
Viewing 341 - 360 of 1,471 results

Daily Blog #7 · 5:08am Jun 21st, 2017

No Random Facts today.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don’t you hate it when you have oversensitive fire alarms? My dad was making dinner today, and while I was up in my room chilling, every freakin’ fire alarm in the house goes off at the same time.

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Thought experiment #1: Rainbow in a box · 5:10pm May 12th, 2018

So I had a question I can’t substantiate a good answer for. Let’s try posing it to a wider audience.

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So You Have Depression... · 3:56am Jun 5th, 2018

The trick to it is suicide. And the trick to suicide is procrastination. It's true. Give yourself a day. Go on. Do it. Set the date and time, then go out and get your affairs in order. Talk to friends and family, watch a movie, look at the news, try a new game or beat an old one, pick a fight or take a flight, just go out and do your bucket list. Just one day, the last day. Have you done it? Lived your last day just the way you wanted? Good. It's that time now. It's fine to say no, I'll take

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(Somewhat) Daily Blog #38 · 7:50am Aug 6th, 2017

I'm too old for this. Unfortunately.

No Random Fact today. It's a bit late for me.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~

Arcade prizes should maybe have something for the teens that go there as well. I only had around 500 or so tickets to use, and my choices were:

Every tootsie roll they had

1/10 of an Xbox One (As if)

Tiny Minecraft Minecart

Guess which one I picked?


Happy Easter · 10:46pm Apr 16th, 2017

Howdy everyone of yall! So it's that one special Sunday thing involving rabbits, eggs and resurrections. So how be your respective Easters? I've had my fair share of exercise, eating and holy communion. Yeah, I actually got to partake of the Lord's flesh and blood, so that's something checked off my bucket list. I had nothing else going on today so I figured, "Why not?" Plus I'm a fan of religious ceremonies/rites that center around food and drink. Probably why I still brew sima every year for

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My Thoughts on Friendship University. · 1:31am Sep 1st, 2018

Overall, I liked it. My only problem is that we didn't see Neigh Say's reaction to the exposure of Flim and Flam. Seeing him admit he made a mistake in assisting them would have been very satisfying. But overall, I'm fine with the episode.


Open opinions · 6:33am Feb 27th, 2020

About to publish my first tale but I am having trouble with the next mainly finding the right person to be the bad guy, so I am asking everyone’s opinion on this,

Out of the main six and sunset shimmer who would be a better Yandere/Stalker
Or if you have another person in mind please leave their name in the comments below ,
Thanks for your input,

Embrace the darkness,
Horrors Curse

Report Filozof · 80 views · #Help #opinions #thoughts

Thoughts Half Baked #1 · 1:00am Sep 3rd, 2019

What is this? A new blog post series? Why, yes, it is! Thank you for asking. In Thoughts Half Baked, I share some of the many promising ideas for stories I’ve had over the years that never quite materialized into finished products for one reason or another. PaulAsaran’s been doing it, and I figured, hey, why not? People might find it interesting. Plus, better to share what sprouts I have than just let them wallow on my desktop forever. In this installment, I’ll be covering the one fic I

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How do you keep an idea alive? · 4:27am Dec 24th, 2018

Been working on my next story, but it's been difficult. First just getting started has proven to be a challenge, as I'm not sure how to fit it into the template that is MLP:TM. I've always felt that the movie was full up to it's eyeballs in plot holes, but just how does one fill them in a way that makes sense? In trying to do so, I've run into another problem, namely that it requires so much backstory that it adds an awful lot to my workload, and that takes a toll on my enthusiasm. Well, maybe

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Detective Pikachu Review · 7:23pm Dec 27th, 2020

Okay, so yeah, I know, I'm lame for only just now getting around to watching this film. Y'all are free to lynch me for not being a true Pokemon fan. deadpan But, truth be told I haven't been that interested in Pokemon in years. The anime went stagnant until Ash finally won a league, and I doubt he'll do it again for years and I've never been good at the games.

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My Thoughts on Season 6's finale · 3:25pm Oct 17th, 2016

Yes, I cracked and saw it online before it aired over here in the U.S., but let me tell ya: I don't regret that one bit. After all, it's the two-parter that involves all of my favorite ponies! Plus, the ending was great. Can't wait for Season 7!


