
Viewing 321 - 340 of 10,591 results

Where's Magma? · 3:54am Jul 29th, 2021

Hey peeps,

I know I haven't been around but frankly alot has been going on and I have been feeling burnt out so I took a bit of time off. I am trying to keep up with my work especially on Patreon since I want to be okay finacially. So I hope you can all understand.

Magma out.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 153 views · #update

Finally, September is over. · 7:52pm Sep 28th, 2018

Daamn, working weekends, unpaid overtime... September's been exhausting. Thankfully, October should be somewhat normal again, so I should have more time and energy to write again. However, I've started playing Tower of Time, and it's supposed to be 40-70 hours of gameplay, which I'll definitely stretch for the epic difficulty.

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Report Nameless Narrator · 151 views · #updates

Time flies when you are procrastinating · 10:53am Apr 12th, 2020

It will be a year soon since I put Shadow And The Heart on hiatus. I never though it would be on hold for that long, but well, procrastination. Anyway, since I'm on lock down with most of the world, I thought this would be a good time to get back to it. Before I start on any new chapters, I'm going to read over the story so far and see if anything needs touching up, beyond basic grammar and the like.

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Report DR-Fluffy · 292 views · #update

Chapter 10 of Ranger is live · 7:35pm May 24th, 2021

As the title states chapter 10 of The Ranger of Seamane is now live. Happy to have gotten it up on schedule. I was thinking about waiting to do so until Saturday but it was done and it's been roughly a month since chapter 9 went up. Hope all of you enjoy it. As it is, using today (one of my more regular days off) to start working out some cover art for Ranger, might end up hiring someone once I

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 43 views · #Update

200 views 🎉 · 10:21am Jul 23rd, 2021

Dimensional Disk has officially reached 200 views baaabbeeeee, or at least the prologue has anyway. If you're reading this and you've only read the prologue then I recommend checking the rest of it out. Also I'm getting close to completing Chapter 3, I swear

Report Sirplayalot_64 · 74 views · #update

Updates and News · 1:36pm Jul 20th, 2021

Hey guys. I'm back for a little while, bit am still unable to update my stories. I'll explain shortly.

While I have recovered, for the most part, I have something that i need to admit to.

I almost died a few days ago. I was involved in an accident that left my car looking like a crumpled beer can, and my shoulders dislocated, among other things. I have only just regained the use of my hands, and even then, writing this is a major pain

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Report Echo Breeze · 253 views · #Updates

An Update · 9:13am Dec 18th, 2021

hello everyone, Ninjamare or Floral Essence here with an update that is honestly long overdue.

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Report NinjaMare · 449 views · #update

Monthly Update #8 September 2021 · 4:38pm Oct 5th, 2021

Firstly let's check over my schedule from last month

1. Daughters of Dusk Chapters 3-4

2. Under a Violet Moon Chapters 2-4

3. Secret project Chapters 1-2

Well, I just got out chapter 4 and I've got chapter 5 planned out so that shouldn't take too long.

Violet moon ch2 is nearly done as well and my secret project is about to go up as soon as it's approved!

My plan for this month

1. Daughters of Dusk Chapters 5

2. Under a Violet Moon Chapters 2-4

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Report PoneFluff · 228 views · #Update

Morning Meir Case 3 UPDATE 4! · 9:55pm Feb 21st, 2018

Apologies for the long wait everyone. I've been busy these last few days with getting ready for Spring. (Cleaning mostly) I promise to have Chapter 11 out soon. Thank you for your patience!

Report XombieSlayr · 144 views · #Update

Not Dead · 5:49pm Jun 8th, 2020

Hey there

Progress is being made
Tis slow, but not nonexistent

That is all

CAC is also not dead, slightly more progress is being made with it.
And I have a couple of new stories in the works, mostly just outlining right now.

Report Lingo · 258 views · #update

New chapters on the way! · 1:47pm May 14th, 2022

Hey, everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates over the last few weeks, but my personal health has been chaotic lately, at best. Just got my fourth COVID booster yesterday, and it's kicking my ass already. Lots of little things piled up into big problems, but I'm managing enough to get more work done, thankfully.

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Report Nonameknight · 417 views · #update

Finally gonna stop being a lazy bum. · 9:32pm Nov 11th, 2019

As many of you who follow me see in my stories, there is one that I started to work on called "Miles Away", that had just sat there not being filled out. A part of me kept it like that because of the story having a deep personal meaning with it, but also because I needed to do a LOT of editing on the final draft.

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Report Bucket of Skies · 122 views · #Update

Recent Events Update · 4:41pm Apr 13th, 2023

Heyo Peeps

My recent inactivity has been due to an ice storm that swept through and hit my city pretty hard, causing me to lose power and a series of unfortunate events to follow that have caused my workflow to kinda slow down signiciantly. I'll try and return to a decent pace hopefully with commissions and what not.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 153 views · #update

Double Injury Chapter 3 Update, and a Quarantine Anecdote · 3:00am May 1st, 2020

(I don't know how to highlight part of the text into a clickable link)

Chapter 3 of "Double Injury: Guilt" is coming! Finished the rough draft; I now need to do the editing and proofreading.

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Report Player 4 · 122 views · #updates

Updates · 8:37pm Nov 13th, 2022

I'm back from vacation, so probably going to try to get back into writing mode. Things should hopefully be a little less erratic.

Definitely planning on getting things going more for Spark of Life. I've been off the track a bit so should get back on here.

Report volrathxp · 143 views · #Updates

10,000 Total Views?! · 10:02pm Jun 15th, 2019

Holy crap! Today The Equestrian Odyssey reached it's 10,000th total view! This is far beyond what I thought I'd see! Thank you everyone for reading and commenting! There have been quite a few very insightful posts! Keep them coming and keep enjoying the story! As I type this blog post I realized I'm almost done translating volume six already! Posting a chapter a day, we will see this story through to its conclusion!

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Report Kamahido · 115 views · #Update

Shower Coffee · 11:53pm Aug 28th, 2023

Shower Coffee is out. I actually drink coffee in the shower sometimes, and I hope the story has convinced some to try it.

I've got three stories with covers and only one of them has words down, going to try to finish that one for next week.

Stay safe.

Report Silk Rose · 52 views · #Update

Schedule Update · 2:00pm Sep 10th, 2023

This week will be the first week in ten weeks that I don't have a story ready. I've decided to release a story every two weeks instead of every week. I want to have more time to learn new writing styles, improve the stories I release, and most importantly, not stress myself out as much.

Thanks for the understanding!

Report Silk Rose · 68 views · #Update

I have a 3D printer! · 8:43am Nov 2nd, 2020

Details of what I have been doing for the past two months.

A Secret is revealed!:trollestia:

Also, I am on a scary game marathon.

Enjoy my suffering and bad audio.:pinkiecrazy:

I am hoping to finish the next chapter of my story this week.
Wish me luck!

Report Good Fedora Pony · 157 views · #update

Quick little update · 6:04pm Sep 26th, 2023

Hi folks

This James here, just giving you a quick update about what going on with the story and my art work.

For the story, the latest chapter is getting there slowly with my rig having problems again. I'm working it on my laptop when I get a chance to do so with me working my butt off doing my day job.

As for my artwork, I'll have to use the same laptop for that'en has well. The list of remasters that are still on the chopping block will be coming later on.

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Report James Cribb · 62 views · #Update
Viewing 321 - 340 of 10,591 results