
Viewing 301 - 320 of 1,471 results

Preview: Adventures of Li (Dragon Saga) · 5:17am Oct 13th, 2019

The first saga of the possible Adventures of Li a dbz crossover in the form of an original character. There will be concepts used from non cannon dbz in later sagas.

Teaser Intro:

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I watched Filly Funtasia. My Thoughts. · 10:02pm Apr 11th, 2021


Lady and the Tramp Live Action thoughts · 4:38pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Okay, so this morning, set down and watched the live-action remake of the classic film. Thoughts after the break.

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Entry #12- Rants & Thoughts about Season 6 part 1 · 5:38pm May 14th, 2016

I decided to post my thoughts of the episodes in sets of three (counting The Crystalling parts as one since they aired on the same day). Let’s jump right in:

The Crystalling parts 1 & 2:
I’ve been a StarBurst shipper since they revealed Starlight’s past. It was pretty silly that they didn’t try to write to each other, but Sunburst not being a important Magician was pretty obvious since no pony seemed to know him.

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Doom Thoughts · 12:14am May 8th, 2020

Okay, so over these past few mad months, I've been keeping myself mostly sane. How, you may ask? Well, by playing the modern take on one of the most recognizable series of gaming.

Yeah, you know what it is. Doom.

There's a reckoning of lead coming. Okay, so yeah. Just really wanted to see what the fuss was about, why certain people I know -thanks Josh- wouldn't shut up about this series. Yep, it was Gaim all over again.

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Been Thinking. · 2:44am Jun 3rd, 2020

I tend to do that alot nowadays.

I get up at four in the morning and start my day, I go to work and find myself back at home.

I wait for the weekend and visit my sister with her family.

This is my pattern and I feel...

Idk, I feel stuck on repeat.

That this is my lot in life, I find myself thinking back to my ex.

We clicked together perfectly, but I tossed it away due to fear.

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Report Forgetful · 298 views · #Sigh #mask #alone #thoughts.

Figuring myself out. · 5:06am Oct 7th, 2020

So this past week I've been trying my hardest to understand my biggest problems as a fic writer. I've learned a few things.

1. My grammar kinda sucks. Although I don't think that matters that much. Wait! What I mean is that nobody (on this site at least) really cares that much about grammer as long as it's extremely readable and there's not too many mistakes back to back to back. Know what I mean? Lol

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Daily Blog #8 · 4:35am Jun 23rd, 2017

Once again, no facts. Those take too much time for me to pull off the top of my head. It was easy at first, but now I have to mentally sort through what I’ve used and what I haven’t.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Welp. I migrated most of everything to a 5 gig laptop hard drive I’ll be temporarily using on my first PC until get an SD to IDE adapter for some nice solid-state performance.

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Fallout: Equestria: Thoughts and Whatnots · 6:06am Sep 22nd, 2016

Now that I have finished this one hell of an adventure (in a sense, characters felt literal hell), I decided to write my thoughts on it.

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Wondering how much to tell. · 5:35am Sep 15th, 2018

I keep wondering how much one should tell in my story and how much to leave a mystery. Thus far, so little in his backstory make Shade quite compelling to follow so far. Also, how he deals with others around him and with situations can tell others how he grew up, how he lived, and how he worked in Tamriel. Though, my only question is how much am I going to tell and should I tell it all at some point...? I mean, I am quite proud of him, being my first ever actual OC. The OG OC in a sense. He was

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Please, go and offer this person support... · 8:17am Aug 26th, 2017

This person was on the verge of suicide last we heard from him. Please, go and offer some support, and pray it's not too late. Thank you, and may God have mercy.


Fanfic content house? · 2:59am April 22nd

One of my friends asked me what would happen if fanfic writers made content houses like some YouTubers? And honestly, it is not nearly as interesting as they would think.

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Tell Me... · 9:03am Sep 21st, 2023

I have a good idea as to who'd be within the story of the Infinite War, but I'd like to hear what you'd like to see within it's digital pages. Maybe it's an obscure cartoon, show, or movie that I've never heard of. Maybe it's a popular franchise I've not the time to come around to. Or maybe it's something that's already decided in - in which case great minds think alike! :raritywink:

Why not share your preferred favorites? Mayhaps you'll intrigue us all.


My Thoughts: Nosferatu · 4:47pm May 15th, 2016

A surprisingly OK movie.

Not meant as an insult, but you can definitely tell that this sucker (:trollestia:) was made 96 years ago. A glacial pace, unnecessary repetition, quite a few scenes that made me roll my eyes because I got it five second in but they went on for fifty, unnecessary repetition and...

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My Thoughts — Leap of Fate · 2:56pm Dec 18th, 2016

I know I can be rather rambly in these, but this time I think I can keep it short and sweet.

Do you like Binding of Issac, but think it got a bit stale after the millionth hour? Or like the concept, but the poop, tears and naked babies aesthetic got too much?

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My Thoughts — Alice (1988) · 12:07pm Nov 25th, 2015

Short version: This movie is brilliand, deranged, and brilliantly deranged.

You like the original book or just sureal things? Go out on Netflix and watch it now.

If your entire exposure to Alice In Wonderland is that twee Disney thing?

Fly! Fly you fools!

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Season Finale thoughts (possible spoilers) · 9:30pm Nov 28th, 2015

Welp, that was dark. And SO MUCH ACTION!! LOVED it!

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Some Thoughts on HiE and The First Person Perspective · 9:49pm Jul 17th, 2015

So I'm bringing this all up... because I got the strangest private message the other day.

You should have seen me, staring at that pm, confused at what I was reading.

The cap-locks, the swearing and the WOULD YOU KINDLY bleeding off the computer screen. I looked at it, closed the tab, and then I went back and looked at it some more. Because holy shit, this is not how you ask for updates, dear god.

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Science Post: Our Coming Robot Overlords · 2:45pm Oct 5th, 2015

Had a slow hour today, and realized there's a subject I've yet to breach outside Sufficiently Advanced itself. And even then, only in subtext so far.

The robots coming for our jobs.

Oh, and on a minor but important note: SA might be getting a restructuring soon to make the horrible current description go away in a satisfying manner.

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My Thoughts on "Rarity Investigates!" · 6:45pm Sep 19th, 2015

I was looking forward to a Rarity episode. I had high expectations for a Rarity episode. A Rarity episode reached said high expectations. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Well, I know that I'm going to share my thoughts on the episode, so that's what I'm gonna do. So, without further ado, here are my thoughts on this week's episode, Rarity Changes Costumes... I mean... Rarity Investigates!

Spoilers. You've been warned.

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 1,471 results