Pokémon Direct 06/05/19 Reaction! · 1:17pm Jun 5th, 2019

We had to wait over three months, but I think it was worth it. TITAN FORMS????? CRAZY! TV Broadcast Gyms! Wooloo, Gossifleur, Drednaw, Corvinight, Eldegoss. Weather influencing Pokémon encounters! Camera control! Dynamax is the Titan Form! 3 Turn Limit! Max raid battles? 4 Player Co-op! Champion Leon, Rival Hop, Prof. Magnolia, Asst. Prof. Sonia, Gym Leader Milo. LEGENDARIES! Zacian, Zamazenta. 10 New Pokémon known so far. Nov. 15th! Box Art!

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Preview Displaced: Enter Majin Kase(Kaa- Say) · 12:23am Nov 3rd, 2019

It has been 1000 years since the imprisonment of Nightmare Moon. Luna has returned, the nations of the world at peace across the known world. With the elements now having chosen their bearers, the world was abuzz. Such powerful artifacts are not simply ignored by all as Equestrians would think. That power would spark one to return, and see these new heroes for himself...

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A little help with my HiE story · 8:59am Aug 15th, 2021

I've been writing for a while now and I've so far made 3 stories, one of them being a crossover with Kengan Ashura.
I've rewritten the first chapter and added more details about my OCs, but I can't decide on the story itself. Should it be anthro or normal ponies?
When I started I wanted this story to be the first of mine to have regular ponies, but then I got unsure and added the anthro tag.

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MLP Episode Reviews · 2:15pm Jul 22nd, 2020

Hey, friends! I’ve been thinking about making MLP episode reviews for a while. I feel like I want to share what I actually think and feel about these episodes with you guys. I don’t just want to review movies; I like to review episodes of TV shows as well. So why not? What do you think?


An Absence of Creativity · 4:47am Oct 17th, 2021

An Absence of Creativity

A Random Spout of Nonsense by a Small Writer

I think one of the hardest things for a writer to understand is if an idea is simply a nice thought, or something that can be expanded upon into its own world. We often think of idea's and say; "Wow! That'd be a really good story. I should start writing that and get it up and see how people like it!"

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I'm never going to be the person that... (Facts of life) · 11:53am Jun 7th, 2021

I'm never going to be the person who goes out drinking with friends in the pub at the end of the week,
I'm never going to be the person to enter a stable relationship,
I'm never going to be the person to cry for those who won't cry for me,
I'm never going to be the person who gives up over a little tough break,
I'm never going to be the person who has more than a couple best friends for life,
I'm never going to be the person to hold a conversation without getting tongue tied,

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Transparent Living Ch 42&43: A deeper look · 10:06pm Dec 19th, 2020

I was recently studying the three unforgivable curses from Harry Potter carefully. The unholy trinity: Imperio ‘I control’, Crucio ‘I torture’, and Avadra Kedrava ‘I kill’.

Now, I’m not very well-versed in Harry Potter nor I pretend to be. What my takeaway here is the thinking of the three things that are morally dark (not just in Harry Potter, but in reality as well).

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Thoughts on Russia-Ukraine debacle · 10:09pm Feb 28th, 2022

As a Yankee with virtually zero blood or familial ties to either country (or Europe for that matter, even though I'm Irish by blood), I don't have any dog in this fight and have largely tuned out of it because of that (whatever you do, stay out of 24/7 cable news if you want to protect your IQ points; trust me it's not worth it).

I will say a couple things about it though:

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Chapter 5 update · 12:03am May 23rd, 2020

The final four worlds are now decided. And the chapter will need editing but I hope to have that done by Monday at the latest, Then we can get to the duelling! With so many competitors to get through. Here's the line up so it's easier to understand

1st Round- 1 V 1 (120 Participants)
2nd Round- Tag Duelling(60 Participants)
3rd Round- 5 way duels (30 participants)
Quarter Finals- 3 way duels where 2 duellists advance from each match(6 Participants)

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Report Garfield23 · 161 views · #News #update #thoughts
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