
Viewing 321 - 340 of 10,587 results

WIP, Update is coming · 7:57pm Feb 1st, 2020

Things have been a bit hectic this past month, someone very close to me passed away very suddenly and I've been struggling to focus. January hasn't been a fun month for me, but hopefully the rest of the year will make up for it. I should have the newest chapter up sometime this week, (feb 2-7th) it's been brutal, if I'm honest. I want to get back on track and on schedule, but loss is a painfully hard thing to deal with. No matter how many times you lose someone, there's always a new way for it

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Report Salem Tales · 167 views · #Updates

Where's the Next Chapter? · 1:38am Jun 10th, 2020

In a sentence: Still in progress, but there's an important update.

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Report AF FireFly · 164 views · #update

The Crystal Story Update · 3:58pm Aug 23rd, 2021


I know it's been a while since I last updated The Crystal Story. Part of that is holiday, another part is the fact that Chapter 14 (as I mentioned in the Author's Notes) was very hard to write.

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Report Eltirions · 167 views · #Update

Tough week · 5:31am Jun 15th, 2020

Hey guys, last week was rather rough from having a case of writer's block thanks to work, and I got laid off so I have to find a new job. My grand dad also had a sudden chest pain and was rushed to the hospital, but he was quickly rushed to the hospital and nothing bad was found thank god, but it was rather nerve racking. But I think I will resume work on chapter 13 now since I have nothing else to do but send out applications. Sorry about the long wait, but I think the flow of each chapter

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Report CoronaBorealis · 147 views · #Update

New Update · 6:10am Feb 9th, 2023

Hey guys, Cozy's Paw Patrol now has an extended detailed version of the chapter: Apologizing.

Report Tidal Wave2 · 81 views · #update

First Blog Post and Update · 7:58pm Dec 10th, 2019

Hello everyone,
FIrst order of business: This is my first blog post, so I want to thank everyone and anyone who stumbles my page and reads my stories.

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Report ThrakurzaudCR · 159 views · #Update

Update · 12:36am Oct 22nd, 2022

Yes I know it has been awhile. A lot has gone on and I've been taking my time adjusting but every time I turn around something else happens. Currently working as many hours as I can during the week which leaves me often times mentally and physically exhausted. I have had the urge in the past few weeks I would say to get back into writing and with my birthday and Halloween coming up the muse is a bit stronger than normal, so I am gonna TRY and put out something but no promises.

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Report Midknight_Stardust · 189 views · #update

Six Years Of Shadows · 1:31am Oct 24th, 2022

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 8,250

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Report nyxOs · 217 views · #update

Hearken, the hiatus approaches, oh dreaded reaper of all that is amateur, how we have grown to despise yee! · 5:21am Oct 6th, 2018

Well, it's about that time in every fanfiction writers life when they need to shirk their self-imposed responsibilities, give a great big middle finger to their fans and say, I'll be back in the winter when college is over. Well, I'm hereby imposing an oath to myself: Upon the dawn of every winter and summer, I hereby declare, that I will make progress toward my story, through sickness and in health, I will uphold the faith of my followers by bearing them fruit upon every favorable season, with

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Report Greter Dee · 146 views · #update

The Sabre Saga, Update · 12:54am Aug 2nd, 2019

The re-edited second part of the Sabre Saga is up. Going through this story again and doing some clean up, it's interesting to see how my writing has changed over the years. Most of my editing revolves around the construction of the dialogue, I'm finding I had a weird habit of making what I call 'dialogue assumptions'. Meaning I had it written in such a way where I was assuming the reader would understand the flow of the conversation without keeping tabs on who was speaking, especially in

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Report Marezinger Z · 133 views · #Update

Update! Chapter 24-26 · 9:13pm Jun 14th, 2016

Ok as you all may or may not know, I have been working on the next three chapters in the series all at once. Mostly cause the next few ones will be important and I am trying to untangle a few knots in the story outlines. This is an update to let you know the progress of them and such.

Chapter 24 Outline: 90%
Chapter 25 Outline: 35-60% (Still debating to myself on a certain point)

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Report Equinox Starshifter · 132 views · #update

Updates and News · 1:36pm Jul 20th, 2021

Hey guys. I'm back for a little while, bit am still unable to update my stories. I'll explain shortly.

While I have recovered, for the most part, I have something that i need to admit to.

I almost died a few days ago. I was involved in an accident that left my car looking like a crumpled beer can, and my shoulders dislocated, among other things. I have only just regained the use of my hands, and even then, writing this is a major pain

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Report Echo Breeze · 252 views · #Updates

Time flies when you are procrastinating · 10:53am Apr 12th, 2020

It will be a year soon since I put Shadow And The Heart on hiatus. I never though it would be on hold for that long, but well, procrastination. Anyway, since I'm on lock down with most of the world, I thought this would be a good time to get back to it. Before I start on any new chapters, I'm going to read over the story so far and see if anything needs touching up, beyond basic grammar and the like.

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Report DR-Fluffy · 292 views · #update

Chapter 10 of Ranger is live · 7:35pm May 24th, 2021

As the title states chapter 10 of The Ranger of Seamane is now live. Happy to have gotten it up on schedule. I was thinking about waiting to do so until Saturday but it was done and it's been roughly a month since chapter 9 went up. Hope all of you enjoy it. As it is, using today (one of my more regular days off) to start working out some cover art for Ranger, might end up hiring someone once I

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 42 views · #Update

200 views šŸŽ‰ · 10:21am Jul 23rd, 2021

Dimensional Disk has officially reached 200 views baaabbeeeee, or at least the prologue has anyway. If you're reading this and you've only read the prologue then I recommend checking the rest of it out. Also I'm getting close to completing Chapter 3, I swear

Report Sirplayalot_64 · 73 views · #update

An Update · 9:13am Dec 18th, 2021

hello everyone, Ninjamare or Floral Essence here with an update that is honestly long overdue.

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Report NinjaMare · 446 views · #update

I am alive!I · 9:59am Jan 24th, 2020

I bet none of you thought I would be alive. But, unfortunately for all of you, I am.

If you're curious, after two years back at home trying for work, I got seven days of work in total. But, after two weeks down here, I got two full-time job offers, and have been solidly employed for the past 3 months. Yay! The company here treats me like a family member, I get a free ride to and from work each day.

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Report Zaknel · 169 views · #Update

New Update Schedule (Finales Are Rearing Thier Ugly Heads) · 12:12pm Nov 5th, 2015

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here

Due to Finales coming up next month, and in a attempt to allow you guys to comment without said comments going to waste, new chapters will now be posted on Monday.

I'll probably start working on new episodes by Thursdays or Fridays for now on as well, so watch out for that.

Sorry for the inconvince, but school is important after all!

See you all later! BYE!

Report Down with Chrysalis · 187 views · #Update

Delays · 4:04am May 24th, 2022

For those of you out there wondering, no, I'm not dead. It's just taking me a while to get some things updated here. Between work, life, a sudden inspirational spike for my novel, and having to completely redo the latest chapter for Golden Trail, it's just taking me a little longer to put things up here than usual. Now that I have a few less distractions and a better idea of what I want to put in it, I should be able to put up the next chapter for Golden Trail in a few days. Hopefully, this

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Report Arcanum -Phantasy · 294 views · #Update

i swear to god i am not gonna let this streak end... (an update of sorts) · 9:28pm Jun 30th, 2022

I don't know if any of you have noticed (also hi Iā€™m alive!) but since I joined FIMFic, I've been uploading at least one story a month without fail.

It is now the last day of the month and I have no story up. And on pride month?!?! how dare I!

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 10,587 results