
Viewing 321 - 340 of 4,899 results

Pains of Writing · 7:46pm May 22nd, 2019

I have many story ideas, but currently am focusing on two at the moment. Unfortunately, progress is hindered by a couple of factors.

Number One: Outlining. In School, I learned about outlining the major events of the story for ease of reference. Because of this, whenever I write multi-chapter stories, I have to first write an outline of the story, which can take a VERY long time, especially when looking for filler material. As such, I haven't even started writing the actual stories yet.

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Report Leon13DM · 177 views · #pains #of #writing

Taking a break · 5:20am Jan 8th, 2020

My latest chapter is on pause until I can come up with a decent plot. not to mention I had to deal with a lot of stuff before new years.

On Christmas morning, one of my uncles passed away so we had to spend most of the time saying final prayers and making funeral arrangements, after that I was swamped with baking orders for my moms customers and I truly HATE baking!! (sorry Pinkie) I've been so busy IRL that I barely have time to write, let alone think of what to write.

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DAMN! · 9:31pm May 1st, 2016

Aaaaaugh.... So Editor Man got back to me with notes (he was a bit later because of personal inconveniences) and I was trying to hurry through it without actually hurrying through it (if that makes any sense) but family just returned home, and now I will be executed if I stay at this computer much longer. Chapter 18 for What They Expect to Give will be going up late, I'm afraid. Just cross your fingers that it goes up today at all. :ajsleepy:

Sorry about this! We tried...

Report Nines · 124 views · #writing #update

Release date! · 1:54pm May 20th

So, writing and proofreading the first few chapters is going well. Therefore I'm now confident enough to be able to announce a release this coming Bank Holiday weekend. :pinkiegasp: :raritystarry:

I'm going as far as to say there will be a Prologue and then Three. Yes Three. Chapters. :pinkiehappy:

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Report Glimbursts · 86 views · #writing #update

Did you ever write a hatefic/reactfic? · 4:26pm Apr 8th, 2021

I am guilty of this sort of thing. If you dig through some of my older works, you will find many. Most tend to be mocking parodies of stories I dislike heavily. Though some not really hatefics, more like reactfics.

Report Bendy · 106 views · #hatefic #writing

Update on "Bardock: Saiyan Warrior of Equestria" · 10:17pm Mar 1st, 2023

I've been doing some introspection on some of my stories and I realized how much I rush certain things, specifically relationships and such, in my other story "Minxy's New Adventure: Reset" I didn't give much build up to Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's relationship, this is due to one of my more common errors as a writer, I thought people would be able to give themselves context and such but I should have been putting more hints and dialogue that would suggest they had feelings for each other,

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Report Within Dusk · 159 views · #update #writing

Music and It's Impact on My Writing · 11:08am Mar 6th, 2023

This short blog post is just me talking about how music effects my writing and the importance and impact it has on what I create. I know that I don't have a wide variety of things you can read to see that impact; I write outside of fimfiction frequently, but its not FiM-related so I don't really have anywhere to post it. Gosh though, I couldn't imagine trying to fuse ponies into some of darker stuff I've been trying to work on. I like a lot of the lessons I've learned from writing what little I

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Report Explosions · 103 views · #music #writing

The Young Knight, The Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll - Ch. 11 (Plus Estee funding request) · 2:25am June 19th

But first, a commercial. I'll make it short. Estee has a kidney stone and could use some fiscal assistance. On the other hand, I have a princess, and she shows up right below the break (once you're done giving Estee a few dollars and some well-needed sympathy).

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Report Georg · 136 views · #BridgeTroll #Writing

Continual Improvements · 2:35pm May 30th

So, something I've done since I wrote Part Two of Marking the Generations is improved my proof reading. I've therefore been going through it again and making more improvements. Mainly, this has been cantered on eradicating incorrect words and suchlike.

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Report Glimbursts · 109 views · #writing #improving

AMA Answers! And a bit of other stuff · 11:43pm Jan 16th, 2016

These are simply the answers to the questions people gave me yesterday. Would've gotten to them earlier, but I both a) was out a lot of the night and b) just forgot when I did get home. Yaaaayyy forgetfulness.

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Report MissytheAngle · 355 views · #ama #writing

Writing Contest · 9:06pm Apr 15th, 2016

Since I was super bored, I've decided to do a writing contest! The winner will get to have their story featured in my most top bookshelf, A Librarian's Choice. It takes a lot to get into that bookshelf. The writing prompt is to write a story about a character who learns a valuable lesson that will affect their life later on. It can also be funny too, depending on what is valuable to the character. The deadline is on

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Reader There's a Story on My Page · 8:18am Apr 6th, 2016

Despite all odds I have written another story. I ran an April Story Giveaway on the Quill & Blade forum and aside from Sixkiller5 getting some words out of me I was able to prove an old movie wrong. From the movie War Games there is a quote, "The only way to win is not to play." This is wrong, demonstrably wrong. As Sixkiller5 can attest, you can also win by being the only one to play.

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Report T W Hoof · 465 views · #Writing Process

Brooks & Warren, The Scope of Fiction · 1:03am May 9th, 2016

Remember when I plugged one of Brooks & Warren's books about what stories do & how they work, Understanding Fiction? And remember how enough of you bought it that the price for a used copy on Amazon shot up to $70 right after I made my post?

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Report Bad Horse · 483 views · #writing #book

Writing · 6:37am Aug 22nd, 2016

The reason I haven't been posting any content for the most part is that I'm too distracted during my free time. When I was working during school, I would get into the mindset of writing, I hope the same could be said for this year.


Writing and Travel · 2:12am Nov 23rd, 2015

A.K. Yearling is a writer who likes to visit exotic locations to research her stories.

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Report Pineta · 436 views · #travel #writing

Chapter 2 is Live! · 3:06am Feb 4th, 2016

Here's to sort-of-new beginnings! Interdependence has been re-named What They Expect to Give. Can we all breathe a sigh of relief at no longer having to type/say that cumbersome title? I know I am. :moustache:

The new cover art I commissioned was not ready yet, but I found a nice placeholder until the artist sends me the final product. Since I said I'd post tonight no matter what, well... :applejackunsure:

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Report Nines · 80 views · #writing #update

Word Quota · 4:49am Feb 5th, 2016

Love Peter V Brett, one of my favorite authors. Found out he writes with a 1000 word quota a day, which is the same amount I've been doing for about half a month. Love his work, glad I connect to him on that level.

Report SwordTune · 345 views · #authors #writing

Beginning weekly Q&A, writing streaming. · 9:26pm Oct 8th, 2015

So, I've been thinking a lot lately and well, I write a ton, but I honestly feel I'm not very connected with my readers. You guys are pretty much the main reason I write now, so I really don't like that. So! I'm going to start streaming some of my writing throughout the week and have an hour long Q&A session on saturdays at 8pm PST. It'll be on my twitch channel, so please feel free to come by and ask any questions you have. Thank you.

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I'm so behind... · 3:43pm May 19th, 2015

I meant to have EOO updated three months ago. And I was supposed to be half done with Not the Hero by now. Le sigh...

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Report alarajrogers · 470 views · #writing meta

Expect new No Escape to go up today, most likely · 3:41pm May 5th, 2015

While I've written some stuff that takes place in the future in the story and blogged it, the new chapter won't contain any of that, because we're still not there yet. After this one I'll have one short (Discord's journal entry) and one long, and then we go to the moon after that.

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Report alarajrogers · 428 views · #writing meta
Viewing 321 - 340 of 4,899 results