb 7th, 2016

Recently, I've been brushing up on my grammar. It's been a long time since I've done any sort of schooling, especially when it comes to English. Don't even get me started on how bad my math is, that's only gotten worse thanks to technology being so advanced. Of course, my education was better than most kids since I was homeschooled. I got to learn what I wanted, along with the basics, without time constraints.

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Report TheTimeSword · 224 views · #self #writing

HCHL Chapter 7 · 4:29pm Jul 7th, 2016

It is up! Hope you guys enjoy it.

I feel quite lucky to have been able to get that done.

Report Nines · 177 views · #writing #update

New story soon, just wait · 3:59am Jul 30th, 2015

I got a new story coming soon, just hang tight i need to edit a few things may take a few days or weeks, since I'm working on some personally stuff at the moment.

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Report Grim666 · 284 views · #busy #writing

On Obscurity · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2016

Looking at this site on my occasional browsing, it occurs to me just how much dang pony fics there are that have arisen these past five or so years. Mountains of literature ranging from the inane to the sublime, and all of it for one particular subsection of fan fiction. Can be overwhelming to the casual reader, and intimidating to those who want to get into the writing chaos. Which begs the question: why so much? Why devote so much time and words to stories that are essentially for a niche

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Harder Than I Thought...😨 · 2:20am Jan 21st, 2021

Writing a story is a lot harder than I originally thought. Am I surprised? No.

It's not necessarily that writing on its own is difficult, but it is challenging to write something that is easy and worth reading compared to something that only you want to write... if that makes sense. So many revisions have taken place in some of my stories on here and even then I find it troublesome.

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Report MegaCartmanX · 66 views · #MCX #Writing

To you beautiful people... · 8:30pm May 18th, 2016

A big thank you to everyone who has followed, liked, and commented on Her Collar, Her Love so far! If you've followed me, please remember to follow Troublesome Beast as well. He's not just an editor (as much as he might suggest it) but is a huge reason the story has any personality (and accuracy!) whatsoever.

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Report Nines · 122 views · #writing #update

Gonna take a writing hiatus 'til I'm done with finals next week. · 7:10am Apr 26th, 2021

This includes What If, which normally updates even during my hiatuses.

I just don't feel like I can deliver the same writing quality to y'all when I haven't been able to put much attention into writing in the first place.

So, no updates on anything until at least May 5th. Maybe even later.


Ray Bradbury Anniversary - With Ponies · 5:08am May 29th, 2021

Ray Bradbury was a giant among science fiction writers, most remembered for his Mars stories. From Bradbury Landing where the Curiosity rover explored, to the many movies and TV shows that follow his writing, he left his footprints across many worlds. June 5 will be the 9th anniversary of his death, and I thought I’d write a small tribute to his influence on my pony hobby. Above the break is a bit from the 1979 miniseries, and below,

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Report Georg · 566 views · #Writing #Bradbury

Writing Isn't Easy... · 2:05pm Oct 7th, 2015

Not just writing fanfics, but writing in general. Right now I write news articles for a living, specifically news about technology and games, with a little entertainment news thrown in once in awhile. And I even write fanfics every now and then. It isn't an easy job. I write seven articles daily, and have to submit them on time. I have come to appreciate news writers who have done this for years on end, as well as writers out there who do this for a living. It's not easy trying to get a story

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Report Milliardo5 · 203 views · #fanfic. writing

All you need is a little harmony · 11:36am Nov 8th, 2015

chapter 2 is up and ready to read!
As always, any and all constructive feedback and critique is welcome :)

Report Gingerquill · 196 views · #tanks #writing

Burnin' Bridges · 12:14pm Dec 9th, 2015

Little ditty I listen to while writing My Little Panzer, from one of the most underrated WWII flicks ever made.
Thought I'd share it with you all. Enjoy!

Report Gingerquill · 190 views · #tanks #writing

The Great Shakespeare / My Little Pony Showdown: Part 2: RESULTS! · 6:34am Dec 12th, 2014

Grant Voth said, in his lecture series The History of World Literature,

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Report Bad Horse · 1,716 views · #writing #Shakespeare

Where My Writing Has Been · 7:12am Mar 5th, 2021

If you follow me, you may have noticed the lack of new story chapters from me showing up in your feed. And you'd be right. On this account, I only published a total of three chapters in the entire month of February. What's going on?

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Report Player 4 · 196 views · #writing #collab

Roads That Lead · 1:46am Jul 7th, 2021

As I sit here looking west, the horizon glows with the warmth of the slowly sinking sun while beneath her, little sparkles flitter in her evening rays. These sparkles are travelers, the lines they make as they dart across the darkening land marking the highways that connect between the great cities of the heartland and the roads that lead into the rolling farmlands and rustic homesteads of the countryside. Everyday, ponies cross over these roads; in the morning, their hoof steps clop in a

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Report Clarke Otterton · 193 views · #writing #roads

Back on track · 8:14am Mar 6th, 2021

As those of you who read my blogs already know, I’m participating in a collab with a few other writers to create a monster mare story. Now, you might be wondering why I don’t write my own story. And to that I say: I do!

I just finished writing the 3rd chapter of SP;CaC. Before I release this into the wild to torment actually skilled writers, I just wanted to know if anyone would like to take a look. You know, so I can make it slightly less horrible.

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Report Brony1337 · 157 views · #story #writing

Bendy still writing · 3:34pm Feb 25th, 2023

I'm still writing I'm just being distracted by other things. I'm not throwing out stories like a blitzkrieg anymore. I still here everyday if you want to PM me or whatever. Open for messages if you want to talk to me.

Just wanted to keep you posted.

Report Bendy · 239 views · #Bendy #writing

The Writing Boys Stream now Live! · 10:07pm Apr 10th, 2020

Come anytime to do the chillage.

Report B_25 · 138 views · #Writing #Stream

Been Busy! · 6:41pm Nov 4th, 2015

Been busy painting!
Yes, for NaNoWriMo I should be writing, but I wanted to take a break and I needed to find a motif for my work, something to get me in the mood for My Little Panzer.

Yeah, I would have posted an actual picture, but the button keeps saying it's an invalid image. Meh, hyperlink will have to do.

Report Gingerquill · 250 views · #tanks #writing

drive by update · 7:24pm Nov 23rd, 2019

I have a draft complete for Chapter Thirteen of Her Collar, Her Love. Needs polish and edits. Still hoping to get it up by the end of the month. As luck would have it, I just got sick, but I'm resting lots. Fingers crossed!

Worst case scenario, it'll be an early December update.

Report Nines · 196 views · #writing update
Viewing 301 - 320 of 4,896 results